
A Powerful Exposure of Truth

Timothy reached out to me, he wanted us to go to the library, but not for the same reasons I wanted to go there.He wanted us to go there because he felt we had to find away to hide it from others. He came to my house and fetched me and we went over to my sister's. At my sister's apartment she made us all some tea and then Timothy and I entered the library,once we got inside, he said that we must look through the library to see if there were any information hidden somewhere within it on how one could hide it, or otherwise protect it. But I didn't feel like doing that very much, he might have been searching for the information on how we could hide, or protect the library, but I was searching for a way for him to recognize me too.

Besides, we had hidden The Beacon of Light book inside the library... No one would be able to get in without it, at least not to my knowledge, but Timothy was not as convinced, he was clearly obsessed with hiding the library even better than it was already hidden... 30I kept looking at the books, I knew the answer had to be there somewhere. I had a paper with me that I did not tell Timothy about, my sister gave it to me, it had the information on it that helped her decipher those pages in The Beacon of Light book.

I didn't tell Timothy about it, because I wanted to use it on my own terms and for my own needs. Which apparently, he was only worried about the library... I allowed myself to go within and focus on the new part within me again, and I searched there for an answer on which book I perhaps could use and it led me to a large dark red book with something written on the front in gold.

I took the book and opened it to look inside while Timothy was searching the other side of the library. I Took out the paper from my pocket and placed it next to the book; it helped me to decipher here and there what I was reading. Then something caught my eye. It said:One soul in two bodies, always one, but not reborn, each part of the soul will go through evolution; when the time has come. But this made no sense to me, all it basically meant tome was that he had not yet made his way to the point he needed to be for him to make the spiritual evolution and go back into oneness with me, even if it is something he wanted and I wanted.

Both parts had to be prepared for it31completely. But I wondered, how much longer the longing and the pain would have to continue for it to be enough growth so that we could finally go back to being one again. Something told me that this was going to be a difficult path. And I almost felt depressed by it, but then I tried another book.

The middle of the book was talking about how only the Divine can pave the way and show two people with this type of connection the right way on their path. It showed a picture of a place of preparation within the library, a place where you would be alone for a long period of time while preparing for what is to come of your connection with the other part of yourself, under the guidance of the Divine.I searched the library for that drawing as I saw the picture of it in the book and when I found it hidden halfway behind some of the books, I took the books out, the drawing did not appear solid and I stuck my hand into it,and before I knew it, it pulled me into another place within the library.

I was standing in a room which was heavily lighted by light coming in through massive windows, I stood in front of an altar with something written on it. I quickly took the paper my sister gave me and I began to decipher the message. It said: Take these robes and put them on for rebirth, only looking within and staying in32communication with the Divine, and staying in communication with the silence within. I took the robe sand I put them on after shaking the dust off of them first.I heard water somewhere and when I looked beyond the light at one of the windows on the left, I saw a water fountain with fresh water coming out of it standing beside the window.

"We'll, at least I won't have to do this while being thirsty then," I thought to myself.

I went and I tasted the water, it was fresh and cold, I could almost not stop drinking. Then I sat down by the window on a small chair that was there and I looked outside. I did not recognize the world outside, it was the most beautiful nature scene I had ever seen in my life,almost like a magical garden, but it was not our neighborhood. I felt somewhat lost and alone, but I wasn't too scared. It felt just like the time in the maze,all I had to do was get the message so to say, make the spiritual growth, and then I would be set free again.

I looked up at the window shining its light on me, I felt so exposed, so naked, and I wondered if I could accept myself just as I was, or if I would change myself in order for the world to love me.

I kept wondering why Timothy did not recognize me, it hindered my heart terribly.But the more I contemplated the whole situation, the more things came to mind and in a way became revealed to me.

The longing we feel for each other is really when our soul is longing to reconnect between feminine and masculine in order to become balanced within each of us. Realizing all of this brought me so much peace of mind, as I realized that we come from within, our bond is something that comes from within us, not something that comes from the outside, and the reason Timothy does not yet recognize me on the outside is perhaps because he is very deeply connected to me from within himself, so deeply that the journey through his own human evolution has not made its way from being very spiritual to being balanced between spiritual and physical yet, as in my case, my journey began more in the physical and then moved onto becoming more spiritual. We are also opposites of each other, because what he has gained enlarge from our soul that we share, I have gained less of,and vice versa, and while things were balancing themselves now between us, our physical and spiritual experience still had to balance as well... So this was not because he didn't love me, or he didn't want to recognize me

, or even because he was running, it was simply so because this part of our journey together had not yet become balanced. This all gave me peace of mind for the moment... Then Timothy came in through the warping wall too, he must've found the place I had entered where I left the books thrown over.

"Hey, what are you doing and what is this place?" He asked me.

"I am on a mental vacation...," I told him.

"Hey, this is not a joke, we have to protect this place...,"he said to me a little annoyed.

I sighed. "Did it ever occur to you that just maybe we are not supposed to hide all of this knowledge from the world? I mean sure, Understand it could do harm in the wrong hands, but aren't other people just as entitled to knowledge as we are? Maybe we have to teach them, or otherwise show them with caution, you know, the ones that are ready to receive the knowledge in this place... I feel that this place has so much potential, so much love and knowledge to give, who are we to keep it from others, it feels wrong," I said to him.

He came and he sat on the floor beside me. "You know what, it makes sense,maybe I am just scared," he said.

"I know you are, you have a beautiful heart and you just don't want anyone to get hurt, I can see you heart. But you know that you cannot protect the world from itself, unfortunately no growth can ever happen without some form of pain involved, because people usually only learn the hard way, it is the way of humanity," I told him.

"You are right," he said, then he stretched out his legs.

"You know, I have been so worried about protecting the world from the harm this place could do that I never even once thought about the good it could do...," he said to me then he smiled at me. I smiled back at him and suddenly bright sunlight began to shine through the windows and when I looked at the wall I saw a door.

I think we can go now I said and I made him turn around while I changed out of the robes and back into my clothes. Then we exited the room and we found ourselves back in the middle of the library. We decided to go and talk to my sister about helping us to keep the knowledge within protected so that only those meant to find will find it,and so that we can help others to not hurt themselves again with it. But now I couldn't help but wonder what our mission would look like from there; the one we were on together,and if we had any missions apart... And where did all of this leave us physically, was there romance in the air, or was it just a mission? And lastly, what lessons did I still have to learn on this journey? One thing I knew was that the journey was far from over,but at least, I now had a little more peace of mind about it, and I hoped he could find some peace of mind about the ancient library and the knowledge within.