
Twin's In The Walking Dead

Set in the world of all the walking dead series. (Game, Show, Fear) this story Follows genuine genius teenage twins Julius Zoldyck a young blonde haired samurai/businessman and Machiavell Zoldyck his short black haired Doctor/Assassin twin. if the last name isn't a hint enough their mom's maiden name was Tsugikuni as they face immense challenges and threats due to their unique lineages. it won't be all bad as they navigate this world, and it's new crazy storms follow the self proclaimed "Greatest Genius in history and The strongest creature." ( This story is walking dead with demon slayer elements and a splash of hunter x hunter ) timeline is wonky but bear with it nothing is to extreme, not to the point of AU yet I don't think enough spoilers #NoHarem #TheWalkingDead

The_11th_Division · TV
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28 Chs

Ch. 4 Good Samaritan

Later that night at a farm more than half of the group that Sophia traveled with were there stressing over a shot boy and the missing girl. Two men set out to get medicine for this boy. Julius actually noticed them, but they were far off and they didn't seem to be searching for someone, but something. One of them carried heavy killing intent so he assumed the duo had nothing to do with the group Sophia was with. He would remember a deranged aura like that one.

As night falls the trio can make out a white RV in the distance, Clem has advanced so far in her training that even she can discern four distinct voices. She reminds him of the legend he heard of someone in the past mastering their breathing style in just two months and becoming a Hashira. He didn't doubt his heritage, he just thought they might be embellishing a little. As they close in, he tells Sophia he sees her mom to which she jumps from his back and starts running yelling Mommy over and over.

"Sophia! My baby, you're okay. Oh thank God, you're okay." Carol says as she embraces the girl with tears and snot running from both of their faces. The rest of the group approach and express their relief. The old man is the first to speak to the newcomers.

"Not to be rude but who are you?" the old man says.

"You cannot say not to be rude, only to do something rude. One should always introduce themselves first." Julius says sounding very noble and regal shocking Sophia and even Clem.

"Boy, he asked you a question!" says the man with the man with the crossbow as he raises it to aim at Julius. An instant mistake as everyone feels an overwhelming bloodlust.

"You have three seconds to aim that crossbow elsewhere, or I will remove your head." Says Julius eerily calm.

"Now everyone just calm-" the old man tries to say as he is interrupted by a loud 'ONE'.

"Hey you need to rela-" the blonde woman tries to says as a loud "TWO" sounds off.

"Fucker I ain't scared of you!" As Julius announces three, Daryl releases the taut arrow firing it from roughly six feet away. What no one could foresee, besides Clem, was that before anyone could respond Julius has Daryl in the air by his neck, and the arrow in his left hand.

"This is why I didn't want to join anyone Clem! I save and return a little girl but, get shot at for requesting proper respect." Julius says looking back at Clem ignoring the dangling Daryl and the others until he realizes little Sophia comes and hugged his leg.

"Please stop Julius, Daryl is a good person he just lost his brother so he's sad." Sophia says looking up sadly. Carol starts to run towards her when the old man grabs her, and Julius releases Daryl.

"Ugh, this is why I hate brats… You do know he shot a crossbow at me? Albeit I didn't kill him because I noticed him aim at my shoulder, but still if I wasn't me I could be seriously hurt!" says Julius who is just pouting at this point.

"Okay so you are Julius and I'm assuming she's Clem. I'm Dale, the blonde is Andrea, Carol is Sophia's Mom and the guy on the ground is Daryl." Dale says.

"I know. Sophia talked about you guys a lot, and I could match the descriptions fairly easily." He says nonchalantly.

"Then what the hell was that!" Andrea roars as her heart is still racing.

"That was a lesson in manners my lady." Julius responds regaining his 'regal' disposition.

"Don't lie Jules, you were just being antagonistic because you don't want to join a group." The little girl Clementine reveals leaving Julius looking ashamed.

"Ugh, you're only half right. About right now the greatest mind in the world, my brother Machiavelli, is on his way here. If he had saved this girl and was met with this reception, he would knock you all unconscious and drop her off back where he found her." Julius says dead serious.

"There ain't no cure, we done been to the CDC. Doc blew it up." Daryl says smugly rubbing his neck.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" Approximately four minutes of laughing later. "Ouch it hurts. Whew! I'm sorry, but you all just watched, well more like experienced since none of your eyes could follow me, grab a crossbow arrow midflight and your neck in one motion and you still compare my brother to other scientist!!! Does that make sense? I'm sorry hahaha it's still funny." Julius has now lost all forms of regality rolling on the ground feet up laughing holding his stomach. "Let me tell you about MY brother, he cured his first disease when we were four, He patented his first invention at 5. By 10 he was a doctor legally, by 15 117 cured disease! The scales you use to measure others can't hold the pinky toe of a Zoldyck. The logic that you people cling to like walls, we the Zoldyck shatter it!" As he laughs, he attracts a small herd around twentyish they look at him angrily because they just got Sophia back and now this.

Julius sighs, "I guess I'll dance for you guys this once. You'll know our value then. Clem pay close attention to my first step, it's very important to the thunder breathing you practice. Well, Ive told you of my brother now let me show you who I am, I am Julius Zoldyck the strongest creature!" Gauging the walkers who move at different paces and are in-between cars of all sizes, he senses twenty-four with one hiding to be exact. The hiding was odd for the mindless creatures confusing Julius with its behavior, but oh well. He reaches for his sword, pushes his leg back and says, "Divine Dragon-breathing: Roaring Devourer". A gasp of air leaves the surrounding sounding like a low dragon's roar. He kicks off the ground with a BOOM. The pressure from his step cracking the ground and blowing wind obscuring the view except a flash of light gleams from his sword reflecting the moonlight and he lands back in the same spot he started sheathing his sword. Besides fear of the loud noise, they were confused until they saw all of the walkers fall into mincemeat, so fine of slices it could hardly be called gore just pools of red. Clem saw it all or most of it. After that blast of sound the gleaming light looked a life like image of a roaring golden dragon rushing down the path of his blade. The charging quickdraw then he began to sway his blade dicing so fast it looked like a golden dragon biting down as he was flowing by, and on his way back he looked like an extended dragon recoiling and lying back down. To others he just moved fast and swung his sword hard.

"Hey Carol watch Clem I'm going to grab our bags. We have a lot of supplies I hid earlier. Carol, I'm trusting you thanks." He says as he jumps away in a way humans shouldn't be able to.

"What. The. Hell. Is. He?" Andrea asks shaken up.

"He's a superhero" Sophia says proudly "and he says I can learn too, if mama agrees". Carol looks hesitant she just got her baby and now she wants to learn from this weird monster man.

"He is not what you guys think, he is a human. Just really, REALLY, strong. I could do what he did, just not as fast, or smoothly, or in one move… Well anyways I can use the breathing techniques that he used to make himself so strong, so don't call my brother a monster!" the girl says as she storms off. She has learned that Julius has a complex about being called too strong or a freak of nature. He earned every bit of his technique, but he can't be blamed for being born a Zoldyck, can he?

"Wait I'm supposed to be watching you!" Carol yells after her. Only to see her leap to the top of the RV in a single bound and lay down to look at the starry night sky.

"They could be bad" says Andrea now that she thinks Clem can't hear.

"Naw kids good, he had every reason to kill me an no reason not to, but he didn't on Sophia's request? That don't even make no sense, the boy just wanted to scare us. Didn't he say he only was looking for a group for his sister? The boys soft, that's why he wants to be alone, look how strong he is. He'll be good anywhere. This crossbow is as fast as a bullet' an he caught it." Daryl doesn't finish but they understand Julius can walk sideways in this world, but once he makes bonds he has a weakness.

"Let's just take them with open arms no motive, I wouldn't have let you all leave behind two kids anyway." Says Dale sounding self righteous but Clem can tell from his heartbeat and tone it's honesty.

"He saved my baby, if he can't stay I'll go with him and the girl." Says Carol firmly.

"Now don't be rash Carol. I'm sure we can handle two more, but I sure hope Carl will be alright a gunshot is no joke in this world." Says Andrea changing the subject.

"Where is he? My brother actually knows medicine very well, he can handle surgery and most sicknesses." Clem says from the top of the Van they were shocked she could here them and even more shocked at her claim. She continues "don't think to much he learned traditional Chinese medicine from his master in martial arts, he learned surgery helping his brother Machiavelli from time to time. You wouldn't have heard of both brothers but you know their work as they are the owners of Z corp."

"Like the Z Corp?" Dale asks while everyone else looks interested.

Clem pulls a golden Z from her pocket. There's only two in the world, proof of ownership of Z Corp, the conglomerate that almost ended world hunger, sent over one hundred million children to school, cured at least fifty diseases and has more real estate and money then most countries. The Z appeared once when one of the owners lost it when it was returned it was a news spectacle as the person got one billion dollars and his children all got a billion dollar inheritance.


Forty-five minutes later Julius shows up in a new kimono this one purple with black underclothes. He seems to be dragging a rope along with having three giant duffle bags in each arm and what could only be called a humongous backpack on his back. When he got back in sight, they could see from the rope he was dragging hogs at least seven tied and living. They saw all he carried and realized how strong this young man truly was or at least they thought they realized.

"What's up?" he asks like everything is completely normal, well for him it is.

"You're Amazing!" Yells Sophia as she runs towards him despite Carol subtly trying to stop her, this doesn't escape Julius' eyes.

"Hey little one go back to your mom she was so worried, you shouldn't leave her side for a while." He says as he pats her head and walks past her to the rest of the group. Leaving the little girl looking sad and Carol feeling guilty.

"Clem guess what?" he says in a playful tone.

"What is it!!" She says excited as he opens a bag and hands her a katana with gold inlays, and yukata to match his own kimono.

"Is this my sword? Like is it made for my style? And why did you lie about my breathing style?" she asks as she feels drawn to it.

"Yes it should be, as it did belong to the last Rumbling Hashira over one hundred and eighty years ago. It's been at 120 years since someone became a thunder breather and even then he didn't progress passed the first form. His senior brother could do all of the others, but since he couldn't do the first form it didn't matter. I figured since Sound breathing is derived from thunder breathing, I'd let you practice thunder breathing while saying it was saying sound breathing in case thunder breathing didn't fit you." He says to her amazement. While the siblings were talking everyone else began packing.

"Sooo where we headed?" he asks curiously.

"To meet the others of our group, and save a little boy, I heard you have medicine?" Dale inquiries, but much to his surprise the boy starts to load things rapidly as they look on.

"What are you guys waiting on?! Septic shock? Blood loss? The bullet to fragment too deep? didn't you say a kid's life is hanging in the balance let's move! I prevented one tragedy today I will not allow another." He seems almost frantic to save the kid confusing everyone but Clem.

"Let us be off," he says while he hops on top of the RV.