
Twilight world lines [ World search ]

As a man named Neil ( + Vincmin ) starts working under the god of the Earth, Gaia, he goes to a new planets, with whole new features, along with better technology than his original planet of which he died inside. However, he has a debt to repay… a debt to the god of torture Torogo ( I simply edited the original name of the god of torture Torog ), so he might as well get as strong as possible while trying to kill him. “He’s trying to be the successor of some sort of legendary killer, I don’t care! After all this he’s the same one who not only tortured me, but possibly killed my family!” - Neil Vincmin l Nelius Aroudus - keep in mind that the series has nothing to do with the original twilight series, and simply has twilight in the name so if you’re looking for such a thing it’s not here.

Alama_Idah · Aktion
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4 Chs

Beginning of a twilight [ prologue ]

In the sky above thousands of meters in the air, a black moon stood readying itself as it shook.

It's wavering surface affected the seas causing massive tsunamis in certain places and downpore in others.

The sky itself shook menacingly as the atmosphere ripped open and closed as well.

Meanwhile the stars couldn't even help but shake in excitement.

Today was the ego eclipse and they could finally release their energy!


On the secret land as the planet earth, which was harboring the newly discovered ego Eclipse event, multiple people were worried seeing as multiple stars, and even the sun itself were reacting strangely and shaking along with multiple ancient forces And explosions of wind were constantly disturbing multiple individuals. Some people were even killed.

However, there was one person who suffered the most…


"MOM , DAD!"

A child stood there as one such explosion, except tinged with yellow exploded inside of his house, killing all of his family members inside.

It was actually possible to tell where an explosion is going to happen by the strange drift of air. However, the family had only noticed at the last second unfortunately….

And the only survivor just happened to be a 17-year-old. Just about to get a job.

"W-why...what did I do….l…"

As multiple firefighters Appeared as they opened up their trucks getting their water hydrants ready, The police also appeared as some people in your various stay behind the young man.

However, before anyone could ever hope to react another golden explosion, targeted him specifically exploding immediately without any sort of warning, killing multiple others….

( * BOOM - sound * )

'Hu…huh?' the man asked himself as he slowly drifted to sleep….


( Completely available to skip )

Anyways, before we continue, I just wanna reveal the sponsor of today's-

I just wanna tell you that this novel will most likely be fast paste, and this is the first novel that I'm ever making possibly might even be the last.

Keep in mind that I am doing auto correct and I'm using Speech to text (if that's what it's called) so don't expect the best grammar.

Which I actually think I did a good job on the power system itself although I haven't necessarily thought of future events yet, I have thought of the start, however, which is what you're gonna be seeing in a little while.

Also, keep in mind I have a terrible dating since so yeah slap me on the back or something, because I think I actually did a good job with some of these characters…..


The young man woke up, He thought he was dreaming, his surroundings, looked like a white palace.

There were multiple hallways leading to unknown doors and certain areas along with the fact that the floor itself was… A cloud!

He was, of course, laying on a crimson red carpet with multiple golden symbols all around it, thankfully, saving him from dropping through the cloud.

However, he was, in fact, standing in front of a child, who was on a throne, a few meters above And before him.

"D-did I just….DID I JUST DIE!"

Did you really think that it was gonna be easy to overcome the trauma of the fact that he had just died along with the fact that his family were dead as well…. There was also the fact that this could've been a dream, but even then it felt real….to real.

And the fact that the second you tried to look at the boy, Most likely trying to scream at him, wondering what the place was, His head exploded. Suddenly he appeared back however all of the pain still engulfed him!

Sometimes when he wasn't even looking at the child, he would still explode and experienced the pain of dying multiple times to the point where it sort of felt numb Until the boy himself had somehow turned the pain up a notch, and he was screaming once again.

Filled The red carpet, however, as soon as any of his internal organs, or even a speck of blood landed on it, it was simply absorbed by some random cloud.

"ARRGGGGGHHHH!!!!…..pl….ple…..pleas stop…."

And suddenly the man himself was shocked, as he had finally stopped dying.

However, he noticed that he wasn't even in the same place anymore…. instead it seems that he was in a realm, full of the same clouds that act as the floor For the castle he had just been in.

" thank God…. This is the 500,000 victim this month…." he heard a ancient sounding voice similar to that some sort of be a grandfather, or grandma would it being impossible to determine its gender, However, even if it was, he wouldn't be able to notice as he was going through ever engulfing pain, which for a second even looked like Crimson flames all over his body.

"Poor soul…" the ancient voice, said, as suddenly all of the Crimson flames created by his mind disappeared, and he was finally free from absolute pain.


" that is the effect of trauma which would be able to kill millions . I'm shocked that you're still able to think…. To be fair you are in my divine realm which specializes in healing, so it makes sense." The voice said with seemingly pure sincerity and honesty. However, the man still wasn't taking anything as the after effects of such sudden mental shock which took over in just a few minutes, was still present in his body, causing racking pain, which wasn't actually real unlike before, However, if he had gone through it for any more seconds, he might as well have just passed out…. If that was possible..

' That damn Arch deity, However, I can't do anything myself as I'm just a normal God…' the ancient thought.

' He still couldn't be the successor of 'him' though.' She thought.

If that seems supposed ' God' was here and could hear their thoughts, she would've died immediately as she thought that she put a protective barrier around they're divine realm.

Mind and body was constantly being healed by the divine realm, but destroyed by the sparks and remnants of the crimson flames.

However, what felt like days for him was only a couple minutes in reality, as his body was finally healed by the divine realm, and the Crimson sparks finally disappeared.

' a low ranked god, like me can't heal such grievous mental injuries caused by a top tear one…' they thought while shivering.

After all that mortal being, have just encounter one of the gods,Torogo ( torog is the original name of the actual deity ), light playing with human lives, even without counting his divinity.

"What…are you…" the boy asked as he looked at the divine being in front of him, which was practically the most angelic model he had ever seen.

Perfectly shaded emerald hair, glistening like shiny materials, While it's still retained, it's perfect silky form.

Actual skin and body was perfectly matched together in different ways while her skin was like a shiny white jade untouched by anything he had ever seen.

Despite the fact that the aura that she released was not nearly as terrifying as the one he had just experienced, She definitely seemed more beautiful by A large margin, although he had not really properly seen the person who had tortured him.

"I am Gaia ( God of the Earth, and somewhat life ) And I am also the apostle of Astronix, The fifth arch-god of reincarnation."

The man stared at her… pretty confused, decently reasonably so though.

Despite the fact that all logic pointed to her being at a literal God, he was stillconfused by what arch gods were and where he was in the first place along with who was the one who had tortured him.

He had many questions which would actually remain unanswered for a while.

" anyways, The person you had just encountered was torogo , The Arch-god of torture, Thankfully, however, I just barely managed to save you with a wide range of my abilities and artifacts at my disposal. Thankfully, though he only tortures someone once as long as they haven't, so if you're lucky enough, you won't have to encounter Torogo ever again." Gaia spoke with a more feminine voice than before Making the man blush.

" Anyways, if I'm correct you should be named Neil vincmin." Gaia Said confirming Neil's name ( His last name is pronounced 'Vins-min' ).

" that's correct…." Neil Slightly confused the situation, however, he still responded no less.

" well,Neil, I have a proposition for you. If you manage to become a strong in the world that I'm sending you to, I will help you become a guide and follow you to actually kill Torogo You have to help me ascend to the position of an arch-god."

To say the least, the man was sure shocked, However, due to the healing effects of the divine realm, his brain and mentality could fully recover, as he finally let out an answer.

" can I see my parents?" he asked.

" I cannot take things from the river of the dead or alive let alone hell in heaven so unfortunately until I become a hiring today T, I can't fulfill your request. However, if you do help me sooner or later, I will be able to, I might even be able to bring them back."

"...." It was utter silence.

" if so…. Then I accept.l