
Twice Rejected Omega, The Alpha's Regret

“I refuse to let you be my mate. Get out of my sight right now!" That's what alpha Kyrill said to Zoe an hour ago with a look full of anger and hatred, as if he would pounce on her to death if she didn't disappear from his sight in an instant. But an hour later, he said something completely different, with a gentle facial expression, he hugged her from behind, as if he didn't want to let go at all. “Don't go, you're all I have. You're all I need. I can give up everything, but not you. Promise me that you will always stay by my side." Zoe felt very confused by this drastic change. ************************** Zoe was an Omega in the pack, where she was very lucky to be the alpha's mate, but one night, she found Isaac with Layla, the woman he always said he saw as his 'little sister'. At that moment, Zoe decided to reject her destined mate and ran away from the pack It's just that after finding out Zoe was gone, Isaac went crazy and decided to get her back.

WildWildWorld · Fantasie
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38 Chs


The alpha was wearing casual clothes that looked comfortable and homey, but in one glance, you could tell that he didn't belong in this dirty apartment building.


He looked surreal for this place.


While Kyrill went inside the building, Dan was busy to arrange their men to make sure there wouldn't be any news about it.


Kyrill had been away from any news and stayed inside the pack house for more than a month now. All the problem related the business with human would fall into his beta's plate, while all the thing that related to the pack and shifter would be taken care by his gamma.


This happened because Kyrill was not 'stable'.


Dan prayed there wouldn't be anything happened and for the alpha to come back quickly.


"Don't you want to call for the beta, sir?" Alex, the driver asked. He was also a shifter and was close enough to the alpha to understand his condition.


Dan contemplated. "No. I don't think it's necessary." He didn't want to incur the alpha's wrath by calling his beta, because Haco would have dragged him back to the pack house.


The butler didn't want to see the two of them fighting.


"Let's wait." Dan closed his eyes and prayed.


Meanwhile, inside the apartment building, it was easy for Kyrill to find Zoe's flat and he immediately knocked on the door. He smiled when he heard her voice from inside and her little footsteps. She was so adorable, even the sound of her movement was very cute.


"Alpha… Mr. Thorne?" Zoe was surprised, but she immediately changed the way she addressed him. She knew the rule. "What are you doing here?"


Once the door was opened, Kyrill could smell delicious food from inside. "Are you having dinner?" he asked excitedly. "What a coincidence! I am also hungry!"


And without waiting for her permission, the alpha walked into her small flat.


Huh? What was going on?


Zoe couldn't comprehend the oddity of the situation and only stood there, watching the alpha entered her space and settled himself down on her small table with a bowl of instant noodles.


"What is this?" The alpha asked. "It smells good."


Zoe looked at the corridor, she wished to see that old man, but he was nowhere to be found. She couldn't call him because she didn't have a cellphone.


"What is this?" Zoe muttered under her breath and then closed the door behind her. She approached the alpha, who started to eat her noodles. "Alpha Kyrill, what are you doing here?"


Kyrill raised his head and looked at Zoe with his innocent eyes. He looked so adorable. But, Zoe couldn't get rid the image that engraved in her mind when she met with him the first time.


"Come, sit down. Eat with me, can you make one more, so we can eat together?" Kyrill asked, he patted the chair next to him.


"Alpha, you shouldn't be here…" Zoe said, she looked worried. "Are you, okay? How can you get here?" How he knew where she lived?


Kyrill didn't listen to her, he continued eating the noodles and it didn't take long before he cleaned the bowl.


"Do you have one more? I am hungry. I am so nervous to see you, so I have not yet eaten anything since this morning."


Zoe was speechless. "Alpha, can I borrow your phone, please?" She didn't know what kind of situation she was in right now, but she really needed an explanation.


"I don't bring my phone."


"There is no way you don't bring your phone." Zoe had felt something was off with the alpha, but she couldn't put her finger on it.


Kyrill suddenly stood up and this startled Zoe, as she backed away. Unfortunately, because of how small her room was, her back met the wall behind her.


"You can check me if you don't believe me." Kyrill put Zoe's hands on his body, which made her widened her eyes.


"Alpha!" Zoe was scared when he was very close to her, she could smell his scent. Less cigar, more cinnamon. "Th- this is inappropriate…"


"You can touch me. I don't mind it. You can do everything with me. I will not complain. You can stab me and kill me, do whatever you want with me, but one thing that you can't do…" Kyrill placed her hands on his chest. Zoe could feel his beating heart against her palm. His heartbeat was very strong. "…don't ever leave me."


Zoe's mind was reeling. She didn't understand what kind of situation she landed herself into, because less than ten minutes ago, she only wanted to enjoy her last instant noodles, but now, not only she couldn't eat her noodles, the alpha barged in, ate her dinner and now only a breath away from kissing her.


Kyrill leaned over, his warm breath fanned her face. His scent was intoxicating, but so did her scent for the alpha.


"Al= alpha… this is not right…" Zoe's protest was swallowed by his kiss. His lips pressed against her gently, as their body didn't leave any space between them.


Zoe was shocked. She was being kissed! By the alpha of the Red Moon pack!


"My mate… my mate… mine." Kyrill muttered against her lips, as he pried her mouth open with his tongue.




"Isaac, can I come in?" Layla's voice echoed from outside of the door. She didn't even wait for the answer when she entered the room without permission.


Isaac looked at her with knitted brows. "What are you doing here?"


Layla looked at him sheepishly. "I heard you will take me to the capital city." She moved closer toward him and hugged him. "I am so happy! I am really happy!"


Rachel just told her and only now she had a chance to meet with Isaac directly, because he had been very busy.


"Okay," Isaac said, he tried to distance himself from her, where Layla could feel it, but she kept her smile, pretending she didn't notice that.