
Twice Rejected Omega, The Alpha's Regret

“I refuse to let you be my mate. Get out of my sight right now!" That's what alpha Kyrill said to Zoe an hour ago with a look full of anger and hatred, as if he would pounce on her to death if she didn't disappear from his sight in an instant. But an hour later, he said something completely different, with a gentle facial expression, he hugged her from behind, as if he didn't want to let go at all. “Don't go, you're all I have. You're all I need. I can give up everything, but not you. Promise me that you will always stay by my side." Zoe felt very confused by this drastic change. ************************** Zoe was an Omega in the pack, where she was very lucky to be the alpha's mate, but one night, she found Isaac with Layla, the woman he always said he saw as his 'little sister'. At that moment, Zoe decided to reject her destined mate and ran away from the pack It's just that after finding out Zoe was gone, Isaac went crazy and decided to get her back.

WildWildWorld · Fantasie
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38 Chs


"Can you come to my bedroom for a while?" Layla asked, she acted like usual. There was nothing that set an alarm off in Isaac's mind. "I want you to see the dress that I should bring to the capital city."


"Everything looks good on you, Layla." Isaac stood up, he wanted her to leave his bedroom now. He didn't feel comfortable with her close to him.


"Oh, come on. I don't want to look bad. It will implicate you too if I looked bad and wore something inappropriate in that event, right?" Layla stood up as well, she grabbed his hands and swung them, as if they were still little.


There was something scary about an old habit, it was hard to change.


In the past, no matter what Layla wanted, Isaac would agree to that. He would do anything that she wanted, thus when he had his own mate, it was hard for him to say 'no' to Layla, even if he had to hurt Zoe in the process.


Especially when she was very understanding. She would only get angry at him for a while and then they would be fine again, or so how he thought.


At first, Zoe would complain and then nag at him, but recently, she didn't say anything anymore about it, therefore, Isaac thought they were fine and she finally could accept Layla in their life.


"Come on," Layla said cheekily, as she grabbed Isaac's arm and guided her to her bedroom.


She didn't even need to wait for Isaac to agree with her, because the alpha followed her back to her bedroom, just like how she wanted.


"You need to choose for me, which dress that will be great for the event," Layla said excitedly. "For a while, I will try all the dresses."


In total, there were seven dresses that Layla wanted to try and for Isaac to see.


"What are you doing?" Isaac was shocked when Layla was about to undress herself in front of him, but she simply chuckled innocently.


"Why are you very tensed up?" Layla asked between her laughter. "We used to sleep, bath and got dressed together when we were little. That's a proof that we have no romantic feeling, but if you tried to avoid me right now, it will only show that you have some thought about me." Layla walked toward Isaac, she was only wearing her bra. "You don't have that kind of thought about me, right?"


"I don't." Isaac's answer sounded very tight.


"Great!" Layla clapped her hands. She then walked back to her dresses and started to try them one by one, until the last one. "Which one do you think suits me better?"


"I think the third one is better." Isaac cleared his throat. He didn't have any other thought about Layla, they were childhood friend and what happened before was simply a mistake.


Isaac knew that was too far, but Zoe shouldn't make a big deal out of it, because she was his mate. In the end of the day, she would be the woman that he would come back to.


"Right? I did think the same," Layla agreed with his opinion, but then she frowned. She stuck in her last dress. "Can you help me to unzip my dress?"


Layla turned around and gave her back to Isaac.


"Come on, I am a little bit uncomfortable here," Layla whimpered.


Isaac didn't want to get close to her. He wanted to sit on the bed and be far away from her. Because, despite what he tried to tell himself, he knew there was something not right with the way he reacted to her body.


Layla's body was not better than Zoe, but there was this familiarity with her. Something that he knew for long, but was forbidden to touch.


"What are you doing?" Layla pursed her lips because Isaac didn't move from his place, thus she walked toward him and then knelt down in front of him. "Help me, please," she breathed the word and then gave her back to him.


Layla put her hair to the side of her body and showed her neck.


Isaac finally raised his hand, but he could feel his skin on the tip of his fingers and more of her skin before his eyes to see when he unzipped this damned dress.


Even when he was done to unzip the dress, he still couldn't let go, as he touched her skin and felt it burned under his fingers like a sin.


His mind told him this was not the right thing to do, but he didn't want to listen. He wanted to touch her and his longing for Zoe fueled the fire.


Isaac didn't know, whether it was Zoe or Layla that he was seeing right now. Whether it was Zoe or Layla, whose shoulder he was kissing right no. Whether it was Zoe or Layla, whose moaning he was longing right now…


He was not thinking straight when he gave up to his desire and desperation. It had been so long since the last time Zoe ran away from the pack. His bed felt empty and cold. He wanted a little bit warm.


"Isaac…" Layla moaned his name and this snapped the alpha from his reverie, as he slightly backed away from her.


However, Layla stood up and then cradled him, she pushed her down to the bed. "Nobody knew about this," she said. She looked at him differently. This was not an innocent look and casual touch that she used to display.


Isaac felt his throat turned very dried when he watched how the dress slid down her body. This was not the body that he wanted to see, this was not the woman that he wanted to touch, but she was the one that he had right now…


"We have done it once," Layla said, as she lowered her body and whispered to his ear. "There is no difference if we did it again."