
Twice Rejected Omega, The Alpha's Regret

“I refuse to let you be my mate. Get out of my sight right now!" That's what alpha Kyrill said to Zoe an hour ago with a look full of anger and hatred, as if he would pounce on her to death if she didn't disappear from his sight in an instant. But an hour later, he said something completely different, with a gentle facial expression, he hugged her from behind, as if he didn't want to let go at all. “Don't go, you're all I have. You're all I need. I can give up everything, but not you. Promise me that you will always stay by my side." Zoe felt very confused by this drastic change. ************************** Zoe was an Omega in the pack, where she was very lucky to be the alpha's mate, but one night, she found Isaac with Layla, the woman he always said he saw as his 'little sister'. At that moment, Zoe decided to reject her destined mate and ran away from the pack It's just that after finding out Zoe was gone, Isaac went crazy and decided to get her back.

WildWildWorld · Fantasie
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38 Chs


This voice… there was no mistake in it.


Zoe's heart was beating painfully against her chest. Her mind told her not to go and forget about checking the source of this salacious sound.


But, her body didn't listen, as she kept walking toward her bedroom door, where the sound only got louder and clearer. Their moans echoed softly against the walls and through the small crack of the door, Zoe could see what they were doing.


Her heart shattered and her world crumbled with the sight before her eyes when she saw Isaac being in a compromising position with Layla, the beta's daughter, whom he said not to be worried about, since he thought of her as his 'little sister'.


Well, that 'little sister' was riding his face right now.


They were engrossed in their act of betrayal, until they couldn't even realize that Zoe was right there, watching them. Their mingled scent was too strong, to the point they didn't even realize there was someone else present here, letting them crumble her world.


Zoe cursed herself she didn't leave and save herself from this heartache. Instead, she watched everything, unable to move. Just like earlier, her body was not willing to cooperate. She felt her legs rooted in the same place.


How you could betray your own mate was beyond her.




It was Layla, who noticed Zoe first. Her voice shattered the spell and Zoe was pulled back to reality. She met Isaac's eyes and there was this mortified look in them.


Why would he be terrified when this was his wrongdoing?


"Zoe?" Isaac immediately covered himself and pushed Layla away from him. He got off the bed and put on his boxers.


However, before Isaac could feed her with his bullshit, Zoe had turned around and shifted into her beast, rushing away from the scene.


She ignored Isaac's plea for her to stop and Layla's voice that asked him to stay and give Zoe some time to discern the whole situation. The audacity of that woman was appalling.


Tonight, there was this festivity that was held every year, where the seven alphas from the seven packs would gather together to strengthen the bond between the shifters.


This was also used as a platform for unmated shifters to find their soulmates. Among the seven alphas, there was only one alpha that had not yet found his luna.


Zoe rushed through the sound of people laughing and their cheerful mood in this festivity, carrying the image of the cruel thing her mate had done to her.


She ran away from Isaac's attempt to mindlink her, she shut her mind and kept pumping her limbs until it was utterly quiet.


And once Zoe stopped running and shifted back into her human form, she was already deep into the forest, so close to crossing the border of her pack's territory.


There was no going back from this.


"Why? Why?" Zoe stared into the darkness around her, but instead of fear, she only felt this pain in her heart. It speared through her body and she wailed into the void, asking a question she didn't want to know an answer to. "Why did you do this to me!?"


Isaac was the Alpha of Silver Moon pack, he just took the title from his father a month ago, while Layla was the former beta's daughter. They had known each other since they were little, people thought they would be mates when they came of age.


However, Zoe crushed their dreams when she appeared as the alpha's destined mate last year.


Many people disagreed with her as the future luna of the pack, because she was only an omega, but Isaac stood by her side. He defended her until now, for an entire year.


How long had their affair been going on?


Zoe didn't know. She didn't want to think and when her body was exhausted and she had no more tears to shed, her eyes closed and she fell asleep on the dirty ground of this quiet forest, while the merriment was still going on in the distance.




Isaac had asked a few of his warriors to look for Zoe, but they couldn't find her. He still kept it under the wraps because he didn't want to alert the other guests. It wouldn't look good if they figured out the future luna of the pack went missing, especially when they started to dig for the reason behind it.


"Calm down, Isaac. She will return." Layla tried to appease Isaac's anxiety. She stretched her hand to massage his shoulders, but he swatted her hands away.


"You better leave, Layla. Zoe will not be pleased to see you here." Isaac was very restless. He couldn't sleep a wink when he didn't know what happened to his mate out there.


He had messed up big time and he needed to fix this.


"No, I am at fault here too." Layla shook her head stubbornly when Isaac chased her out again. "I want to apologize to her too."


"It is not a good idea for you to talk to her."


Layla disagreed with him. "Only women can understand women. I will tell her that everything was a mistake and it was not like how she saw it."


Isaac was not in the right mind to argue, he was busy mindlinking all the warriors that he had deployed to look for his mate with no avail.


Zoe, where are you?!


Isaac felt like he was going crazy, but thankfully, one of his warriors spotted Zoe. She was in her beast, running toward the pack house. She came home.


Relief washed over Isaac's body, as he went to the door and waited for her there.


"Zoe, where have you been?! You made me worried sick!" Isaac immediately approached his mate with open arms, but the look in her eyes made him stop.


He followed her line of sight and found Layla standing behind him. That was when he realized he had committed the second mistake.