

Chapter 39 Showtime!

"Hold on tight, we're under attack!"

"Mayday, mayday, mayday."

"The Majesty 03 has fallen."


POV Third Person

Two months ago

In a different reality, in a large room, several gods are gathered around a large table made of gold while all the chairs are occupied except for one.

Everyone in the room is silent, waiting for the meeting to start until a voice calls everyone's attention.

"Months have passed and not one of you hunting lovers has offered to continue the hunt for little Justin." A childish voice is heard from all directions. "Could it be that you gods are afraid of a mere mortal child?" At that, a loud childish laugh is heard causing the entire room to start shaking.

"I'm not afraid of a damn child!" A distorted figure with a male voice hits the table heavily with a large hammer. "I like to take my time so my prey can prepare and give me a good fight." He says growling.

"Do you have to be so aggressive? Your table manners are deplorable as always, I guess that's the best I can hope for from a god of your ilk." Says another distorted figure in a female voice.

"Shut the fuck up!" He exclaims, threatening the female figure with his hammer.

"Vulgar as always." She says belittling him. "If you are so afraid of a mortal child, I and my daughters will take care of him. I am sure my daughters will enjoy this hunt." She says seductively.

"Like hell, I'll let you and your spawns have my prey!" He exclaims with fury in his voice.

"Whoever finds it first keeps it, darling." She says with mockery in her voice.

"Bitch, you better not get in my way." He says standing up and placing his hammer on his shoulder in a threatening way. "Or you won't like it where this hammer will end." He says cruelly.

"SILENCE!" The childish voice exclaims making the room start to shake. At this, everyone takes a seat again and maintains silence.

"Little Justin is very unpredictable, he is different from the prey that you are used to. I don't recommend underestimating it or this place will have another chair with no one occupying it." It's all that the child's voice says.

"He was weak, he is not worthy of being considered a god if he was defeated by a mortal child. May he rot in the depths of wherever he is!" Exclaims the male voice pointing with his hand to the only empty seat around the table, then snaps his fingers causing a lit cigar to appear between his fingers, and then starts smoking.

"As strange as it sounds, I agree with him." The female voice says with disgust in the direction of the man with the hammer. "Being defeated by a mortal child… It is unacceptable for a god!" She exclaims in an authoritative voice.

"So…they both made a decision." Says the childish voice slowly. "Get ready." He says while a light covers both gods. "Choose the form you will take in a world dominated by the undead. Where only the fittest survive!" The childish voice exclaims as the light fades.

"I can't wait to get my hands on that bad boy." Says the female voice with a light laugh as she begins to inspect her new body.

"You look as bitchy as ever." Says the male voice placing a large hammer on his shoulder while he holds a cigarette in his mouth.

"Our hunt. Starts now!" Both gods exclaim in unison looking at each other with daggers in their eyes.

In the present

In one of the tallest buildings in Charleston is a man smoking a cigar while a large hammer is strapped to his back.

"My Lord… we have diverted the infected to the other side of the city while their loyal followers are in position." Says a figure covered in a black robe.

"Are there signs of the bitch or her spawns?" He asks looking into the distance.

"No, my lord." The man in the robe responds by handing the man a missile launcher.

"Let's see what you're made of, Justin Smith." Says the man now with a missile launcher on his shoulder. "Let the games begin!" He exclaimed.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!" The man begins a countdown as several figures clad in black robes readied their weapons on top of other buildings.

"Six! Five! Four!" The sound of approaching helicopters is present while in the distance 3 helicopters are visible flying above the buildings.

"Three! Two! One!" The man exclaims as a predatory grin begins to spread across his face.

"Showtime!" He exclaims pressing the trigger.

Then… a god in the shape of Karl Heisenberg begins his hunt.


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POV Justin

"This brings back good memories!" I exclaim as the pilot starts to take evasive action while hearing the sound of bullets hitting the helicopter.

"They are on the roofs. They shoot at us from the damn roofs." Arat growls taking the machine gun from the helicopter and starting to fire at our attackers. A large burst fires from the machine gun as a vicious grin spreads across Arat's face.

"I don't want to sit around doing nothing!" I exclaim taking off my seat belt and rushing towards the other machine gun, in that, I start shooting at our attackers. From what I can see they look like something out of some kind of cult dressed in black robes.

"We are being attacked, I repeat... we are being attacked in the city of Charleston, we request..." Jadis says quickly trying to communicate on the radio.

"Die, all die muahaha." I exclaim with a vicious smile on my face firing the machine gun at my enemies. This is like a video game!

I'm sure these bastards are minions of some god. They were waiting for me to leave the safety of my city to attack me. I thought they gave up after what I did to Wesker.

As the helicopter continues to cross the city, my eyes focus on one of the buildings directly in front of us. There are several people in robes shooting at us but my sight is focused on a person who is pointing a rocket launcher at us. He must be the fucking god that came for me!

"Catch Me If You Can!" I exclaim at the top of my voice with a challenging smile on my face as I point my machine gun at him. We both exchange glances for a split second before I start mercilessly shooting at every single person on top of that building.

My shots cause him to drop to the ground while some of his subordinates use their bodies as goddamn meat shields. I try to keep shooting but I no longer have an angle to shoot from as the building is now behind us as he rises from the ground aiming the rocket launcher at us again. Damn!

"They have us in their sights!" The pilot exclaims as we begin to fly over the city river, behind us a trail of white smoke begins to quickly approach us. "Deploying flares." Says the pilot. In that, numerous flares are fired from the helicopter causing the missile to deviate and hit one of the flares.


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During this process, the helicopter took an evasive action which caused me to lose balance.

"Kyaaah." I scream as I rush against the edge of the helicopter about to fall into the river. However, a hand grabs me by the back of my shirt and prevents me from falling from the helicopter. Then Jadis pushes me back into the helicopter.

My heart is about to explode with excitement, there is so much adrenaline coursing through my little body right now as my breathing quickens.

"This…was…Amazing." I say catching my breath.

"Stay still for a damn second!" Jadis yells, pushing me against the co-pilot seat. "Stay seated and fasten your seat belt, otherwise I'll push you out of the damn helicopter myself." She says through clenched teeth as she holds up a radio.

I quickly put my seatbelt on while holding on tightly to the seat. "Get us out of this damn city!" I yell at the pilot as he grips the joystick tight as he maneuvers between skyscrapers in a heavy hail of bullets.

"I'm out of ammo." Says Arat closing the sliding door quickly while the sound of bullets hitting the metal of the helicopter echoes.

Flying close to us is Majesty 02 unfurling its flares while its gunner fires short bursts at our attackers. In that, I observe how the gunner of Majesty 02 stops firing and his body goes limp on top of the machine gun and soon falls into the void.

"I've lost my gunner." The pilot of Majesty 02 reports on the radio.

At that moment, an alarm begins to sound while a screen begins to flash. "Fuck." The pilot exclaims, holding the joystick hard in his direction as he deploys more flares.

An explosion rocks the helicopter as behind us one of the flares collides with another missile headed our way from another direction.


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"Majesty 01 without Flares." Our pilot sighs into the radio.

"Majesty 02 without flares." The pilot of Majesty 02 reports on the radio.

The helicopter's alarms sound again while in the distance I can see another missile heading our way.

"Majesty 02 prepare for sacrifice." Says our pilot on the radio clenching his teeth.

"Copied…" is all the Majesty 02 pilot whispers over the radio.

Then I watch with fascination on my face as the Majesty 02 epically comes between us and the missile causing a huge explosion behind us as the wreckage of Majesty 02 begins to plummet.

"Only us left." I whisper with a bit of uncertainty in my voice as the bullets continue to hit our helicopter causing some cracks in the glass of the cockpit.

"Don't worry, we're about to leave the hot zone." Says the pilot while the glass continues to dent as a result of the shots. "Once we're safe, we have to…" That is all the pilot says before a bullet goes through the glass and hits his head, killing him instantly and spattering me with his blood.

"Huh, this is bad." I whisper quickly taking control of the helicopter as we start to pull away from the city.

"Shit, shit, shit." Arat exclaims over and over again. "We are left without a pilot." She says shakily.

Minutes later.

"I can't communicate with anyone." Jadis says quickly. "Can you still keep the helicopter in the air?" Jadis asks monotonously.

"How did they know we would take this route? This was planned damn it." Arat grunted.

"Don't worry, ladies, my fantastic flying skills will keep us in the air." I say with a smile on the curve of my lips as we begin to fly over the trees.

"How can you be so damn calm? We almost died!" Arat exclaims.

"You get used to it over time and learn to enjoy it!" I exclaim excitedly as many red lights flash on many of the controls. That doesn't look good.

"What do all those lights mean?" Jadis asks pulling the pilot's body out of the cockpit and taking a seat next to me.

"I haven't the faintest idea." I respond with a shrug. "My short flying lessons didn't cover this kind of situation, however, we're still in the air, that's good." I say nodding to myself.

"Nothing about this situation is right. You don't even know how to land this thing." Arat says quickly as she begins to search the compartments of the helicopter. "Where are the parachutes? Where the hell are the parachutes? She whispers.

"If you can find a manual on how to land a helicopter that would be great, fuel is not infinite." I say while continuing to fly over a lot of vegetation. "And I think I should mention that we're lost." I said with a small nervous smile.

I'm not sure where we are currently, after leaving the city I just kept the chopper steady in the direction it was facing while getting high enough to be out of bullet range. So I started flying over large areas of vegetation with no idea where to go.

"That's the least of our problems right now." Jadis says monotonously. "Once on land we can get a vehicle and establish a safe route to Washington. However, we must increase the distance between the people who recently attacked us." She says massaging her forehead.

"Bingo!" Arat exclaims holding a pair of parachutes in her hands as if they were her greatest treasure. That's good news!

"Dear passengers, if you look out the window you will be able to observe an excellent sunset, thank you for flying with JustinAirlines. Where nothing can go wrong." I say cheekily ignoring the flashing hazard lights on the chopper's dashboard.

Things will definitely be more fun from now on.


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"Well, well, what do we have here?" Heisenberg says walking up to you with a big hammer on his shoulder. "You better start running."

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven!

Empe_ror99creators' thoughts