
TVD, The Originals AU


SlumpiiZednem_947 · TV
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2 Chs


On a barren and destroyed planet laid a man breathing shakily while slowly bleeding out. After he died he was stuck in an endless dark yet bright void for a few thousand years.

He was wondering if this was just fate playing games with him. 'I never thought that I would die yet again and this time I thought it would go my way, my life is just messed up'. He thought to himself while now looking back at his previous life and current life

He was born around 1938 to a low income family in Houston,Tx and his mother was of Egyptian and British descent who's parents moved to the states after world war 1 hoping to have a better life while his father was of American descent born and raised in Dallas, Tx .

I graduated high school during my junior year at the age of 17 and went to Baylor college of medicines to study medicine and other things with the hopes of becoming a doctor and I went to business school as well. Hoping to find cures to things such as Alzheimer's, cancer, many other diseases and illnesses and make own my own business that helps people.

Before I could start chasing my dreams and do what I wanted the U.S got involve in the Vietnam war and so I decided to join so that I do my part just like my father did in WW2.

After my service ended although I did play a big role in it, was rising in the ranks for nearly a decade I decided to leave the army since I didn't want take lives as much as I wanted to help people's lives. 'I would still kill people when necessary or rejoin the army if needed, I was pretty much neutral but I just wanted to help people more.' Kaisel thought to himself while thinking about his first life.

I valued my first life with much importance but hated a part of it as well. After my role in the war I married my high school sweetheart and had 3 kids and went on to become a doctor but quit after 7 years when my oldest child(daughter) died of cancer at the age of 9. I then decided to focus more on the cure for cancer while my company was booming thanks the medicine that it was releasing and its popularity.

I had also made a serum similar to the one that was given to captain America, it wasn't as great as the serum that he took but it did enhance my body in all aspects that you can think of and extended my life by 20 years. I destroyed all the research to it and anything of its existence since with a third world war can happen.

In the end I died at the of 77 when my wife and 2 sons decided to get together and poison me hoping to sell off the cure for cancer so that they themselves can profit from all the big companies that wanted to steal the peoples money while selling it at outrageous prices. I'm glad I was into reading AU about marvel,Dc and other stuff in a way since when I read the grandpa universe fanfic I decided to make a watch similar to his.

'Who'd have thought that the watch would be useful at the end of my life, everyone one was different when she passed away' I thought to myself while looking back to how my wife and kids acted when it happened.

I was smart enough to set it up to where if I was murdered or died unnaturally then the cure would be released across all platforms and every type of media, and it's a good thing that I put it my will that a third will go to my 3 sisters and brother while the rest would go to charity's, homeless people, and and other such things that are similar. It will help all people in need.

'I'm glad I had held out long enough to at least ask why they murdered me when we were family, how it was even done, how long it took to plan it. I guess it was a good thing that she was a talkative women. The information she gave me was pretty useful since it went to all local PD in the area while also going to all social media outlets so they wouldn't try to cover the truth, which I was right as they had tried to cover it up'.

Kaisel: "I still can't believe I met the big man right after I died, that was crazy" he said to aloud to no one in particular

I was also once a Jedi grandmaster but after being in that position for nearly 250 years I decided to step back from the position so that the order could continue to thrive under new grand masters.

I was conceived by the force and was born to a woman who was already strong in the force to begin with, around the time the Jedi order was created. 'I wonder if he knew this was gonna happen'.

Kaisel: "I should have known this would happen eventually though but I had just forgot about them" he said to himself. When he first died and met the big man he didn't know how to address him as was a big follower throughout his adult life after what he witnessed in the war.

In my meeting with the big man,he had told me since I had so much karma that I would be all to reincarnate in the form of spin the wheel with 7 wishes but I decided to use only 2 wishes. The wheel landed on Star Wars during the creation of the Jedi order while my wishes were to conceived by the force with near omnipotent learning abilities and a great memory library similar to that of Harry Potter.

Kaisel:"I guess I should have know the mortis gods would will want to kill me or contain me since I was close to reaching godhood in the force and could have been a threat to them. Will I just be stuck in this void for all eternity" he said aloud to himself

It happened when he started to lose all hope that Father Frank appeared in front of Kaisel.


1053 words. This will probably be one of the few chapters that have around a thousand words. One of my first works along with the marvel one. The beginning is the same as the marvel one since I can't come up with with a better background. In this it will also include historical movies and tv shows but he will not be as strong since the originals world can't compare to marvel, Dc universe

No power stones are needed just comments on how I could improve or if it's complete garbage. I would still post either way but I will try to improve my work along the way while writing chapters. It will be slow releases since I suck at writing and it takes a whole day to write 1 chapter