
Turns out, I’m an Alien.

Short story? Shitty heroes, shittier villains. Long story *sigh* The story of Flynn, a boy dealt a bad hand by fate, but his life changes as he finds out who/what he really is. Find how he will find his place in this "original" universe. Totally original stories and characters do not steal. (TwT) This story contains strong language and strong topics, if you are underage or dislike the mere mention of heavier subjects do not read.

ArsMachina32 · Aktion
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4 Chs

Chapter 04: The hope of a world. (Part 1)

In the vastness of space, a gleaming chrome structure floated, resembling a colossal spacecraft rather than a traditional base. Its sleek, streamlined design exuded an otherworldly aura, as if it were born from the stars themselves. The outer surface shimmered with a metallic sheen, reflecting the ambient light of distant galaxies.

As the camera zoomed closer, intricate patterns and engravings became visible, etched into the base's surface, hinting at a rich history and purpose. The base seemed to pulsate with energy, radiating a sense of power and technological prowess.

The entrance to the base was marked by a massive, reinforced portal, adorned with glowing symbols and glyphs of ancient origin. The doors parted silently, revealing a sprawling interior that stretched beyond the limits of human imagination. Endless corridors and chambers branched out in every direction, forming a labyrinthine network that buzzed with activity.

Within the main control room, a panorama of screens displayed various feeds from across the galaxy, showcasing the base's reach and surveillance capabilities. Panels blinked with vibrant colors, indicating the status of ongoing missions, interstellar communications, and vital systems that maintained the base's functionality.

A team of scientists and technicians worked diligently, their white lab coats contrasting with the futuristic surroundings. They operated consoles adorned with holographic interfaces, their fingers dancing across the touch-sensitive surfaces, manipulating data streams and making critical adjustments.

In the center of the control room, a large holographic display projected a three-dimensional representation of the galaxy, its countless stars and planetary systems swirling in a mesmerizing dance. Commanding the room, a figure stood with an air of authority and wisdom.

It was none other than the world's greatest hero and leader of the coalition of heroes who protected Earth and the entire system.

A man, a legend, that went by the superhero name of Starstream.

Starstream felt a gentle vibration on his right ear, where a small, sleek communicator rested. With a swift motion, he tapped the device, accepting the incoming call. A holographic projection materialized before him, revealing a familiar face.

"Starstream, we need you at the emergency meeting. All the representing the top 4 guilds have been summoned. Your presence is requested," said a voice transmitted through the communicator.

Starstream nodded, a flicker of determination crossing his eyes. "Understood. I'm on my way," he replied, his voice filled with unwavering resolve.

As he swiftly made his way through the bustling corridors of the base, the awe-inspiring sight of other heroes and regular workers stopped him in his tracks. Some offered respectful nods, while others couldn't help but offer words of admiration.

Young heroes and seasoned veterans alike couldn't help but pause in their tracks as Starstream passed by. They saluted him with respect and admiration, some offering words of encouragement or quick updates on recent missions. Starstream, known for his approachability, reciprocated with warm smiles and words of appreciation, acknowledging their contributions and the shared camaraderie they all held as guardians of humanity.

"Starstream! Good to see you. The citizens are still talking about your rescue in New York. You really are something else," a young hero with a shock of red hair exclaimed, beaming with admiration.

Starstream chuckled modestly. "Just doing what needs to be done, my friend. We're all in this together, after all."

A passing technician, her eyes wide with wonder, couldn't contain her excitement as she greeted Starstream. "Sir, I just wanted to say... you're my hero. Your bravery and compassion inspire us all."

He paused briefly, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Thank you for your kind words. Remember, heroism lies within all of us. You have the power to make a difference too."

"Starstream, you're an inspiration to us all!" a young hero exclaimed, their eyes gleaming with admiration.

He flashed a humble smile. "Thank you, my friend. But remember, we are all heroes in our own way. Together, we can achieve greatness. All of us present here are helping life and making a better tomorrow."

As Starstream continued his journey, the conversations ebbed and flowed around him. Heroes shared anecdotes, exchanged tips and strategies, and found solace in the shared experiences that forged their bond. The base hummed with activity, a harmonious symphony of purpose and dedication.

Even inside the heroes' home base, this type of scene was something that occurred almost every day. For Starstream, weaving through the diverse crowd, exchanging pleasantries and small talk along the way. He knew the importance of building camaraderie and fostering a sense of unity among the heroes who fought for a common cause.

Approaching the main elevator, Starstream's path intersected with a grizzled veteran, battle scars etched into his weathered face. The old hero, called Supergiant, a man that could grow big as his name indicated offered a nod of respect; since he was part of the previous generation of heroes before Starstream's. "Starstream, you've come a long way since your early days. You're a true symbol of hope for this generation."

Starstream's expression turned reflective for a moment. "Thank you, Adam, my friend. I had great mentors and heroes who guided me along the way. It's my duty to pay it forward."

As the elevator doors slid open, Starstream stepped inside, the anticipation of the upcoming conference adding a spark to his eyes. The elevator ascended smoothly, carrying him upward toward the summit of heroism. His mind buzzed with thoughts of strategy, unity, and the shared responsibility they all shouldered.

At least that was what he wished would happen, but meetings between the 8 leaders of the 4 great guilds were nothing short of bad news or politics.

Finally, he arrived at the grand entrance of the conference room, where the world's greatest heroes were meant to gather. With a deep breath, he straightened his posture and stepped inside.

The doors opened, revealing the hallowed conference room.

The room was adorned with futuristic furnishings, holographic displays, and a long, sleek table at the center. The heroes, each bearing their unique costumes and abilities, looked at Starstream with a mixed set of expressions.

Indifference, annoyance, suspicion, a slight smile.

Depending on the hero, they all had their own opinion on Starstream that made their attitude reflect their opinion of the world's greatest hero.

As always, this meeting was unlikely to be a pleasant one.