
Turns out, I’m an Alien.

Short story? Shitty heroes, shittier villains. Long story *sigh* The story of Flynn, a boy dealt a bad hand by fate, but his life changes as he finds out who/what he really is. Find how he will find his place in this "original" universe. Totally original stories and characters do not steal. (TwT) This story contains strong language and strong topics, if you are underage or dislike the mere mention of heavier subjects do not read.

ArsMachina32 · Aktion
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4 Chs

Chapter 03: A new life.


Flynn's scream pierced the air, his mind inundated with a torrent of inexplicable images.

Unfamiliar worlds, alien races, advanced weaponry, and intricate machinery flashed before his eyes. But these images felt more than mere visual stimuli; they felt like memories, awakening within him with an irresistible force.

Memories that should not belong to him.

He struggled to comprehend the overwhelming influx of knowledge and experiences flooding his mind. Concepts of arithmetic, biology, engineering, history, biochemistry, and countless other subjects flowed through him, threatening to overwhelm his sanity. The sheer volume of information felt like his head was on the verge of bursting.

Staggering backward, Flynn pressed his trembling hand against his forehead, trying to make sense of the bewildering ordeal he had just experienced.

"What... What were those memories? What did I see?" he stammered, his voice laden with confusion and disbelief.

A voice, resonating with a mix of compassion and authority, responded, "Those memories were imprinted within you. As I mentioned earlier, you are my progeny, a part of myself. Consequently, we share a vast array of memories. With time, you will evolve into another version of myself and transcend even that. The cycle will renew itself when you have offspring of your own."

Silence enveloped the room as Flynn grappled with the weight of this revelation. Gradually, the alien creature known as Palaxite released its grip on him, gently setting him down on the floor. Its tentacles retracted, resembling pasta being coiled up by a fork, a sight that would have once seemed bizarre to Flynn but now appeared strangely ordinary.

As the transformation concluded, the Palaxite towered at nearly two meters in height, ready to depart.

"Come, there is much for you to learn," it beckoned, making its way toward the hole it had created to enter Flynn's home.

Instead of succumbing to fear or seizing the opportunity to escape, Flynn found himself compelled to follow the enigmatic being. Something within him, whether consciously or subconsciously, recognized a faint sense of familiarity with this intruder. It was as if he had, to some degree, beckoned its arrival.

Intrigued by this newfound connection, Flynn changed into fresh clothes and put on his shoes, preparing to embark on a journey beyond his wildest imagination.

Exiting his bedroom, he surveyed the remnants of his ravaged living room. The destruction was extensive, leaving broken furniture and appliances in its wake. But the most harrowing sight of all lay before him—the lifeless, contorted bodies of his parents, frozen in their final moments of agony.

A wave of shock coursed through Flynn's being. How could such violence have occurred without anyone in the neighborhood raising the alarm? Yet, he knew all too well the unspoken rule that discouraged involvement in the area. The authorities rarely intervened unless compelled to do so.

"Is everything all right? You took longer than expected," Flynn's alien parent inquired, breaking the silence.

"I had to change my clothes. Humans can't leave their homes half-naked, " Flynn replied, drawing closer to the Palaxite.

"They cannot? What odd creatures," said the Palaxite, baffled by the new information provided.

"N-no, they can leave the house without clothes on but they would get arres-!..." Before Flynn had the time to rebuttal the weird claim the alien in front of him, the sight of blood around him made him flinch.

His gaze involuntarily returned to the grotesque scene of his deceased parents. A mix of conflicting emotions swirled within him.

They corpses were mangled beyond recognition, even their guts were spilling out of their bodies along several other substances and liquid.

It was a sight that would not feel out of place even in the more graphic horror movie.

There was just enough of left of their faces and bodies for Flynn to tell these were indeed his parents.

There was no malice, but only sheer brutality.

It almost felt that the Palaxite next to him had no idea how to kill them and broke them until they could no longer move.

No humanity, no pity.

Just pure, unfiltered violence.

It was a dreadful sight.

"Do you still hold affection for those creatures? From the mental link we just shared, I was under the impression you despised them, was I mistaken?" the Palaxite queried, curious about Flynn's sentiments.

"No... Humans are complicated... in a strange way, they cared for me. They could have abandoned me at any time," Flynn responded, his voice tinged with both uncertainty and appreciation.

"Unlikely," the Palaxite countered.

"Huh?" Flynn raised an eyebrow, awaiting an explanation.

"With your intertwined DNA, an unconscious psychic link had bound you all together. Even if they desired to sever the connection, they would have been unable to do so. It is a survival mechanism our species developed during infancy. While all Palaxite possess this psychic ability, it exclusively works for infants whose DNA closely aligns with our own. Or the beings we use to further evolve our DNA"

"T-that's...that's" Flynn was unable to even fathom the bombshell of a reveal that had just been delivered to him, his mind tried to rationalize the horror that is Palaxite physiology.

Nonetheless, Flynn contemplated the implications of the statement that had been mase a few moments prior, wondering if the psychic link worked both ways. It might explain the improbable coexistence of three individuals who harbored animosity toward one another.

He believed that he somewhat loved his parents truly, and they loved him back in some way. That is why he always tried to be a good son, despite all he had been put through. However, the revelation he just heard was beyond world shattering.

Perhaps he was not even a good person...all he had done until was just a façade. It certainly felt that way. He learned from early on that to survive one must hide their fangs and blend in with the others, but now was there even a need to go that far? He wasn't exactly human after all.

"To certain forms of life, it can indeed be unsettling. I believed eliminating them would expedite the termination of your connection. However, my arrival near them was an oversight, as my ship was quite distant," the Palaxite conceded.

"I understand," Flynn muttered, his mind grappling with the weight of his alien father's words.

"...You seem displeased. Should I not have intervened? Perhaps reviving them would be preferable?" the Palaxite offered, hinting at the possibility of restoring Flynn's parents to life.

A jolt surged through Flynn's body at the mere suggestion. While superhuman abilities allowed some individuals to return from the brink of death, such resurrections were far from common for ordinary people.

"?! Can you really do that?" Flynn's voice quivered with a mix of hope and trepidation.

"Through cloning methods, it is possible. Their brains remain intact, making the creation of identical bodies a straightforward process. Human DNA, in its simplicity, presents little challenge. Although there may be slight discrepancies compared to their previous selves," the Palaxite explained.

"...That's not important to me. After hearing about the psychic link, I just need to know... to confirm something," Flynn responded, his voice laced with determination.

"If that is your desire, so be it," the Palaxite obliged.

With a peculiar gesture or teleportation, two spherical objects materialized and were hurled toward Flynn's deceased parents. In an instant, they vanished, leaving behind a void where their bodies had once lain.

"Shall we depart then? Lingering here poses risks, as this planet has been designated as high risk," the Palaxite proposed.

Flynn's mind raced, contemplating a question that lingered on the tip of his tongue. However, time was of the essence, and he had already dwelled on it for too long. He needed answers, self-discovery, and to unravel the mysteries surrounding his existence.

"Yes, let's go," Flynn declared, ready to embark on a journey of knowledge, embracing his alien heritage.