
Turns out, I’m an Alien.

Short story? Shitty heroes, shittier villains. Long story *sigh* The story of Flynn, a boy dealt a bad hand by fate, but his life changes as he finds out who/what he really is. Find how he will find his place in this "original" universe. Totally original stories and characters do not steal. (TwT) This story contains strong language and strong topics, if you are underage or dislike the mere mention of heavier subjects do not read.

ArsMachina32 · Aktion
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4 Chs

Chapter 02: A forceful awakening.

''O-offspring?' W-what's going on? Why am I hearing weird voices inside my head?! Is this a dream? R-right! T-that's got be it, we don't have anything worth stealing. Why would this creature even attack us? Yes, a dream…I must have fallen asleep without realizing it. Did I even set my timer? I am so going to be late for classes…'

Flynn calmed down as he thought to himself that the situation he found himself in was absurd.

Why would a monster attack him?

There are no superheroes in his town.

Valor did pass by their city, but that was even hard for him to believe.

He wouldn't be mentioning the meeting he had with the superhero for fear that people may call him a liar.

So the creature in front of him had to be a figment of his imagination.

He was quite angry before, so the creature in front of him had to be some sort of repressed feeling that he was too dumb to properly comprehend.

'Creature? I'll have you know that I am noble Paxalite.'



'Paxalite…W-wait that's beside the point you can talk! Y-you're real?'

Flynn asked as he realized that the voice in his head seemed to indeed belong to the being in front of him.

Could this have been more than a fever dream?

'Of course, I am real. Is there a problem with my translation?… Perhaps this model does not fit humanoids or beings with Homo sapiens genetic code inside?'


Suddenly Flynn remembered the scene that had occurred a few instants prior. The tentacle that had previously entered his mouth seemed to be looking for something as it kept wiggling around inside his body but ultimately put gave up and seemed to have put something inside one of his ears.

'So you're not part of a dream…sir Paxalite?'

' Paxalite is the name our species' is referred to in the wide cosmos and I assure you, this is no dream. You are well awake and conscient of your surroundings.'

Flynn looked at the destruction around him, and his bladder almost gave in at the realization that the events that had transpired were not a mere illusion.

If it was capable of doing so much damage to his house, it was easy to imagine what it could do to his puny human body.

He was certainly not a superhuman, like Valor.

Though Valor was not human.

But in the heat of the moment, he had completely forgotten that fact.

"Please…Sir…D-don't kill me. I will do anything you ask."

'Why are you begging my offspring?'


'Because you are a scary monster!' is what Flynn wanted to say, but he was too afraid to even say it inside his mind, but he certainly thought about it.

It was incredibly difficult for someone who never had dealt with a telepath, to even rationalize which thoughts could be read inside his mind, or which could be considered hidden.

'Monster, huh? I suppose that your current genetic makeup and human upbringing could see me as such…The creatures I just encountered thought as much of me as well.'

"C-creatures!? M-my parents?"

The noises that Flynn heard prior to meeting the being in front of him, certainly would give credence that his parents were probably quite surprised by their impromptu meeting with the creature from outer space.

And from the looks of it, it couldn't have ended well for them.

"Though you do share their genetic traits, you are not exactly their offspring but a Paxalite such as myself. Any Rubian DNA scan in the galaxy would confirm as much."

"B-but I am a human I-I swear…I can't be this offspring you're looking for…"

Flynn feared upsetting the being in front of him, but at the same time, he wanted to avoid any further altercation from escalating.

For a monster and beside tying him up in place, it was weirdly polite.

He heard that aliens tended to kidnap people and experiment on them, from the news and the internet.

However, seeing it for the first time… it sure made him reconsider his next actions.

It had not even been 24 hours since he had a gun pointed toward him, and now he was facing an alien…he just wasn't sure that his luck could get any worse.

He doubted he could escape death one more time and from the look of it; heroes were not going to show up any time soon.

"Of course, you are my offspring. Have you not felt the psychic link that unites us?"

"P-psychic link?"

Flynn was surprised by what the alien had told him.

What was this about a psychic link?

'I have felt nothing since you showed up!' is what Flynn wanted to say but having survived for so long in a subpar environment Flynn knew how to shut up and play along.

"R-right Psychic link…I-I felt it so many times a-and for long I-I almost didn't recognize you… D-dad!"

Flynn said that sentence almost gasping for breaths, as he tried to not give away any rogue thoughts that might expose the fact that he had no idea what was going on anymore.

He believed that he was definitely an earthling.

He never exhibited any power kind of power that he knew about and his physical prowess was below average male his age.

He never got scouted by any clubs.

So when he heard about that psychic link nonsense, it was certainly a laughable idea.

However, the situation he found himself in was certainly not a laughable situation.

Forget being homeless or owing money to 2 idiotic thugs, he might end up as a desert for the thing in front of him.

So he had to at the very least prove himself useful by saying he knows its progeny or playing the part of its progeny.

He chose the latter.

"Dad?… I see…yes, I remember now. The creatures on this planet have multiple sexes… Though we pure breed Palaxites have lost that genetic trait a long time ago… I wonder if you will lose it as well in the future? "


Flynn was shocked by what he heard, so much so that he had forgotten that he was only pretending to be the offspring of the Palaxite in front of him.

It never occurred to him that he could one day lose his manhood.

If the thing in front of him was serious about everything it said and not some cosmic level joke, or some weird intergalactic mind game that aliens were used to pull on earthlings; then his little soldier may be ripped away from him for good.

He didn't know who the unlucky son of the alien truly was, or why he had been mistaken for him...but he was starting to curse the god themselves for seemingly always putting weird people in his path.

"Well, no matter. Your mind may not remember me but your genetic makeup does. Now that we have made proper contact, the memories hidden inside it will awake organically. But we don't have time for that, let me unlock it myself."

"W-what are doing?"

Flynn saw a tentacle approach his face and could not help himself from panicking and trying to free himself, but it all soon went away as the tip of the tentacle touched his forehead and a bright purple glow escaped from his eyes and mouth.


As an overflowing energy flows into flynn's entire body, all his senses went on overdrive as it felt that he was being shocked on a cellular level, but the pain was soon replaced by complete darkness, then followed by a uncountable number of images that were passing by so fast and were so numerous that he felt he was living countless lifetimes in the span of seconds.

Until finally the blinging light and pictures disappeared as Flynn's body was no longer being assaulted by mysterious energy. Although he was under tremendous amount of pain before, after the energy dissipated Flynn felt that the ordeal never happened and his body felt better than ever.

However, he could not help but feel empty as his consciousness comes back to control of his body functions.

"Now, have found your true self, my offspring?"


Though something seemed to change in Flynn's body and mind.

He couldn't help but let out a confused cry.