
Turner Of Fate (May The People Turn Against Me Be Damned)

Fate, it has been decided the moment you are born. Destiny, the path you take in which you didn't decide. Life, full of hardships and suffering that you are forced to accept. Let the wheels of fate keep spinning for it may never spin again. Follow Kakuto Onirize in the journey of his so-called "life" in order to protect what he desires. Disclaimer: any elements of the story that resembles something else are just based of off or inspired by the said thing. Any pictures here are not mine, all rights for them go to their respective creator.

Daoist263999 · Fantasie
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9 Chs

All games end today

Kakuto woke up feeling dreadful but reluctantly got up and did his routine.

Fix bed, wash face, toothbrush shower, put on the uniform, and went to the kitchen. On the way, he smelled something delicious and the sound of something sizzling in the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and see Oda cooking

Oda: Goodmorning, Kakuto. How are you feeling?

Kakuto: A bit better, thanks

Oda: breakfast is almost ready. You can go ahead and ready the table.

Kakuto went to the cabinet and fetched 5 plates and 5 pairs of utensils from the drawer before setting up the table. He then grabbed 5 glasses and placed them on the table, before going to the fridge grabbing a pitcher of orange juice and poured then on each glass, as he began finishing up the table 2 of his teammates

Oda: could you wake up Junko for me

Daniel: On it!!

Oda began plating up the meal as the step-siblings took a seat at the table.

Oda: What is taking Daniel so long?

Shizuha: Is she this of a heavy sleeper?

Oda: I wouldn't say she's a heavy sleeper, but he usually wakes her up much earlier than this

Then they heard footsteps coming towards them at a rapid pace

Daniel: Guys!! Junko's gone!!!

This news worried everyone as one of their teammates

Shizuha: Oh no!! What do we do?

Kakuto sat down on his chair and pondered on what is happening to his childhood friend. Shaking off his uneasy feeling and stood up

Kakuto: I'll check around the main campus she might not have gone very far.

Oda: What about breakfast?

Kakuto: I'd rather have all of us together to eat.

Kakuto said as he stepped out and into the main campus. Kakuto looked everywhere, classrooms, the cafeteria, the locker rooms but he couldn't find anything. He was about to head back until he notices a group of students gathered around the school's bell tower.

Curious, Kakuto walked towards where the group of students is gathered and see something that he has been looking for... Junko.

He sees Junko on the tip of the tower, scanned the crowd until her eyes settle on Kakuto. She was then engulfed in flames as the cinder makes a message only Kakutocould understand.

"In the Dragon's den is where the Lion faced his polar opposite. To the place where we first played"

Kakuto seeing the message knew where she went, so he decided to pack up and go back to where his journey began. The Royal Shrine.

Kakuto went to his dorm, and in luck found no-one

Kakuto: I guess they're still looking.

Kakuto then went to his room and started packing essentials, his weapons, and some food for the trip. Before leaving he left a note on the fridge before heading out.

As Kakuto stepped out the door he saw Chrysti standing outside.

Chrysti: You do know leaving the campus without informing the Headmaster can lead you to the guidance counselor.

Kakuto: My friend is in need of help and I'm not just gonna sit by and not do anything.

Chrysti: The Headmaster wants to protect her student it seems.

Kakuto: And yet somehow I feel like we aren't just students.

Chrysti: *sarcastic* what makes you say that?

Kakuto: *scoff* Whatever

Chrysti: Be careful out there you masochist fool

Kakuto: I will *bow* Your majesty


It is now in the afternoon and Shizuha and the others have just come back from their search exhausted.

Daniel: *pant* Why *pant* is she *pant* so hard *pant* to find

Oda: Well she is a ninja *sigh* I doubt it's easy to find her.

Shizuha: I'm gonna go grab some water. Do you guys want some?

Daniel/Oda: Please/That would be appreciated.

Shizuha went to the kitchen and goes to the fridge, when she reached it, however, she saw the note that Kakuto left

Be back soon, wish me luck :)

Shizuha: That idiot

Oda: *distant* Hey Shizuha! Have you seen Kakuto by any chance?

Shizuha: I wouldn't worry about him. He'll always know what he has to do

Royal-Shrine (Kakuto POV)

Once I stepped out of the cab I looked at the top of the mountain.

Kakuto: It's still here, Master Heiji really didn't know how to improve this. Well at least it works on the locals, I'll give him credit to that.

I walked up the stairs and each step I felt a wave of memories flew through me

Memory 1

Junko is seen crying in the middle of a forest that is on fire, clutching the snack that you left her.

Memory 2

Junko has been fighting non-stop and showing no mercy to her family

Memory 3

While Junko jumped one of her "enemies" the rest of the family dog-piled on her, but her unwillingness to stop caused black fire to engulf her and the people on top of her.

Memory 4

The Brave Dragon Renkai is seen battling Junko who is now covered in black flames with violet eyes. Renkai did his best to halt his master but it proved futile as he was surrounded and soon consumed by the Black flame.

Memory 5

Renkai's Scarlet scales have turned to Ash Black with yellow accents, he circled his master who is now wearing an all-black ninja outfit with black flames in place of the scarf. Renkai then roared to the night sky as Junko looked up with a tear on her face.

Kakuto: Oh no!!

I ran as fast as I could to the top in hopes to finally save her.

Kakuto: *thought* Just what was that a second ago?

I kept on running until I notice a petal in a familiar shade of blue.

Kakuto: No...

I stopped running to looked around, and to my surprise, I was back in the garden again only its a field filled with all these same flowers.

???: That was her memories

I turned to meet the voice

Kakuto: Your that man from back then.

???: I've seen that you haven't forgotten about me, and my connection to you seems to have grown exponentially might I say

Kakuto: What do you mean by "her memories"

???: I mean exactly what I said. Those are what happened to your friend.

Kakuto: But there's more to it than that, isn't there?

???: You catch on quick, that'll make things easier. Your friend has been corrupted.

Kakuto: Corrupted!!??

???: *nod* Due to her negative emotions consuming her, she has lost control of herself.

Kakuto: So how can I save her? Tell me, how to save my friend!!

???: Calm down, as for how to save them...you just have to pull them out if the darkness.

Kakuto: So I should reach out to her and snap her out of it?

???: No, I mean physically pulling them out of the darkness. The one you see now is not the Junko you knew, that is from within it.

Kakuto: Then what about back at school, if that wasn't Junko then who or what was it?

???: The emotion that brought her to feel that way in the first place. Her sadness, anger and fear.

Kakuto: Wait fear?

???: Indeed. She was sad that you left the clan, She was angry that you not once told her that you were leaving, and She was afraid of being left alone again.

Kakuto: Left alone?

???: Allow me to show you

He then threw pollen at my face and then I was transported to a different place

???: Back then your master said that she was born from the clan, This means that her parents were members of the clan. One day Little Junko caught their parents preparing to go on a mission.

Memory (Little Junko POV)

I headed downstairs asking mommy to read me a bedtime story. When I reached the living room I saw Mommy and Daddy preparing their stuff.

Little Junko: Mommy, can you read me a bedtime story?

Mommy: in a little bit honey, just got to finish something then I'll be right over.

Little Junko: Are you going on another mission?

Daddy: Yes honey, but we promise to come back for you, ok?

Daddy knelt to me and hold my shoulder for reassurance

Little Junko: Can't you guys just stay?

Mommy: Honey, we want to but the Grandmaster specifically asked us that we should finish this mission. But hey, after we get back I'll make you your favorite food. Do you want that?

I nod repeatedly as the thought of eating it

Daddy: *chuckle* then make sure you wait for us, ok my little candlelight?

Little Junko: *mm-hm* come back safe, ok?

Daddy & Mommy: We will

Then they hugged me and took me to bed.

Morning came and I watched Mommy and Daddy left to go finish their mission, I waved them goodbye and they waved back before beginning their journey.

Grandmaster: Do you want to learn how to do water bunnies now?

Little Junko: Yey!! Bunnies!!!

Then we went to the shrine and taught me how to properly control water before turning them into bunnies.


I miss Mommy and Daddy, they said it will take a few days, it's been a few weeks since then. I was finishing a few tasks from the Grandmaster until a door behind me burst open and a lot of people running. They were bringing an injured man to the medbay, I caught a glimpse of the man they're bringing and it looked like

Little Junko: *shocked* Daddy!!!

I ran to the group to see Daddy but a nurse stopped me from seeing him

Nurse: I'm sorry, but I can't let you in.

Little Junko: But that's my Daddy. I have to see him.

Nurse: Well daddy isn't in a condition for him to see you. We'll have to do an operation to try and stabilize his condition. Until then please wait outside

Little Junko: *sadly* Ok

I sat in the waiting room as the doctor patched up Daddy.

Grandmaster: How are you feeling Junko

The Grandmaster asked me as he sat down beside me

Little Junko: Is Daddy gonna be ok?

Grandmaster: I'm sure he'll be fine. Believe in him.

The Grandmaster hugged me for assurance as I clutched his arms tightly. The doors of the Medbay open and the Doctor came to us, he looked at me first before talking to the Grandmaster.

They whispered to each other so I didn't hear much of it. The Grandmaster then looked at me before nodding to the doctor as he left.

Little Junko: What did he say? Is Daddy ok?

Grandmaster: I'll go in first ok. The Doctor said he has something to tell me, but after that, the rest of the time is now yours.

The Grandmaster told me before going in. I felt a tightening pain in my chest as I kept on worrying for Daddy.

The Grandmaster then opened the door for me with a sorrowful look on his face but gestured for me to continue if I wished.

I reluctantly went inside and was horrified by what I saw. I saw Daddy covered head-to-toe in bandages with blood still oozing in some places

Little Junko: Daddy!!!

I rushed to Daddy's side as fast as I could.

Daddy: My little... candlelight...

Little Junko: Daddy your hurt, where's mommy?

Daddy: I'm ok sweetie, and mommy will be here soon I promise.

Little Junko: Don't lie to me!!!

My sudden outburst shocked Daddy but I was too sad to look back as my emotions got the best of me.

Little Junko: Please, please tell me you'll be ok. Please tell me that mommy is ok!!

Daddy: ...

Little Junko: Daddy? Please tell me you and mommy will be ok. Daddy?

Daddy: Junk- Argh!!!

Little Junko: Daddy!!!

I went closer to daddy and see that he's coughing blood.

Daddy: Your mother *cough* is in...a better place...now

Daddy then began violently coughing as he became more and more sickly

Daddy: Junko listen to me...

Little Junko: No...no, no, no Your gonna be fine Daddy

Daddy: Your mother and I love you so much

Little Junko: You promise to come back to me! You both did!!!

Daddy: and that we are so proud of you.

I then hugged Daddy and cried in his chest

Daddy: Daddy, please!! Don't leave me!!!

Daddy then placed an arm behind me as he deepens his hug

Daddy: We're not gonna leave you. We are always looking over you, guiding you every step of the way.

Little Junko: No don't leave me, daddy, please!! Don't leave me!!!

Daddy: *pats Junko* stay strong my little...candle...light

Then daddy's hand went limp and fell to the bed and his eyes closed

Little Junko: Daddy? *shakes* Daddy wake up, please. Daddy wake up, Daddy? Daddy!!!

Memory end

Kakuto: I-I never knew she went such a horrible time.

???: It took a toll on her, she coped by staying alone and not letting people in her life in fear of being left alone again. Her staying on the top proves that.

Kakuto: So when I became the best alongside her...

???: You made her believe once more that she was not alone, that there is someone else just like her.

Kakuto: So when I left I-

The man then placed his hand on my shoulder

???: Don't think of what you could've done for her before, think about what you can do now. What can you do for her now?

Kakuto: I'm gonna save her

???: Then you know what to do

I nod in reply as I was slowly returning to the Shrine. I made it to the top to see everything in ashes but the flames are black, like in the memory.

I walked further inside to see the burns get progressively worse. I continued to walk until I heard a roar above I looked up to see Renkai or what was once Renkai flying around in the sky. Renkai flew around a bit more before divebombing towards me.

Kakuto: Shit!!

I rolled away from his impact zone just in time before being engulfed by the dragon as it erupted a black fiery pillar. The pillar settled and I saw Junko standing there in the black version of her ninja outfit.

Junko: All games end today

Kakuto: Junko You-

Junko: I've waited for this day to come. The day that you came back so I could kill you!!!

She raised her sword and pointed it towards me

Junko: Raise your weapon

Kakuto: Junko I'm not gonna fight yo-

Junko: Raise your weapon!!

???: *telepathy* It's best you should do what she says not much you could talk her down to in that state

Kakuto: *telepathy* So the only way to save her is to fight? *out loud* I guess it has come to this.

(3rd POV)

Kakutotook his stance as he wielded his blades as he prepares for an attack.

Junko dashed Kakuto with immense speed, getting caught off guard he rolled to the side a little too late grazing his right shoulder

Kakuto: She's not messing around

Junko without losing momentum continued with her barrage of attacks with Kakuto desperately defending his life

Kakuto blocked Junko's overhead swing by doing a Cross-guard before kicking Junko back. They stared at each other before dashing to the middle this time both on the offensive

Each strike from Junko is being blocked by Kakuto's left hand while he attacks with his right. They kept going back and forth until Junko jumped back and did three hand signs before pulling her arm back.

Predicting her attack he charged his left sword and hold his right sword behind him. Renkai? Manifested as it flew around its master as she launched a fire from her fist with Renkai launching its own fire as a follow-up

Kakuto then released a wave of energy at the pillar of flames, when the wave reached Junko

she cut through it with ease but failed to expect Kakuto as he charged right behind his own attack. Kakuto then dashed behind Junko and back to his original position before doing an upward swing and juggled her in the air by spinning like a top keeping her in the air.

Once Kakuto finished his combo Junko's body flopped to the ground stiffly and still

Kakuto: *phew* it's over

Suddenly there was a magic circle beneath Junko as Renkai? Manifested from it and took her body

???: Don't let her escape!!

Kakuto thinking quickly, he used the debris around him to gain height and hop on Renkai?

Once he was on he stabbed his swords on its back, causing Renkai? to wildly fly around in hopes of losing Kakuto but to no avail.

Kakuto slowly began to reach the head of the dragon, once he reached and having a clear sight of Junko in between its jaws he cuts its side causing it to roar in pain and letting Junko go. Seizing this opportunity he dived to Junko's body before falling through a building and into an open area.

Junko slowly stood up but in a lot of pain, when she stood up she equipped her sword and was about to attack the laying hero but stopped herself. Suddenly she stepped back like someone pushed her and holding her head in pain.

Junko: Grr-argh!!!

Junko reeled back in pain as her chest started glowing yellow light in a form of cracks, from within Kakuto heard a voice

???2: Someone help!! Someone...Anyone!!!

Kakuto: That's...

???: The Junko that you knew, trapped inside her own darkness

Junko: someone please, help me!!!

Junko?: You're not getting help from anyone!!!

The light then dimmed down as Junko?'s Pain subsided and attacked Kakuto

???: The darkness is powerful again. You'll have to reduce its power in order to save her.

Kakuto: So, keep cutting until she's weak? Simple enough. Let's dance!!


In a dark space filled with nothingness, a girl is seen curled up surrounded by nothingness

Girl: Why?... Why does this always happen...?

???: Because it's your fault!

The girl then curled up more tying to block out the voice

Girl: Go away!!

???: And look what happened to your 'friend'. He was fed up with you, such a stuck up naive little girl always gets what she wants

Girl: Shut up!!

???: I wonder how your little 'friend' is doing. Maybe dead alongside mommy and daddy

Girl: Shut up, I don't want to hear it!!

???: Just like how your parents don't want to hear you bickering them.

Girl: No...

???: Yes...they were so relieved that they don't have to deal with you anymore and left you

Girl: No...No...No!!!

Back to Kakuto

Junko? Suddenly released a large amount of negative energy causing all of the cuts that Kakuto afflicted to close up.

???: We need to move quickly, who knows how long she'll take until she's fully consumed by the darkness.

Kakuto: A bit harder than I thought but I'll try

Renkai? Suddenly burst out behind Junko? as it flew straight into the air.

???: I have an Idea

Kakuto: Please enlighten me, I could use some right about now.

???: Hop on the dragon

Kakuto: You do know I'm kinda in the middle of something plus it's like high up in the air!!

???: Trust me, all you have to do is throw your weapon and think of it once it reached its destination

Kakuto: That doesn't make sense

???: Just do it!!

Kakuto then threw one of his swords at Renkai? leaving it stuck on the middle part of its body, once it's stuck on the dragon Kakuto's body emitted a blue glow as the next thing he knew was that he was on the dragon holding onto the sword that he threw

Kakuto: Woah!

???: Not bad, it took me days to even get the basics down. You'll get used to it eventually.

Kakuto: ok, I'm here. What now?

???: Get us close to its head. We can communicate with it better that way.

Kakuto: We can talk to dragons!?

???: I'll answer all of your questions later. Right now we need to save your friend.

Kakuto: R-right...

Kakuto then began his climb up Renkai? He used his other sword for added support and to increase the rate of his climbing.

Kakuto: Ok, I'm here...now what?

???: Touch him and I'll do the rest.

As soon as Kakuto placed his hand near Renkai?'s eye he was pulled to his Mindscape


Kakuto is now in a dark cave filled with draconic runes each being lit up before slowly peeling off the wall as it comes together to form Renkai.

Renkai: State your business here human!

Kakuto was about to speak until his soul was pulled out of his body and a new soul took over. This soul was the one that was in Kakuto's head and it surrounds his body in blue light as his eyes glow blue with purple roots around the eyes

???: Brave dragon Renkai, submit to me now!!

Renkai: You dare talk down to me, mortal!?

Kakuto? Then wrapped blue chains around Renkai forcing him to the ground before slowly walking up to him

???: This is an order from your king! Recall who you were. Remember your master!!

Kakuto?'s hand then began glowing before reeling his fist back and punching the dragon disintegrating along with the mindscape as it slowly turns from a dark cave to being on top of a pillar above the clouds. Kakuto? Looked around a bit before the ground shook as Renkai flew up before settling in front of Kakuto?

Renkai: My king! You've returned.

King: Indeed, tell me what happened to your master.

Renkai: ...After her friend's departure she has been shutting herself out from the world as the darkness within her began to slowly consume her. It became strong enough for it to take over her and thus you see the outcome of that.

King: Can you communicate with your master?

Renkai: I could try, but I'm afraid that my words are not enough to reach her.

King: Don't worry about that. Just focus on reaching her.

Renkai: Very well, Your Highness.

Back to Reality

Renkai?'s body began to glow before disappearing

Kakuto: Oh shit! Aaaahhhh!!!

Kakutois now freefalling 10,000 feet in the air towards the open land

Kakuto: I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die!!!

Suddenly Kakuto was swept by Renkai now in a more vibrant color of Red and shinier glow of its Gold outlines

Renkai then put Kakuto down safely before floating in front of him

Renkai: Human, use my power.

Kakuto: *nod* Sure, but how?

Renkai then shined before turning into a katana before being placed in Kakuto'shand.

Renkai: Use my power and save Master

Kakuto complied as he pulled the sword from its sheath before taking his stance. He took a deep breath before dashing towards Junko. Kakuto did countless diagonal and horizontal slashes before sheathing his sword and drawing it in quick succession causing his earlier attack to be afflicted.

Junko didn't have time to react to Kakuto's speed and took the full impact of his attack causing her to stagger back as cracks began appearing once more on her body.

King: Now Kakuto!!

Kakuto: Junko!!!


Back with Junko her body is slowly succumbing to the darkness as her body is showing Black veins, her pupils became dull and her Sclera turning black.

Junko: Damnit, it hurts!! Mommy, Daddy, Kakuto...I'm so...so sorry...

Junko was about to accept her faith until a small bright flame appeared in front of her and slowly moved to her chest before going inside. Once the flame entered Junko she was rejuvenated and all of the marking on her body disappeared.

The light then grew in size and became brighter almost resembling a portal, and on the other side of the portal was Kakuto's voice calling out to her

Kakuto: Junko...Junko

Junko: that voice...Kakuto?

Kakuto: Junko!!

Junko: Kakuto, please help me!

Kakuto: I am, but in order to do so you have to fight it

Junko: I don't think I can...

Kakuto: Yes you can!! Believe in yourself, just like how I'm believing in you.

Junko: But what if I'm not strong enough?

Kakuto: You are!

Junko: How would you know that!!? You weren't there when I needed you! You left me alone, I thought we were friends and that we would always be there for each other when we needed each other.

In Junko's perspective, the light that's in front of her is slowly dimming, but for Kakuto, the cracks on Junko?'s body is slowly repairing.

King: You're losing her, Kakuto!

Renkai: Hurry, or we'll lose master for good!!

Kakuto: I messed up ok!! But that's not an excuse for you to just give up on me!! I'm sorry that I left without telling you and I know you might hate me...but we could start over again so that you'll never be alone ever again

Junko: How will I know that? What if you'll just leave me alone like you did last time.

Kakuto: Because I'm not the only one that cares about you anymore!

Junko's eyes widen at Kakuto's statement

Kakuto: Our teammates were looking for you ever since morning, and I bet they're still looking for you now!!

Junko: So what? They're just showing that they care about me but in reality, they don't.

Kakuto: Why won't you get it! There are people risking their lives for you! I'm risking my life for you! It's not about being friends anymore Junko, I truly care about you not because I'm your friend, but because I'm someone who can't live without you. You were my first friend ever, the one that accepted me eventually even if no one even tried to, what would you think I feel if you were gone? Did you even consider it!!?

Junko began tearing up as the light slowly become brighter and brighter

Junko: But what if I can't?

Kakuto: Yes you can!! I believe in you, and in return, I will never, ever leave you ever again!! I promise

Kakuto said as he clutched his chest before putting his fist in front of him

Junko: *sniffle* You idiot...*sniffle*

The cracks on Junko?'s body then slowly began glowing and some parts of the darkness are disintegrating due to the strong light that's being emitted

King: Now, there's a small window in order for you to reach her. Remember what you did to get on Renkai?

Kakuto: Yeah...

King: I need you to do the same thing but this time...towards her

Kakuto: I can't do that!! I'll kill her.

King: You won't, if you get it right the blade won't even reach her.

Kakuto's mind began clouding with multiple possibilities and inevitably began doubting himself, that is until he felt a hand on his shoulder he looked up to see the man, but he couldn't see much of him but he could see the bright smile that he's giving him.

King: Believe in yourself, Kakuto. You believe that she could fight her inner darkness, and she believes in you to help save her. Now pick up your blade, you got this.

Finding new resolve, Kakuto steeled himself and prepared to throw his sword. Junko? Began staggering back before pulling apart her dark skin and slowly reveal Junko. Once she managed to pull the darkness off of her it immediately tries to latch onto her again but Kakuto threw his sword at Junko and at the last second teleport to it causing him to be launched at Junko separating her entirely from the darkness that consumed her

King: Finish it off, Quickly

Acting fast Kakuto equipped Renkai as he charged his attack before dashing through his opponent multiple times before sheathing his blade again.

Kakuto: *sigh* It's finally...over

Once the darkness finally dissipated Kakuto finally sat down and look at the outcome of their battle, he also took the time to reflect on what he had learned today. This brought him to one question in practices

Kakuto: What's going on?

King: I suppose now is the best time to tell you.

Kakuto again finds himself in a dark place with the figure once more

King: Many years ago, there was a world full of mysteries, secrets that have yet to be discovered. But one mystery caused destruction upon the land, a mystery that not even the Gods knew for they did not foresee this outcome.

King: The celestial bodies tried their best in order to contain the predicament but did not get the desired outcome that they have sought. Thus they turned to the Humans in hopes in aiding them to restore the world to its once was and found one in particular. This person is said to become king and free the world from this disaster.

King: For each time the disaster returned a new king is appointed until one king manages to finally end the disastrous events.

Kakuto: How would I know that everything you said is true?

The figure then stepped closer to Kakuto finally revealing his face.

He has slicked back, black hair that rivals the night sky, blue eyes and he wore a black suit with gold accessories

King: Because I'm the one that purged the darkness, or... at least I thought I did.

Kakuto: So...should What do I call you...?

Kväll: The names Kväll

Kakuto: Kväll? Not really a regal name now isn't it?

Kväll: Yeah, but I prefer a laid-back interaction instead of the more formal part.

Kakuto: So what does the King that purged all darkness doing in my head?

Kväll: Isn't it obvious? You're the next king.

This news gave Kakuto chills as a new weight of responsibility has been dropped on him out of nowhere

Kakuto: King!? I-I can't be king! Do you even know what I am!? I'm a nobody, I don't even have a Unique Semblicity. There is nothing unique about me.

Kväll then placed a hand on Kakuto's shoulder calming him down a bit.

Kväll: There's more to a king than just being strong. You might not see it now but one day you will.

Kakuto: I just don't think I'm ready to be king yet. The responsibility and managing a kingdom's just too much!

Kväll: That's why it can wait. Gather your arsenal, hone your skills, and your time will come soon for you to step up to your calling.

Kväll and his surroundings began fading once again

Kväll: I guess that's all the things covered at the moment. I'll be back when you gained more of your power, Until next time Kakuto.

With that Kväll dissipated as he went back to reality.

Kakuto: *phew* I'm beat

Kakuto then laid down on the rocky ground next to Junko as he admired the sky.

Kväll: *echo* There's more to being a king than being strong. Your time will come soon for you to step up to your calling

Kakuto: King...Just thinking about it seems unreal.

Junko: *groan*

While Kakuto was in thought, Junko started to wake up as she slowly sits up from the hard rough floor. Kakuto laid eyes on her only to realize one thing.

Kakuto: *thought* She's naked!!!

Once Junko is awake enough she looked at herself shocked before looking around and spotted Kakuto scratching the back of his head awkwardly

Kakuto: Hehehe...Hi!


Junko immediately slapped Kakuto as his face now has a red handprint before covering herself with her arms. The moonlight reflected beautifully from her skin, her yellow eyes shun a golden hue and her hair flowed gracefully with the cold air of the night.

Junko: H-how long do you plan on making me sit here naked, Pervert!!

Kakuto: I'm sorry!!

Kakuto recoiled back before rummaging his backpack for some clothes before giving it to Junko while looking away.

Kakuto: H-here... I'll just be behind a tree or something.

Kakuto then took his backpack and sat behind a tree that managed to survive the fight. Kakuto then began rummaging his bag again for food and luckily manage to pack the breakfast that Oda made in a bento.

Junko: Ok, I'm done!!

Kakuto took a deep breath before going to Junko, she wore a brown dress and boots with her hair tied in the usual ponytail.

Kakuto: Hey, I brought you something to eat. Made by one of our teammates.

Junko: Oda, right?

Kakuto: Y-yeah

Junko: Thanks, but I'm not hungry


Kakuto: Well, your stomach says otherwise.

Junko looked away in embarrassment before accepting the meal Kakuto offered

Junko: What about you? Have you eaten yet?

Kakuto: me *pssh*, of course, I've eaten. What kinda question is tha- *growl*

Junko: *giggle* come on, there's plenty here for both of us

Kakuto: *sigh* Fine, but I only brought one pair of chopsticks so your gonna have to feed me. *thought* Please back down, please back down

Junko: Sure, I'm ok with that.

Having called out his bluff Kakuto begrudgingly sat down next to her as she fed him

Junko: Say 'ahh'

Kakuto: a-ahh *nom*

Not a fan of awkward silence, Kakuto decided to strike a conversation and try to relive past memories

Kakuto: Beautiful aren't they? Do you know there are billions of those out there? Who knew that each light billions of years away can bring many wonderful memories.

Junko: I don't get it

Kakuto: Well you see, the stars we see now are many lightyears away and 1 lightyear is very far so when someone says many lightyears it means it's like a lon-

Junko: Not that!

The two friends look at each other before laughing at their antics.

Kakuto: I missed this.

Junko: Me too...

Kakuto/Junko: Listen I-

Kakutothen sat up straight and took the food out of her hands and placed it on the floor

YiKakuton: Let me go first. I'm sorry, for everything. Sorry that I didn't tell you that I was leaving or the fact that you needed me the most.

Junko: No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I was being selfish and didn't think about how you felt.

Kakuto: but you weren-

Junko: Yes I was!! If it weren't for me, then you wouldn't have to risk your life for me, I wouldn't have gotten you killed.

Kakuto placed his hand on her shoulder causing her to look up and see Kakuto giving her a bright and friendly smile

Kakuto: But I'm here now aren't I? And this time I'm not going anywhere, I promise.

Junko hearing this lunged towards Kakuto and hugged him

Junko: *timid* You better.

Kakuto: *chuckle* Now come on, the food isn't gonna eat itself. Plus the train station is closed so we just gonna have to stay the night here then. Just hope that you're ok with sleeping under the stars tonight.

Junko: I'll prepare the fire.

Kakuto: and I'll prepare my undying support.

And so the two bundled up around the fire as the sleep slowly envelops them.

The next day (Shizuha POV)

Daniel and I are sitting at the table with him bearing a sad expression compared to his usual cheery attitude,

Daniel: *sigh*

Shizuha: Hey, don't worry too much. Don't forget Kakuto is still looking for her.

Daniel: I know...but I can't help but worry.

Oda: We all can't help it, but we just have to believe in Kakuto.

Daniel: Yeah...where is he by the way.

Just as he said that there was a knock on the door followed by two muffled voices

???: *muffled* I-I don't think this is a good idea

???2: *muffled* Come on, we've been over this! I mean all you did was run away without telling anyone, causing them to search for you the whole day without knowing where you were and-

???:*muffled* ok! I get it

There goes my brother again, making things complicated than it needs to be.

Shizuha: I'll get the door.

I stood up from my chair and made my way to the door as the voices became clearer

???2: The headmaster already said it was ok.

???: No she didn't! We haven't even been in her office yet.

Once I reached the door, I swung it open, and there they were,

Shizuha: Kakuto!! You're back!

This caught the attention of Daniel and Oda as they made their way to the front door

Kakuto: Hey guys! Guess who I found.

My brother said as he pushed Junko in front

Daniel/Oda: Junko!!/Junko

Daniel Immediately put Junko on a headlock as Oda leaned on the doorframe.

Kakuto: See!! Not so bad, right? You guys wanna come to the Headmaster's office? She's paranoid that she might be kicked from the school.

Junko: I keep telling you, that's a possibility.

Oda: Indeed, we are expected to be in peak performance. If one member of a team is underperforming or doing acts like these can be disastrous in the battlefield due to not being focused on the fight.

Kakuto: Ok, tell you what. We are gonna go to the Headmaster, tell her what happened, and get her to make you stay. How does that sound?

Kakuto suggested as he looked to optimize the situation we are in.

Junko: I don't know...it seems impossible

Kakuto: Hey, I saved you didn't I? What's one more?

Junko: ...Fine

Kakuto: And to show how confident I am, I'll buy us all breakfast if you get kicked out. But if you didn't You'll buy us breakfast.

Junko: Oh your on!!

And so we went to the Headmaster's office where I, Oda, and Daniel wait outside while Kakuto and Junko explained their situation to the Headmaster.

There was a long silence between the three of us as we were trying to listen in on their conversation.

Kakuto: Ok...Thank you, Headmaster.

Kakuto and Junko then left the Headmaster's office with a gloomy expression.

Kakuto: Well guys...sad to say, we're not gonna eat some of Oda's cooking cause we're eating out! Junko's treat

Daniel: For real!!

Junko: Yeah, the Headmaster said so as long as I compensate for the time I was absent...and for the trouble I caused.

Kakuto: And that's exactly what we're gonna do!! I hope you saved a lot for the past years cause there ain't gonna be anything left after we're done.

Junko: Don't you dare!! I spent my life saving, and I'm not gonna let you just...

And so they walked out of the school as a group as I looked at Kakuto's happy expression. It's been so long since Kakuto has been so happy, and I'm glad he is.

Kakuto: Hey, Shizuha! Are you coming?

Shizuha: Be right there.