
Turned Into A Man

A Tom boy girl turned into man And discovers many erotic moments with the people she would never thought...

Maverick_Demonte · Fantasie
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1 Chs


"I am so sorry, I didn't think that her madness would get all of us in trouble." I stayed quietly behind the door when I heard my fiance Lu sheng from inside my little sister's room.

"It's ok sheng, it's not your fault you are the best son-in-law we could get for my little daughter Miya, isn't that right master wang?'. My eyes got bigger from the shock I had just received. "Hmm", the sound from my father shattered my world completely. I never thought my family was betraying me inside. "But mom what if big sis found out about us? wouldn't she become angry with us ?" my sister asked disgustedly about me our mother. " That monster is not a child of ours, we are regretting to give birth as our first child. So what if she found? isn't it her duty to sacrifice her love for her sister, also Lu sheng never loved her not even once" my mother said hatefully.

" Don't worry love! you're the only one for me and always will be, I will break up with her today after she comes from her office, let's wait for her" those words from a man that I loved wholeheartedly more than myself was cruelly breaking my heart words by words. My head was spinning from the shocking conversation and my eyes were ready to shower the tears that were forming in my eyes. I clutched my hand in my chest feeling the sharp pain.

"Hmph!! you were being lovey Dovey with that whore as if she was your world" my so-called sister dramatically said to my ex-fiance. " Oh love !! nobody can compare your beauty, even if your sister was beautiful so what? she is the most disgusting woman I have ever seen, don't worry I have never touched her and never will. Today i will announce my love for you" Each word from their mouth was like a knife for me, stabbing with each word, what shocked me more than my father who was like my inspiration for my life never stood out to me.

My name is Maisie Sheng, the firstborn daughter of the Sheng family. My family comes in the 8th position of the richest family in China. It was thanks to my grandfather that we were able to live in our comfort zone, although my father also contributed some, I acknowledge my grandfather more than my father. Sadly he isn't with us, due to some reason my grandfather went to America and it has been 4 years since I saw him. Sometimes I felt like my family members especially my mother and sister would look at me disdainfully, I thought it was an illusion because no mother can hate her child right? hurtfully my wishes were wrong. For these years what was my existence to them? more like for them what am I?

I have a main weak point that would make the world laugh at me, as a gender I am a girl a woman but my soul and heart are made of man. I like the opposite gender but I prefer to call as a man. When I was 15, I came out in front of my family for who I was at first except for my grandfather and father my other family members looked at me like I was some kind of monster, only because of my grandfather nobody dared to look down upon me. I was very grateful to my grandfather for accepting me. Lu sheng also did know about me and he accepted me without any hesitation. Now it looks like I was wrong about my family, they never accepted me and loved me....i was such a fool.

I quickly run off from the home without anyone noticing, got inside the car, and ride it off toward the river. I know nobody will come for me except for my grandfather if only he was here I wouldn't have taken this step. I got off from the car and walked toward the bridge, I thought about some memories that were happy. Without any thought, I quickly jumped off the bridge falling under the river and leaving my sad memories. Finally, I am away from this cruel world....