

In the chansler's office

"Master we have lost the Malevolence Grievous and Lord JD are safe." Dooku said in his usual emotionless tone. "We have signed The bloody Iris on route to Naboo. What are your orders?" He asked knowing he would probably have to go toe to toe with Iris. "Kidnap her son this will cause an upset with the two sisters." Palpatine said amused thinking of the hate that will rise in them. "But sir from my intell Meadow and little Satine are better at using the force. I am sure you want one of them out of play." Dooku asked astonished by his master's choice. "This will cause the sisters to come to us. They will want to save their poor brother. " Palpatine laughed "As you wish my lord." Dooku said knowing this wouldn't end well.

Meadow pov

I was fixing up the fighter jets when a transmission came threw.  Wiping the grease off my hand before answering. It was Zephyr abd he was running panicked. "Zephyr where are you?" I asked feeling JD and another person threw the force. "Naboo Sis JD and Dooku are after me. Mom is fine but knocked out. They seem to only want me. Sis I nned help and fast." I was about to say something but the transition was cut. I bolt to the bridge Obi-Wan and Anakin hold me up trying to calm me. "Meadow what's wrong?" Satine asked feeling my panic. "Naboo Zephyr in truble." I couldn't speak properly dude to my fear. "Obi-Wan you don't think they would?" Anakin sounds concerned. "Oh I believe they would and are." He said helping me sitdown. "Meadow I need you to calmly tell me what happened." Anakin asked "I was working on the fighters. I received a transmission from Zephyr. He was running from JD and another man. I don't recognize the force signature." I said tears in my eyes. "She could have felt Dooku he has been around more often lately. But why would they take your brother, no offense but yourself and Satine are stronger with the force." Obi-Wan said stroking his beard. "JD is trying to get Meadow's attention. He has always been jealous of her. She is the crowded princess even though he was born first. He doesn't think a female should be on the same footing as him. He aslo doesn't like her partner." Satine said the last part looking at Cody. "And who is this Partner of yours" Rex said crossing his arms dad mode. "Cody in the future Cody and I are together." I said glaring at my sister who is laughing. "Anyway Satine you and I should make our way to Naboo. " I said standing up she nods and follows me to the hanger. "R2 set a course for Naboo." I said to the tiny droid. "Let me come with you. I can be useful he is my son after all." Rex tried but I shook my head. "I don't know what we are walking into but I have a score to settle with JD." I said tossing my pack up to Satine. "Meadow Anakin and I would feel mor comfortable, if you took Cody and Rex with you." Obi-Wan said agreeing with Rex. I sigh shaking my head. "Fine we leave in three so be ready." Cody and Rex nod packing some weapons. "Meadow don't brake my ship. We just got them fixed." Anakin joked making me roll my eyes. "They should run better because I fixed them." Some laughing from the clones could be hard. "Just be careful and make it back in one piece. " He said giving me a concerned look. "No worries the most I'll have are some bruises. No worries Ani I got this." I said giving him a confident smile. "Alright Rex Cody move it or lose it. We got to go." I said hoping in the fighter. "This is blue princess requesting for take off." I said into the mic. "Blue leader and gold leader are right behind you Blue princess." Rex said into the mic. "Take off granted good luck." A clone came over the radio. Soon we were in the air and on our way to Naboo.