
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Urban
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64 Chs

a major deal

Dark skies ridden with tiny shimmering lights. The moonless night gave the night a lucid feeling. Followed by the cool breeze swimming through the atmosphere, it left one feeling clear-headed.

The busily streets of Avilla City were beginning to die down. The Autumn wind was quite chilly at night. No one wanted to be out by those time. Everyone was probably huddled up in their house by themselves or with their loved ones.

Such was the case of the lovebirds. Devon finished his work a little bit late today. The Autumn Fashion Show was forth coming and there was a high demand for Jaded Jewelries. MX corporation had also bought a page on Erasmus new magazine, they had to plan for that too. The Entertainment industry was equally busy at this time of the year. There were a lot of production starting in a rush. The Award show at the end of the year was the goal so everyone had to be ready. As the CEO of such Multisectoral company it was a given he would be busy too.

Still after his hectic day of signing and one meeting after the other. He made out time to be with the woman he loved. Once he walked out of MX corporation building, he dismissed his bodyguards and then drove straight to Chloe's apartment.

The Apartment was a two room duplex at a respectable area. It was nothing too much still it was befitting for an artiste, that too an upcoming model. Devon had personally given her the place. He practically forced it into her hand cause his unmaterialistic girlfriend wanted nothing of his money.

Standing in front of the door. A smile grazed his lips then his finger moved and rattled on the door.

It took a few seconds an then the young lady in a long night gown and robe opened up the door. Surprise appeared on her face.


He smiled "can I come in?"

"Come in" she opened the door widely for him and stepped aside. He entered with his shoes and then the door closed behind them.

"It's Late, Did you have a meeting around here?" Chloe asked helping Devon take off his suit. Her delicate fingers meticulous took off the suit then she helped undo the tie before hanging them both on the coat hanger.

The sight of seeing her helping in such manner brought a warmth to his heart that melted the cold of the night.

He engulfed her in a warm hug "I came to see you. Was I wrong from doing so?" The girl stiffened against his strong arms and firm chest. Her back was to his chest so he couldn't see her face but seeing how she dropped her head, there was probably a blush on her face.

"It's not wrong, I missed you too. I just couldn't call you cause I knew you would be busy and I didn't want to be the reason you didn't finish your work or the reason you got a loss." She turned and looked at him "Coming here would not affect you would it?"

Devon flickered her forehead playfully. "Silly why would it?"

Chloe rubbed her forehead and glared at him. The two then left the door and walked into the house. The house was neat and the decorations lovely. Not too extravagant neither was it shabby. The paintings on the wall were medium quality and they gave the room an artistic feeling.

"So tell me about your day" Devon pulled her into his arms and asked. He sat while the girl laid on his laps.

Chloe shook her head "nothing serious. I finally took the shoot for that modelling gig I told you about. It's been so long that I got to do what I wanted. I felt quite disappointed cause I had gotten a bit rusty after the long break. I had to do the shoot a number of times before the director was satisfied but still I'm happy cause at the end he said he loved how the shoot turned out to be, he said I looked the best amongst all the other shoot. I'm glad I didn't disappoint" as she said this her eyes welled up in happy tear. She blinked a few times and pushed it back with a broad smile on her face.

Devon's smiled affectionately, his hand moved and wiped what was remaining of the unshed tears in her eyes "How couldn't my baby be best. I have a good taste after all"

So he thought but a certain group of people would beg to differ.

"Stop flattering me" she warned cutely "A few comments is not all that great. I still want to the considered as the best model so that I could stand beside the side of the best bachelor and CEO in the country. To do that I need as many gigs as I can sign."

"My manager had promised to connect me with a few other small time gigs and also see if her connections could provide us with a major deal. I really hope I get a major deal, that way I wouldn't just be a D-list model any more." Devon listened to her pour out her thoughts and hopes without trying to interrupt. His finger moved rhythmically through her hair as if trying to calm her down.

A thought came to his head at the same time too.

"I have a major deal for you" He said.

She sat up and looked at him. Her eyes showing surprise and then elation.


Devon nodded "Yeah. I bought a spot on the Erasmus new magazine series coming up. We are in the process of looking for a model to model our Jewelries. If you're willing I can give the deal to you"

Chloe's eyes sparkled greedily but she immediately hid it. The elation on her face dwindled and a complicated expression appeared.

"I shouldn't. I don't have a status in the industry. If I model for you're company then I would only end up dragging it down. What if no body wants to buy the product after seeing it on me?" She dropped her head and said sadly.

Devon's eyes flickered hurt. He had thought of that fact too but hearing it come from her lips only made it heartbreaking for him. What if nobody really wanted to buy the product then the loss was on them? He couldn't care less as long as his love was happy.

"That's impossible. Everyone would love you. Have I ever told you that you were my muse?" The girl looked up surprised. It was such a great thing to be the inspiration of the great money god Devon Alvin Montero.

"How could people love the product and not love the inspiration? It's totally inconceivable. You would do just fine."

With his words of encouragement, the girl's face brightened up. "Hmm I promise to do my best. I won't disappoint you" She looked at him gratefully.

She was really grateful. In her mind there were a thousand firecracker going off and she was shouting at the top of her lungs. Posing for Erasmus was more than a major deal as well as featuring for MX corporation. If everything became successfully, she was sure to jump to being a C-list model if not B-list.

Who knows dating a big shot would be so behooveful?.

"Don't overthink it. I'm not doing it for you to feel pressured. I'm doing it do that you can be happy" He said to her.

"You don't have to. Being with you already makes me happy. I don't need anything else. I just want to measure up to you so that I could have you all to myself." She said sweetly and wrapped her hand around his waist.

Devon stiffened. The Cold night was one to incite illicit thoughts in the mind of people. With her glued to him like this he can't help but feel his desires building up. A desperate glint flashed past his eyes. He pushed her on the couch and trapped her under his hand. Their face was just a few inches away from the other.

"That's why I'm helping you too. I can't wait for us to both stand at an equal ground then we can say our vows and I would have you all to myself too"

His finger traced all the way from her earlobes down to her chin, to her lips then down her throat. A romantic tension was building up in the room. The way they stared at each other spelled volumes of what was on their minds.

This time around Chloe had taken the lead. She leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. His eyes darkened. He held her head and deepened the kiss.

Tongues intertwined and fingers dunked in each other's hair. They had no care for the night. The only thing in their mind was the person in their arms. What was a very steamy kiss ended abruptly from the sound of a ringing phone.

At first they tried ignoring it but the incessant ringing made them break away. Chloe picked her phone and her expression darkened. Her fingers moved and she cut the call.

"It's Manager Lina, I could always call her later" She explained.

Devon nodded understandingly. Coincidentally his own phone rang too. Seeing the name on the screen. He frowned and excused himself. He came back few seconds later and bade her goodbye, there was something he had to attend to.

"I understand" much to her delight she saw him off to the door.