
Tryst Under The War [BL, Omegaverse,Action]

Rius is an inexperienced dominant omega if not more dominant than a normal dominant omega who is strangled by the marriage that was arranged but to his knowledge he doesn't even know who is his arranged partner yet he meets an alpha who along the way fell in love with him. On his way to the stadium he is brought to the Phantasmal Realm in an accident by the light jellies and fought a goddess who is unknown to him, after surviving the battle he reunited with the alpha whom he newly met with the unforeseen future coming to them, can they change the fates design?

ChaosBride · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Chapter 20 - A Conundrum Of Troubles

Alistair's PoV

I saw him panting as he struggled through his heat, i couldn't find the answer to this situation at once and became bumfuzzled. To that end i hugged him closely to my chest yet i could think of us just being together when in truth it's my fault for making him feel this way. He opened his eyes and he gazed upon me.

"A-Alistair?is that you?"He stammered reaching his hand out to my cheeks as they tremble, feeling his touch to my cheeks, i couldn't bare it but hold unto his hands.

"It's me I'm here"

"What did just happened?" he asks with his soft and weak voice.

"A tremor just happened are you feeling the heat?" he shook his head.

"It might be a fever"

My brows low in concern, my lips purses and i let my fingers caress his hair tempting to comfort this omega that i deem as mine.

"You can't sleep because of it can you?"

"Please do you know a solution?" his face was getting red and hot that his breath was huffing.

"It's just a fever i know that you'll be going to be alright soon"


I nodded in reassurance, i stroked on his forehead and said this words of incantation "Servant of God hear my plea and give your mercy to this beloved child from the sickness he suffers, grant thee the freedom from it's shackles, the mourn of weak yearns for it's solemn life i ask you for the greater good and heal his entirety come Raphael" glowing light gather at the center of the room and forms an angel, i closed my eyes avoiding this entity. Chris on the other gasped and closed his eyes as well. The entity that i know of was mysterious on it's own way, i knew that this was not just a fever but a mild heat the first of omegas that were to begin in mild output. The entity comes close to Rius and reached out his hands to Rius's direction, a halo of light appears above Rius healing him from anything that comes off as dangerous, this being then started shattering and disappeared. When I opened my eyes, i saw Rius sleeping soundly not panting anymore and i sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness he's fine" Chris opened one eye of his then opened the other.

"Why did you use Raphael your majesty? without warning as well that entity could've killed me in a flash or maybe it'll summon the crying angel statues for one day at me and never winking"

"That would be an amusement"

"Anyway that tremor was it from an earthquake?" Asks Chris pondering at the moment.


"Right your majesty why don't we drink some wine? it's been awhile that we haven't been tasting some beverages on the way here yeah?" He smirked trying to tempt me into drinking.

"No we should go to sleep" I shook my head then goes beside Rius's side.

"Awe that's no fun"

"We can't have fun right now we're in a busy schedule remember? The Anticleseus has been active lately and i can't overlook such things because i am the Prince"

"Yes your majesty as by your orders i will" Chris locked the door while feeling down and i looked at the ceiling then turned my head to Rius sleeping beside me. I moved his head gently on my biceps to rest on them then i twist my body to the side to face him meanwhile my other hand tucked him in, i smiled having the smug look on my face.

"Good night Rius"

Then suddenly at 5:00Am i wake up immediately from my bed and gently places his head on the pillow from my biceps. I pulled out a white shirt from my closet replacing the one I'm wearing then goes downstairs to the kitchen. After that i get one of the aprons inside the cupboard.

"I'm kinda nervous but i must" I sighed.

I scramble the egg yolk and white then put them in a bowl mixing them well with a bit of salt. Then got some bacons out of the refrigerator, heated up some water on the heater. Then toasted some bread on the toaster. I washed the pan and heat up the fire on the fire stone stove giving it some mana as the droplets of water dries on the pan, i put cooking oil then waited for a minute.

i put eggs letting them cook and turned it around then i do it to the other two eggs. I cooked them fine and then turned off the fire.

"Okay that's fine"


The toaster rang and then i took the bread and placed them on a plate even though they were raging hot and then got the jam out of the cupboard placing it on the table.

"So eggs and toasted bread!"

I took out the chicken warming it up from the cold it experienced and butchered it carefully. After butchering i put them in a big glass bowl and puts some soy sauce and vinegar on it but the soy sauce is more of an amount. I prepared some onions and garlic cutting them to small pieces then also put them on the bowl of butchered chicken with the liquids. I sprinkled crushed peppers on it as well and mixed them all.

"I forgot some white sugar as well"

Then i mixed them again and used a basic time spell.


Getting the bowl from the rice cooker i washed it and put some rice and rinse it putting the water and replaced it with a new one. I measured the water and it was fine then wiped under the bowl specifically for rice cooker. Then there i put in the rice cooking starting to cook the rice turning on the button.

The haste stopped.

"Looks like it's ready"

I turned on the fire on the fire stone stove and added mana again to it.

Judging from the leftover used oil, i added just some oil more and put the mixed chicken. After some time i put water in it and covered it as a top for the pan. Thirty minutes pass and adobo is now ready then from the pan i put the adobo on a large bowl, reminder it depends on how you use the heat control while cooking.



"The rice is ready and adobo is ready, the toasted bread is ready too and the boiling water is up for a milk or coffee"

"Hello??"Yawned Chris his eyes lit up "

No way Breakfast is ready?! but it's so early in the morning?!"

"Just sit"

"Yes your Majesty"

I go upstairs seeing the newly woken up Rius, like a blossom of yellow dandelions, he opens his eyes of blue like aquamarine and his hair being golden blonde colour. I gaped my mouth from the mesmerising sight of this entity in front of me.

"Alistair?" He tilts his head.

"Come let's eat" I come close carrying him as he held his hands around my neck.


"Sorry just let it happen"

As i let him see the foods i prepared that were fried eggs, toasted bread an adobo and rice. I placed him on the chair gently and prepared him a plate with rice on it.

"Eat" I say.

He had brightened eyes on the adobo i cooked "No way! adobo! it's my favourite!" I smiled reaching the bowl of adobo to him. The sulking Chris was staring at the food.

"You can start eating Chris"

"Really?!Finally!"He rejoiced as he gets the food.

Still the time is five fourty seven and it's early but if i think of it carefully Rius gets to school at seven o'clock.

Chris looked at Rius giving a look of astonishment. I glared at him signalling him to make Rius get a notice of it, Chris turned and around flinching.

"Phew this adobo taste delicious doesn't it?" I prepared myself some rice then puts some chicken and pour some broth from the bowl of adobo

"Of course I'm the one who prepared it"

Rius turned to my direction "You did? it's so tasty"

He munched on the food so quick that i couldn't help but be stunned.

This impulsive behaviour surprised me that it brought me evocative memories that it made me smile a bit.

Somehow this personality of him is compelling my urges to kiss again.

"Is that so? then enjoy it more"

I opened the the hologram invoker as we the news flash in front us.

"News have been reported that the entire people of Melsburg in a deep sleep with paralysis, experts from the academy are researching for the unknown occurrence of this event"

"Wow it got on the news"

"What happened really??" Asks Rius.

People are now questioning the event even so it's just a hypothesis that we talked earlier but it could have a chance or become the evidence itself. But i have to clear my thoughts on this one.

After that Rius had gone to the bathroom showering and i go back to my room opening a hidden shelf with the omega uniforms of course don't ask me if i wear these because I don't, this was just an emergency if there were a time he'd come here to my house andd it seems the time is right.

I came into the dressing room before the bathroom and puts a spare of clothing.

"Here's a spare of clothing please wear them and a towel as well"

"Thank you" his voice echoed from inside "Alistair?"

"Yes? I replied.

"Is there anything that may ask?"

"There are many but I'd like to focus at the moment for us"

"I-i see"

"Why? is there something that you want to say?"


"Let's talk when you're done showering,I'll use the blower for you when you finish"


I sat on the sofa on the living room waiting for him with the blower ready on the mini table, Now that i notice it Chris is not here he must be in his room doing whatever he is doing right now. The creaking of the door from the bathroom was heard and he came out as his hair was wet, he wipes the towel on his hair and goes closer to me. My heart was beating fast even though it was simple for him to make feel this way thus i coughed for a bit clearing my throat.

"Sit on my lap"

I put away the towel from him turned on the blower.

"Alistair? why are you...hmmm"

"What is it? are you comfortable or not?" I started blower and carefully warms Rius's hair to not damage it.

"I am comfortable it's just that... I can't really say anything at this moment"He purses his lips seemingly nervous as his ears were getting red and i smirked at this situation.

"Didn't your class started at April 1?"

"Ah Yes and today is the fourth day of April"

I see, it's been just four days? and here i thought it's been weeks.

Blowing his hair was fun and so i hugged him in my arms.

"How was it? my food?"

"It" He paused for moment then he stood up and faced me "It was great!" he smiled at me, this memory will be a resplendent one to be for the tomorrow and the next and the more he smiles the more that i might treasure them.

"Should we go ready for your school?of course you should change first in your uniform"

"Ah yes! understood!"

"Your clothes are on the bed on my room if you're done just come out say you're ready"

He came upstairs and a scent of his pheromones were sniffed by my nose, this scent was redolent it compels me to ravish him but my mind says so it's too irrational like a beast taken over by lust. I sighed.

"Why is being a special alpha so bad"

"I'm ready!"

Just as i thought he looks pretty in that new get up of his, a blonde hair, a smooth red cherry lips, porcelain skin, a feminine body and aquamarine eyes what more could i ask for from the gods?

I Nodded "Mhm"

"Ah my bag?" he asks.

"Ah well i forgot to bring them perhaps there at the school"