
Truthful Lies (I wanted the truth but preferred the lies)

In the midst of grief and anger, 17-year-old Adria Renee Wilhelm vows to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic death. Her quest for justice takes an unexpected turn when she meets enigmatic transfer student Alejandre Lopez, who seems to be hiding secrets of his own. With his piercing gaze and mysterious smile, Andre (as he's known) is an outsider who sparks both curiosity and suspicion. As they dig deeper, they unravel a complex web of family history and deceit that threatens to destroy everything they thought they knew. Adria's determination to expose the truth puts her in the crosshairs of powerful forces, while Andre's mission to fulfill a promise to his father leads him down a dangerous path. With their feelings for each other growing stronger, Adria and Andre must navigate treacherous loyalties, hidden agendas, and the dark truth about their families' past. They discover that their connection goes far beyond coincidence, and that their families' secrets are intertwined in ways they never imagined. Will they find a way to trust each other and confront the shadows of their history, or will the weight of their secrets tear them apart? As they delve deeper into the truth, they must confront the ultimate question: can love and loyalty overcome the darkness of their past, or will it consume them forever?.

Emmyst_01 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
27 Chs

chapter 12: Truth within the Lies.

"Finally, I can't wait to meet my future daughter-in-law." She said happily as Andre stared at his mother in shock.


Few hours later, Andre could be seen heading in the direction of the safe house Adria informed him they were in. As he got closer to the place, all he could see were trees that seemed endless. If it were someone else, they would have turned back because all they would see was an endless path of trees, but Andre having been here before knew that this was only a cover up for a safe house hidden deep into the heart of the forest.

Soon enough a wide gate came into view. It required a passcode which he inputted and the gate drew open. He continued driving and he knew without seeing them that there were guards hidden around Incase there was an intruder.

After passing the gate, there was still a long pathway he had to go through before the safe house came into view. As Andre drove further, the pathway finally revealed the safe house, known as "The Haven". It was a majestic, modern lodge-style building, blending seamlessly into the surrounding forest. The exterior was crafted from natural materials, with a rustic, earthy tone, allowing it to harmonize with the environment. The structure was designed to withstand various threats, with reinforced walls, bulletproof windows, and a secure, gated perimeter.

The building's layout was strategically planned, with multiple layers of security and surveillance. The main entrance was protected by a heavy, metal door, equipped with advanced biometric scanners and motion detectors. The interior was sleek and modern, featuring cutting-edge technology, comfortable living quarters, and state-of-the-art training facilities.

The safe house was surrounded by a network of hidden guard posts, camouflaged to blend in with the forest. Trained guards, armed with advanced weaponry, were stationed at these posts, providing an additional layer of security. The perimeter was also equipped with advanced sensors, detecting any potential intruders and alerting the guards promptly.

The Haven was a self-sustaining facility, with its own power generation, water supply, and advanced air filtration systems. This ensured that the occupants could remain safe and comfortable, even in the event of an extended siege.

As Andre arrived, he was greeted by the guards, who nodded in respect as he entered the safe house. He knew that Adria was waiting for him inside, and he was eager to reunite with her.

As he walked further, he heard a voice that made him smile and look at the person who called him.

Adria had been feeling suffocated as she was in her father's office in the building reading up more on what was documented about the omertà alliance and the shadowhand clan. She had decided to make something to eat since all she had had that day was the breakfast Andre had made for her.

Coming out of the office, she turned the corner and was about going down the stairs when she had seen him. She called out his name softly which he had heard and looked up at her with a smile on his face.

Not being able to contain the rush of emotions she felt, Adria rushed down the stairs and went into his waiting arms. He had already anticipated that she might welcome him this way and he felt like he was complete as she relaxed in his arms. She fit so perfectly with him that made him thinking that she was made just for him.

As they pulled apart, they both had a smile on their face. Andre's eyes strayed to her lips as he stared at them. Adria seeing the way he was looking at her lips, decided to tease him a little as she licked them slowly. She moved away from him as she made her way to the kitchen.

Deciding not to pass up the opportunity of seeing the look on his face she turned back but was instead shocked. Instead of him being dumbfounded like she imagined, he was smirking at her. He was f*cking smirking at her like he expected her to do that.

Adria turned back to go to the kitchen but before she could take a step further she was suddenly yanked back gently and pinned against the wall. Andre still had that smirk on his face as he stared into her hazel brown eyes.

Andre's eyes locked onto Adria's, his gaze burning with intensity. He leaned in closer, his face inches from hers, and whispered, "You think you can tease me, Adria? You think you can lick your lips and walk away, leaving me wanting?"

Adria's breath caught in her throat as she felt Andre's warm breath on her skin. She tried to speak, but her voice was barely a whisper, "I...I was just trying to..."

Andre's smirk grew wider as he interrupted her, "You were trying to drive me crazy, Adria. And it's working." He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against hers, sending shivers down her spine.

Adria's eyes fluttered closed as she felt herself getting lost in the moment. She had never felt this way before, like she was melting into someone's embrace. Andre's lips traced hers, teasing her, tempting her, until she couldn't take it anymore.

With a soft moan, Adria opened her lips, inviting Andre in. Their kiss was like a spark igniting a flame, burning hot and fierce. They devoured each other, their lips moving in perfect sync, their bodies pressed together, wanting more.

As they broke apart for air, Adria's eyes opened to find Andre's gaze still burning with intensity. He leaned in again, his voice low and husky, "You're mine, Adria. And I'm not letting you go."

And with that, he claimed her lips once more, their passion consuming them both.

As they broke apart from their passionate kiss, Nanny Esther's voice echoed from the hallway, " Adria, who's.....oh dear heavens."

Andre and Adria turned to face her, their chests heaving. Nanny Esther stood in the doorway, a hint of a smirk on her face.

"Ah, Andre, I see you're still as charming as ever," she said, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

Andre chuckled, his eyes never leaving Adria's face. "Nanny Esther, always a pleasure."

Nanny Esther's gaze flicked to Adria, her expression softening. "Adria, dear, I didn't know you were...entertaining."

Adria's face flushed as she smiled sheepishly. "I didn't know you were still here."

Nanny Esther snorted, her eyes rolling. "Of course I'm still here, dear. I'm not one to abandon my posts easily."

Andre's eyes met Nanny Esther's, a hint of amusement in his gaze. "Esther, always the loyal guardian."

Nanny Esther's expression turned stern, her eyes narrowing. "And don't you forget it, young man. I've known you since you were a boy, and I won't hesitate to take you down if you hurt Adria."

Adria's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze darting between Nanny Esther and Andre. "You've known him since he was a boy?." She questioned.

Nanny Esther's expression softened, her eyes warming. "Ah, yes, dear. Andre's family and yours have been connected for a long time. His father and your father were business partners, and Andre's mom your's were close friends."

Andre's eyes never left Adria's face, his gaze burning with intensity. "Yes, Adria. Our families have a long history together. And now, it seems our connection goes beyond just family ties."

Nanny Esther's gaze flicked to Andre, her expression stern. "Remember what I said, Andre. I won't hesitate to take you down if you hurt Adria."

Andre's smile grew wider, his eyes never leaving Adria's face. "I wouldn't dream of it, Esther. Adria is mine, and I'll do everything in my power to protect her."

As Nanny Esther turned to leave, Adria's stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her of the main reason she came downstairs. Andre's eyes lit up with amusement as he turned to her.

"I think someone's hungry," he said, his voice low and husky.

Adria's face flushed as she nodded, her eyes locked onto his. "I think you're right."

Andre dismissed Nanny Esther with a wave of his hand. "I'll take care of it, Esther. You can go back to your duties...or whatever it is you do when no one's looking."

Nanny Esther chuckled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh, you have no idea, young man. But don't worry, I'll leave you two alone...for now."

As Nanny Esther left, Andre turned to Adria, his eyes burning with intensity. "Let's get you fed, shall we?"

Adria nodded, her eyes locked onto his as he dragged her gently to the kitchen. She watched in admiration as he moved with grace and precision, his hands moving swiftly as he prepared pasta and Alfredo sauce.

As they sat down to eat, Adria couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. Andre's eyes met hers, his gaze burning with intensity, and she knew she was his, completely and utterly.

After they had both eaten to their full, more like Andre kept heaping more pasta onto her plate instead of focusing on his. They both went to her father's office and saw that nanny Esther was already there.

As they settled down, with Andre sitting next to Adria as he draped his arm over her pulling her closer. Adria decided to ask the questions first.

"I know that they've been a lot of things I didn't know about and I still don't know about. I need you both to be honest with me, please?" She begged with desperation in her voice.

"I don't think I would be able to sleep without knowing the whole Truth about my parents death, or why everything leads back to the omertà alliance and the shadowhand clan. I know you both know the truth and that's why I'm asking you to tell me. I know you think that not involving me would keep me safe but it's actually doing the opposite. How I'm I supposed to know who's an enemy or a friend when I don't even know who we are fighting against and why. I don't want to be kept in the dark any longer. I want to know the truth within these lies."

"You are right. We shouldn't keep you in the dark any longer, but we won't be the one to tell you the truth. Your father will." Andre told her as he caressed her hair.

Adria was totally confused.

"What do you mean by my father will, he's dead isn't he?" She asked unsurely, because from experience anything could be possible.

"Yes he is, but before he died he had recorded himself, telling you everything you needed to know. He was supposed to tell you everything by himself on your eighteenth birthday but he couldn't make it. Luckily he had a back up plan, the recording." It was nanny Esther that answered as she stood up and walked towards the mini bar in the office.

She squatted a bit as she opened a cupboard that contained drinks that looked vintage. She pressed a button at the side that wasn't very visible to someone looking at it unless you knew about it. There was a click sound that echoed in the room as the wall next to the bar slid open, revealing a hidden safe.

Turning back to Adria, nanny Esther addressed her.

"The truth lies in this safe but only you have the key."

"I don't understand what you are talking about." Adria said with a confused look on her face.

"You would. There were only three people who knew the code to open the safe. The three being your parents and you. Right now, you are the only living person who can open this." She explained to Adria.

"But I don't know the code. My father didn't tell me the code and I've never seen this safe before" Adria argued.

"You father did tell you but he wasn't straightforward. Think about it Adria, trust your gut. The safe has just two tries. If gotten wrong it would automatically lock for sixty days, so it's crucial you remember." Nanny Esther said almost begging her to remember.

Andre turned to face Adria as he caressed her face in his palm, looking into her eyes - hazel brown meeting grey. He spoke softly;

"You don't have to stress yourself. Just think about the memories with your dad, focus on the one your gut shows you. Just take your time, I'm sure you would remember." He assured her.

Adria nodded as she took a deep breath, closing her eyes she focused on the memories of her and her dad. One particular memory kept sticking out to her and she decided to focus on it.

It was the time her, her sister and her parents went on a family trip to their private cabin close to the beach. They were all out that night as her father told her a story. But it wasn't just a story, it was the key to the safe. The code.

That night, as they sat around the campfire, her father began to tell a story. "Once upon a time, there were three sisters, named after the stars in the sky. Astrid, the eldest, represented the North Star, always constant and guiding. Luna, the middle sister, represented the Moon, always changing and adapting. And Aria, the youngest, represented the Sun, always shining bright and bold."

As he told the story, he pointed to the sky, showing them the constellations. "Remember, my dear children, the North Star is always at 33 degrees, the Moon orbits at 28 degrees, and the Sun rises at 61 degrees."

Adria's mind raced as she remembered the story. She opened her eyes, determination in her gaze. "I think I remember," she said, her voice firm. "The code is 33-28-61."

Andre and Nanny Esther exchanged a hopeful glance. "Try it," Andre encouraged.

Adria stood up and walked to the safe. She entered the code, her heart pounding in anticipation. The safe clicked open, revealing a camera that had her father's recording on it.

She walked back to the couch as she sat down. She was hesitant on watching it but nevertheless she pressed play.

As the recording began to play, Adria felt a sense of trepidation, but also a sense of determination. She was ready to face the truth, no matter what it may be.

"Welcome, Adria," her father said, his voice warm and gentle. "I'm proud of you for making it this far. Now, it's time for you to know the truth."