
Chapter 49: Arceus

Chapter 49


Plans are nothing; planning is everything. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving. - Lao Tzu

Reviewer Quotes :D

The 'true' Yuni only waited for an opportunity, you MADE yours. - Ecris-vains en formation

Byakuran and his hipster friends (the Funeral Wreaths) left for the Choice Battle.

How long was Choice...? Approximately twenty-three episodes was how long the arc was, but the fight itself was six episodes: and if each episode was 20-30 minutes, then Choice was anywhere from two to three hours.

So I had two to three hours to find the Pacifiers (and steal them!) and find the uncharted island and somehow get there.


"Pacifiers~" I called, quietly, sneaking around Byakuran's office. "Come to Yuni-chan...please?"

Yes, it had already been about twenty minutes and I was resorting to calling for the Pacifiers. Maybe a miracle or something would happen and they would start glowing or something.

Or not.

But I was getting really annoyed. I mean, I had limited time and I had no idea where the fuck the Pacifiers were. I checked in that Tri-Ni-Set tray thing that hangs over Byakuran's table and it was empty.

"I'm just having a fucking awesome day, aren't I?" I muttered, peeking under his desk.

I looked under his couch. I looked in his desk (and only found marshmallow bags).

Then I promptly tripped over a left out marshmallow bag, and slammed my forehead into a wall. "GODFREAKING-"

The wall disappeared.

(cue everyone WTF-ing)

The wall seemed to fade from existence, an illusion probably, revealing the Pacifiers in a different Tri-Ni-Set tray.

I beamed, scooping them up and securing them. "Hello, Fon-sama, Skull-kun, Verde, Reborn-ojii-san, Mammon. The ride might be bumpy, but I kind of have to save the world now, so I don't think you should be picky."



Now, to find the uncharted, uninhabited island.

Mao, wanna give me a hand?

I hadn't spoken to Mao in a while. When I had tried, it felt like she was turning away from me, almost like she was speaking to someone else.

37.037663 latitude and 19.083287 longitude.

How do you know these kinds of things? I swear, you read minds.

Call it intuition, if you will.


No, Byakuran had it written on a piece of paper on his desk that I noticed while you were searching for the Pacifiers.


Yeah. Oops.

Time to figure out a way to get to said uncharted, uninhabited island.

1. Take a plane. Unfortunately, that takes a lot of freaking time.

2. Use the Pacifier. Unfortunately, I'll probably screw up the latitude and longitude points and end up in the middle of the ocean or something.

3. Use the Sky Box Weapon. Preferred method, but I don't know if it will allow me to sit upon its back...

You're running out of time. Use the Sky Box. It's the only choice.

Glancing at the clock, I estimated that we had about thirty-ish minutes. I didn't hurry, Tsunayoshi-chan of the past would die, Byakuran would get the Vongola Rings, all of the parallel worlds would end and so would this one.

No pressure.

Taking a deep breath, I lit up my Sky Pacifier (yes, the Pacifier could be lit up and yes, the Pacifier could fit in the Box) and set it into the Sky box.

My Box Weapon was white, with a grey stomach with a pattern that reappeared on his mane, tail, and face. His four pointed feet were tipped with gold hooves. His mane was quite long, jutting away from his head, and his face is gray, with green and red eyes, and a green circular pattern below his eyes. He had a wonderful streak of gold on his head, and ears that point upward, as if towards the Sky.

I considered him perfection.

Really, on the roulette of Box Weapons, I had really hit the jackpot with Arceus. Google him, he's really the best Box Weapon possible.

Of course, fate, being the badass that it is, gave me a Pokemon Box Weapon. When the hell did this series cross over?

I bowed, deep and low to Arceus. Treat one with respect and trust. To deceive one would be to plan your own death.

He seemed to be passing Judgement, surveying me with a scrutinizing eye.

I felt like Harry Potter, waiting for Buckbeak to bow back. What if he does not Judge me positively? What if I fail and the world explodes?

Arceus seemed to pick up on my thoughts, snorted and bowed back.

I straightened then, adopting an incredibly serious tone. "Arceus, I need your assistance."

He appeared to be amused, giving me a look that read 'Why should I assist you?'

"You should, uhh, assist me, because I'm trying to save the world." I said, feeling kind of awkward. "I'm supplying you with Flames right now, and I'm trying to help people. I'm trying to...keep even with the tradition of the original, go along with what originally happened."

Arceus is big on tradition and originality, just sayin'.

'What do you need, human?'

"Umm, I need you to take me to-" Here, I fumbled with the written latitude and longitude lines. "-this location, please."

He eyed it. '37.037663 latitude and 19.083287 longitude? Is that all, human?'

I fidgeted, slightly. "For now. I might have to call on you later, when I'm, ya know, in trouble."

'You are following with tradition, child, and trying to help others.' Arceus acknowledged. 'I find it polite of you to ask for help, instead of demanding it of your Box like any other would.'

"You kind of scare me." I admitted, with a shrug. "I don't want to pull a Draco Malfoy and demand something of you...and then get my arm broken."

Arceus considered it. 'Makes sense. Shall we go?'

"I guess." I said, nervously. "Do I just like...climb on your back or something? Now I feel ridiculously stupid."

'All humans are.' he reassured me, without reassuring me at all. 'Yes, you simply climb on my back, like a horse. However, I am so very much more superior to horses.'

I awkwardly made it onto Arceus' back, sitting in front of the giant golden ring thing, closer to his neck.

'If you fall off, then I will not return to get you.' he warned, darkly.

I swallowed. "Uhh, got it."

And he jumped out the window.

Have you ever flown on the back of a Pokemon/Box Weapon?

Somehow, I doubt that you have.

But once in everyone's life, they need to try it. Because it was probably the coolest feeling I had ever felt in my life.

Arceus didn't have wings or anything, he just soared. We were out of sight of the Millefiore base and the city in a minute, flat. Hell, we were out of Italy in five minutes.

Skimming over the surface of the Ionian Sea, Arceus flew.

I let out a half-insane, half-excited laugh. In mere minutes, I would see Tsuna again, alive, I would see Hibari-sama, I would see everyone I loved, everyone I missed. I would see a grown up Mukuro-dearest, out of jail, by the next day. Squ-chan dearest would be yelling at me in the next twenty-four hours.

I would see Fran.

It was kind of bittersweet, I think, being able to see all the people I love so much and then dying right afterwards. It's like, 'Hey, how have you been lately? Oh, the figure above me? Just the Angel of Death, waiting for me to say my farewells.' Talk about an awkward conversation.

'You will be dying soon, I take it?' Arceus questioned, correctly guessing my thoughts.

"I suppose." I sighed, forgetting my happiness for my friends. "Death is going to suck."

'Death is one of those things that you cannot avoid.' he said, wisely.

"That doesn't change the fact that it's going to be a bummer." I rubbed my forehead. "Everything will be gone."

'Everything will be here.' he assured me. 'You simply won't be here to see it.'

"I'd rather that everything except me would be here rather than everything except me was gone." I admitted, awkwardly. "Why am I talking to you again?"

'I don't know.' Arceus confessed. 'Perhaps its due to the fact that you are the only one around that can interpret my words?'

"Maybe." I shrugged. "I think you're talking to me, considering how I'm just figuring out your facial expressions from your back - which out to be impossible, but I think it might be anime physics - but you might not even be talking to me and all and I'm just insane."

'Perhaps.'Arceus allowed. 'But its better to be insane than lonely. If you're lonely, then you're halfway to insanity.'

"I feel like you're insulting me." I said, awkwardly. Awkwardly was quickly becoming the word I used most to describe myself. "But I'll pretend that I'm not offended."

A promise that we never would have made

will seek to take our future from us again

is it that even though we got what we wanted,

we are unable to offer an honest smile?

These tears welling up are fragments born of pain,

not of weakness or moment,

whatever fate I face,

I've learned that one thing is limits,

whatever hardship I face

I don't want to give

Don't let me go!

The warmth of your right hand that I held so tight

is still here with me.

-Shunkan Sentimental by SCANDAL

'We have arrived at the location that you have asked me to take you to.' Arceus informed me, as the island came into view. Tall skyscrapers were all that I could see, for what seemed like miles.

"Thank you." I said, genuinely. "I think that I will have you take me to the edge of that island and then I will have to return you to your Box."

'If that is how things will go,' he nodded. 'then that is how they will. I hope that you will be able to call upon me again. If you never do, I will believe you to be dead, child.'

"That," I decided. "would suck."

New problem.

How should I approach the Choice Battle?

Here are some scenarios that I thought up:

1. "Tsunayoshi-chan!" I would cry, running forward and hug him.

(In the background, Haru could be seen crying, 'Tsuna-san is mine!')

Byakuran looks surprised. "Yuni-chan? You're...not mind-raped anymore?"

I stick my tongue out. "No, bitch!"

That one, as we can see, has many, many flaws.

2. I could go canon on this bullshit.

"I object." I would declare, my awesome white cape flapping in the wind.

Tsuna would sweatdrop. "Why is she being so polite?"

I think that the Canon-Yuni's personality not being my personality would probably end up being a problem.

Or I could wing it, which is option three.

"I request a Choice rematch!" I arrived just as Irie Shoichi's voice cut through the air.

He was on the ground, bleeding, desperately injured, while the Vongola crowded around him.

Byakuran, however, didn't even have to think about it. "Hmm...sorry. I don't remember that ever happening."

Irie Shoichi was asking for a rematch because of a favor that Byakuran owed him.

"W-What?!" Shoichi seemed horrified, like all of his back-up plans were crumbling to dust. "You never forget about a contest!"

Byakuran sneered down at his past friend. "Sounds too convenient."

"But a promise is a promise!" the ginger/redhead insisted. "You used to be honest when it came to Choice!"

The marshmallow-eating hippie was starting to get annoyed. "I'm telling you that it never happened. Can't agree to something that never happened."

I started walking forward, getting pissed off with Byakuran's actions.

"As the Millefiore Boss, I formally refuse." Byakuran declared. His tone of voice was serious, in an 'this is the end of the discussion' type of tone.

"Byakuran, I refuse to accept your bullshit."






Plans, plans, plans. Life is what happens while one is busy making plans.

I want Yuni to totally troll Byakuran. Yeah, that'll be fun.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes, everyone :D


The Ice Sorceress - Gamma at their wedding, lol, 'I OBJECT'

coldgazeproduction - A Hibari doll-? *dies of awesomeness*

RikiRenaH42 - Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Khorale - Who doesn't like chocolate? Thanks for the birthday wishes.

thekouhai193 - Yuni has to go take over Choice right now. Please leave a message after the beep. *BEEEP*

Paigecat - Alphonse-sama likes Winry's apple pie? What, is mine not good enough? OFFENDED. (It's okay, I still love you.) I don't like marshmallows. Is it a sign...?

anyandeveryanime - Tomorrow is your birthday? Happy birthday! 'Adoption' is so cute, isn't it? Not..the.. KYOKO SPARKLES! *hiss*

shirokuromokona - ITACHI-SAMA! (I have so many people I worship, lol.) Technically, the Choice location was on an uninhabited island. Canon-Yuni said that, I think.

Ingmina - Don't forget Yuni-channn. Thanks for the birthday wishes :D

catrinebatrine - Fran...doll? *passes out*

akuma-chan25300 - Daisy is scary, but he's a Funeral Wreath. If he was nice, it'd be awkward. -_- Yuni...hijacking a helicopter? lol, no.

Yuki28 - Is it 'Flan' or 'Fran'? I thought 'flan' was a type of food, so I used Fran.

Autore Raita - Yuni having a mental breakdown? She's had several throughout the fanfiction, I think...

Lanaught - Yuni's not good with reading aloud latitude and longitude. Not to mention, Arceus is so much more fun.

QRed - I can edit too. Drawing... -_- talk about a nightmare. I hate the red hot candy! Ugh, how can people eat those...?

Ecris-vains en formation - Yuni will never give up her worshipping of the fan service. Never. Thank you for that, "The 'true' Yuni only waited for an opportunity, you MADE yours." That made me smile, thank you.

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - Jelly babies? Hmm...

Random Reader - Hibari-sama IS AWESOME. Just sayin'...

WasTiger - I have been told my updates are legendary for being so often.

Maso-chan - The Inheritance Succession arc is coming soon to theatres near you.

hibariismine - You're doing fanart? :D

o-o - I don't feel any different from how I had previously been. Maybe even more sarcastic than usual. I dunno.

CuteDork - I already miss Mukuro-dearest.

Sachikothepeacock - Bluebell irritates me. I don't hate her, but she annoys me.

TNM-Writer - *takes metaphorical cookies* Thank you.

Searchingformyheart - Thinking like Yuni/Riza after ten straight chapters? Bitch, please. I write this story. My mind is on 24/7 Riza/Yuni mode, I swear.

chocolateleo - Yuni backstabs Byakuran? Umm, we all knew that was coming due to her incredible hatred of Byakuran, lol.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - I have a panda trash can! I got it for Easter! It is my only source of happiness *cue emo corner*

.556 - I feel like a douche when I eat marshmallows. I wonder why...

Everren - That fanart you made me was amazing and I love it and I worship it at an altar (ahaha, that's pushing it). Thanks so much!

CrimsonSkyTamer - A one-shot for my birthday? Okay, let's see: a Gokudera/Reader (because I have randomly fallen in love with him). Please?

palmtoptiger - Daisy and Kikyo?

KatoKimeka-chan - I like Bubu too, but Daisy was only using Bubu to make Byakuran happy. Bluebell friends with Yuni? Bluebell creeps me the fuck out...

ResyaAfhirsa - I'll look into Psycho-Pass. OMG, I googled Shinya Kougami and he looked almost identical to Hibari-sama! I was the X-Gloves! I think I know what I'm going to do for the manga thing.

Namimori-Skylark-18 - Pocky rocks. It's like the Ghiradelli of the pocky world.

happytth - Thanks for the happy birthday wishes. The Choice confrontation coming next chapter.

Pailrose - Pocky is awesome~

xXMissOtakuXx - Would you like to do a fanart with Yuni w/long hair and her Gumi/Vocaloid outfit? :D lol, you don't have to.

MeLikesROFL - Memes are funny. They make people think 'why the fuck didn't I figure that out earlier?' which is perfectly alright.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! There's a poll on my profile, go check it out.


What is your favorite movie of all time?

Leave a review? (my eternal goal is 1000 forever)

Leave a box of pocky?

Expect an update soon. I'm on spring break ALL week, people.
