
Chapter 48: Don't Forget About Me

Chapter 48

Don't Forget About Me

Nana: Are the people in the fort going to fight against the Mafia?

Tsuna: Ugh! Mom, you've joined the Mafia!?

Nana: What a neat event!

Tsuna: She's pulling a Yamamoto!

Reviewer Quotes :D

Make babies when they're at a respectively mature age -facewalls- - Nazo-san

I think Mukuro has a thing for helping teenage girls change. First, helped Chrome become less of a pushover. And now he's helping Yuni rebel against Byakuran... well, in her own way. - Paigecat

Nothing happened for months. MONTHS I TELL YOU.

Well, my hair grew out longer. A lot longer. If Byakuran told me to cut it (which he did, a lot, I assure you), I'd give him a blank stare and say 'What?' like some kind of idiot.

Eventually, he just gave up, but I was happy. I couldn't all out rebel against him (unless, of course, I wanted to freaking die) but I couldn't do nothing. This was my way of telling him that I was myself. That I was me. That I wasn't his pawn.

Memories of Tsuna falling before me, blood painting the air red, still haunted my dreams. I could count the times that I woke up, damp with sweat (gross, I know), and that number would be in the double digits.

The best thing that happened to me, probably, was on Easter (I dunno...) when Byakuran came in with a bunch of marshmallows (for him) and chocolate (for me) and all we did was just sit on the couch and totally pig out. Then he pulled out a panda trash can (with the flippy lid, I loved it) and handed it to me, with a 'Happy Easter', before he went to work on his plans for like world domination.

That panda trash can was probably the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life.

It was mostly white, but the nose, ears and eyes were black as the Black Spell uniforms, or even black-er (is that a word...?) and I loved that thing. It made up for everything evil Byakuran had done. But not everything evil that Byakuran would do.

"Yuni-sama." Leonardo Lippi came to see me one day. "How have you been?"

"Swanky." I replied, leaning into my throne. I was still in my Gumi from Vocaloid getup (feeling like such a boss). "And you?"

"Swell, thank you." he nodded his head.

I stared at him.

He stared back.


Stare back...

I burst into perfectly insane laughter. "Bahahahaha! You should've seen your face! Or maybe you shouldn't have, it might have scarred a lesser man."

Leo smiled in amusement. "Yes, the lesser man cannot look upon a face as handsome as this one."

"So what's your next move?" I asked, smile still present.

"I shall destroy the white orchid." he declared, but then his expression turned grave. "If I fail, then the foolish apprentice must bail me out."

I swallowed, before speaking again. "You can count on Fran, I know it."

"He refused to believe you were innocent, child." he poked my forehead. "What have you done?"

"It was not my fault!" I protested, crossing my arms. "It wasn't that big of a deal, anyways."

"You betrayed the Vongola," he deadpanned. "and started a mafia war. If that isn't a big deal, then I don't want to know what a big deal is actually like."

"Oh shut up." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Don't forget about me and totally abandon me here, you sick bastard."

He snorted. "Don't underestimate my memory skills, you mere child."

In this curtain of night, the moon shines on two people

I search for warmth as I strongly embrace the one I have

My breath becomes white as I use my numb finger

To etch her name in the snow as it melts and disappears

"I'll never let go"

The promise I made back then

Is fading away beyond the white visibility

And returns to nothingness

Falling falling snow, I want you to cover and hide me

I watch your form running away from me and I held in my tears

The falling snow swallows, my world and my love

Until the pain in my chest heals

Melt away in the white

The days I spent with you flow through the passing seasons

The memories filled with laughter become a transient image

Your appearance starts fading in the congestion

"Please don't go"

My feelings become a fragment in the snow

Falling falling snow, I want it to cover and hide your figure

Are these silently falling objects the snow or my tears?

The falling snow swallows, you and our past

Until the day comes when it melts and disappears

Don't forget about me

Blurring and breaking away, the fragments of my memory (Goodbye)

Falling falling snow, I want you to cover and hide me

The falling droplets are my voice and my tears

The falling snow swallows, my world and my love

Until the pain in my chest heals

Melt away in the white

"Don't forget about me"

-Falling Falling Snow by Kagamine Len

Leonardo Lippi turned to walk away, on his way to probably attack Byakuran, the 'White Orchid'.

Doesn't he lose?

I watched him, Mukuro, Leo, whoever, stride away, his walk only full of confidence.

He's going to be hurt.

I closed my eyes.

Be safe.

"Be safe." I called, as he opened the door. For a moment, I didn't see Leonardo Lippi, or Guido Greco, or whoever it was, I just saw the flicker of a man with long, blue hair, and blue/red heterochromic eyes.

"Of course."

Hours later, I got the news.

Leonardo Lippi was, in fact, Rokudo Mukuro, who had possessed a 17-year-old murderer, named Guido Greco. I had already known this, so it wasn't anything new to me.

At the same time(-ish), the Vongola, all over the world, was attacking the Millefiore bases.

The Varia had, supposedly, taken back the Vongola Manor. Xanxus himself had killed Rasiel, the Storm Funeral Wreath.

Apparently, according to my 'soldiers', Vongola Decimo himself was participating in the battle.

At the Melone Base, in Namimori, Japan, Gamma (the Lightning Funeral Wreath), Glo Xinia (the Rain Funeral Wreath), Iris Hepburn (the Cloud Funeral Wreath) and Genkishi (the Mist Funeral Wreath) had all been defeated.

Irie Shoichi (the Sun Funeral Wreath) turned out to be traitor, and was revealed as one by Byakuran himself.

Byakuran then decided to unveil his secret weapon: the Real Six Funeral Wreaths.

Kikyo (Cloud), Bluebell (Rain), Zakuro (Storm), Daisy (Sun), Ghost (Lightning) and Torikabuto (Mist) were the Real Funeral Wreaths.

THEN. Byakuran, the freaking genius that he was (sense the sarcasm, dearies?), decided to announce a freaking Choice match.


(Everything was happening at once, and I found it a little funny and overwhelming)

"Yuni-chan~" Byakuran sang, coming into breakfast and swinging me around.

I just dealt with it (wearing a deadpan expression, of course). "Yes, Byakuran?"

"I want you to meet my Guardians." he beamed, tossing a marshmallow into his mouth. "They're all very important."

Cool story, bro. Don't tell it again. Or you can tell it again and see what happens to your freaking marshmallows if you do.

"Yes, Byakuran." I nodded.

I sized up the Six (well, five) Funeral Wreaths. I knew they were sizing me up in return, but I tried to ignore that (ya know, in the pursuit of friendship and all).

Kikyo's eyes were very, very turquoise. And so was his makeup. And his hair. And he had giant earrings. I think he might have been the second-coming of Lussuria in the making.

Bluebell creeped me the fuck out. Her hair was long and pale blue (pretty, though) and had several dark blue clips in it that matched the color of her eyes. She was sneering at me, in what was obvious dislike and I just...didn't feel comfortable standing in the same room as her.

Zakuro was probably the most normal-looking of the four; red hair and brown eyes weren't that uncommon. Just look at Kozato Enma. He needed a good shave, but that was the most interesting thing about his appearance.

Daisy may have taken the cake for scariest person. He was clutching a pink, torn and re-stitched bunny to his chest, desperately, and his eyes were big and terrified. There were significant bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in a very long time.

Thankfully, Ghost was, ya know, in Vindice Penitentiary and all, so he couldn't, oh, I dunno, KILL US.

Torikabuto was pretty freaking weird. He was wearing a dark red mask (or maybe he was the mask...) with pointed teeth and white eyes. It creeped me out.

Kikyo nodded at me. "Byakuran-sama tells me that you are the second-in-command. I am Kikyo, it is an honor to meet you, Yuni-sama."

(I'm a little weirded out to meet you, Lussuria-wannabe)

Bluebell pouted at me. "Boo! She's not even cute, Byakuran! What a waste!"

(I am pretty pissed at you, but I will not react, in fear of strangling you or something)

Zakuro didn't even glance my way. "Idjit."

(I'll pretend that I'm not offended.)

Daisy smiled, nervously, at me. He offered a dead flower (I think it was a daisy...talk about hidden meanings) to me. "W-Would you like it? It's for you..."

I took the flower. (If he randomly kills me, let it be known that I love you, Hibari-sama)

"..." Torikabuto didn't say anything.

(Thank you, for not creeping me the fuck out. Kind of)

"Aren't they very unique, Yuni-chan?" Byakuran grinned at me. "They will be participating in the Choice game next week."

"Shall I be accompanying you all, Byakuran?" I questioned, keeping my eyes pointedly blank.

He considered it. "No... you have to take care of the Millefiore while I'm gone, k~?"

"Yes, Byakuran." I dipped my head, slightly. SHIT, HOW THE FUCK AM I GOING TO GET THERE NOW? FUUUUCKKKKK.

Yeah, I was slowly losing my mind, I think. And Mukuro-dearest was gone now too.

AND. Shoichi was already with the Vongola (lucky bastard) and I still haven't met Spanner yet (cue deadpan).

Don't forget about me.






Don't leave me here, alone.

This chapter was far too short, so I think I'm going to add in a few omakes. The random dots will seperate omake from omake.




'In Which Gamma Takes on Gokudera Hayato'

Gamma Third Person P. O. V.

The man, Gamma, sized up the boy in front of him. Gokudera Hayato, Gamma's mind recalled, was his name.

Princess, Yuni, had mentioned him often. Gokudera Hayato had been the topic of one of their first conversations.

"Oh? And how, exactly, do you know about Varia, the Vongola Familgia's elite assassination squad?" Gamma had inquired, slightly suspicious of her knowledge. The girl, Boss' daughter, had been singing about the Varia. It hadn't taken a genius to figure out that she was kind of off.

"Gokudera Hayato." Princess had grinned back, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Smoking Bomb Hayato? That rookie?" He had tried to clarify. Gokudera Hayato had tried to join the Giglio Nero a while back, but had been rejected.

Princess nodded, apparently recognizing the title. "Yep."

"And how do you know him?" Gamma questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I can read his mind, because you know, it's in the blood," she had started to explain. "And so I was just, ya know, strolling to the park with Irina, that's my caretaker. And then he walked by. And his mind was all like 'Fuck!'"

Gamma considered it. 'Mind-reading'? It wouldn't have been the strangest thing from her bloodline that he had heard of. He snorted. The girl already knew as many swear words as Nosaru.

"Hush." Princess had the nerve to scold him. "I'm telling a story."

"I'm sorry." Gamma couldn't help but smile at her.

Then Princess had smiled back, a bright, absolute wonderful smile. "You're forgiven. Anyways, his mind was all 'Fuck! Varia didn't let me in either!' and then he went on to list all the Varia members."

"You remember that?" he was impressed. She was so young, but could already remember events in such detail...

"Yeah." she bobbed her head, before opening her mouth to speak. "Mainly because he was so handsome."

Gamma had then declared that the boy was good as dead.

Swallowing down the pain of the memory, Gamma rushed forward, opening the box that Genkishi had given him, the box that had been delivered to him from his surrogate 'daughter'.

The Nero Volpi.




'In Which Gamma Takes On Hibari Kyoya'

Gamma Third-Person P. O. V.

Hibari Kyoya, Gamma decided, was a very, very strong man. Appropriate, he admitted, bitterly, to himself, to be the idol of his Princess.

Yuni had worshipped this guy, 'OH MY HIBARI-SAMA', as if he was a god,and swearing on his name 'I swear, on the name of Hibari Kyoya-sama', and just treating this...'Hibari Kyoya' like he was the king of the world.

And after taking on Hibari Kyoya and losing, Gamma decided that if this man was the one who his Princess had declared her undying love for (time after time after time), then he would just have to accept it.

"So who is this Hibari-san you always mention?" Gamma had asked her (after she had announced that 'Hibari-san' would always be her favorite), taking a seat on the floor.

"Hibari-san?" she then blinked, innocently. "He's my future husband."

Gamma twitched, annoyed by the fact that he didn't even know who this...'Hibari-san' was. "I'll kill 'em."

She laughed (she was too happy). "You're just like a very protective father, Gamma."

Gamma tried to avoid turning red. "R-Really?" The daughter of the woman he (loved) followed with his life had thought of him as a father?

"Yeah." Princess nodded. "Anyways, Hibari-san is so...handsome."

It was pretty awkward, having a child, who considered him a father, tell him all about this...guy who she apparently all but worshipped.

"He's the leader of the Disciplinary Committee, at Namimori Middle School." she had said.

And after encountering (and being brutally crushed by) Hibari Kyoya, Gamma could accept this man as her future husband. Even if he hated his guts.

Eh, I wrote enough.


Ingmina - Gaara with a loving sister Temari. *accepts poisoned marshmallows* NOT THE ILLEGAL ADDICTIONS.

Pailrose - I can't make it longer! Unfortunately, I have a life. Kind of.

coldgazeproduction - You're so young... (lol, don't take that in a creepy way) I hope you're having fun on vacation, while losers like me are at home, crying alone, lol.

Khorale - Thanks :)

Paigecat - 0126 *snickers* BAHAHAHAHA! Mukuro has a way with teenage girls. -_-

SophieQueenOfTheWorld - I never thought Gaara looked like a panda. I thought he looked really, really tired. -_-

NAO-chan33 - I find it ironic that Squ-chan dearest deemed her 'not worth it' and then she provided him with a shit lot of information. I need to think up a name for Irie Shoichi! Lol, I have something, but I think it's not good enough. Shoichi is going to be like 0-0 'Yuni-sama! What are you doing here?!' and Yuni's going to be like *point* 'It's you! The glasses character!' I love Spring Break :D You see Mukuro can only connect to Chrome through Mukuro (owl) now, and Chrome was unconscious, so they couldn't connect. I wanted to emphasize the fact that she couldn't connect to the Vongola. And it wasn't that I hadn't slept, it was that I hadn't eaten. So after I typed that out, I promptly ate like 4776574 bags of M&M's.

Yuki28 - I'm watching 'Turkestanica' in the background as I write out review replies! OMG, IT WAS SO SAD. TUNAFISH, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU, KORA.

. . - Adoption is so cute, isn't it? I just love that story. I worship it. On an altar. In my sacred temple. I'm a lady. :) Just sayin.

Rd - I love Mukuro. He's not loved enough.

moonprincesst15 - I love Yuni. She's not loved enough either.

Lanaught - No, my day sucked in the end. *shrug*

Furionknight - Doing that Temari thing is definitely on my list. *nods*

Almendra del sol - Your English is perfectly fine. And thank you for reading my story.

CC - Belphegor's 'Raisin' brother? -_-" Rasiel, I think.

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - lol, Yuni's teenage rebellion.

ResyaAfhirsa - I've never seen Psycho-Pass. I can't wait until the Inheritance Succession arc. It's gonna be lots of fun :3

CrimsonSkyTamer - You got an A? Nice.

CuteDork - Yes, yes, it was. Mukuro is awesome~

MeWubFranxx - I love Alphonse-sama too much. -_- I'm freaking obsessed.

Guest - The update felt like forever? lol, it was like four days.

Nero Mezzanotte Surrexit - Byakuran has high expectations for Yuni's clothes selection. Only the best of the uniforms for her.

palmtoptiger-san - I love writing Mukuro. He is just one of my absolute favorite characters from KHR!

MeLikesROFL - Errors? Ughhh... I'll fix them later... probably... Thanks for the M&Ms, ahahaha

i would login - A lot of people want me to go through with the manga, but I've never read the manga. I'll have to temporarily hiatus this story, so I can read the manga, form a plot and then decide from there.

The Ice Sorceress - Fran is a bastard, but I love him. :) And I think Yuni with long hair would be cute :)

xXMissOtakuXx - I think that when she goes to Choice, she's going to cosplay as Edward Elric. M & Ms... the candy?

TNM-Writer - Mukuro was the only one perfect for the part. He can't hate her or else he won't be able to convince Tsuna to save her during Choice.

Rebi-chan - The whole 'returning the box thing' with Gamma was a canon event, I just rewrote the script. I'm on a Vocaloid spree too. Or, more specifically, a Len-spree.

akuma-chan25300 - Yuza? That's the new name for Yuni/Riza.

Everren - OMG, the fanpic on deviantart was perfect. I had to shrink it in order to make it fit for the cover, but I love it, really.

shirokuromokona - I'm full of mistakes. *shrug* I can't wait til Choice.

Nazo-san - Make babies at a respectively mature age? -_- not sure how to respond to that, lol.

happytth - Thank you :)

Tomorrow is my birthday. April 1st. Seriously, it's not a joke. A magnificent present would be fanart...?


What is your favorite type of candy?

Leave a review?

Leave me a birthday present. (that was an order)

Expect an update soon, soon, soon :D
