
Chapter 31: Freeze Frame

Chapter 31

Freeze Frame

TV - The first time a baby laughs, a fairy's life takes flight.

Me - What. The. Fuck?

"After all this time?" - Dumbledore

"Always." - Severus Snape


Wow, I just killed the moment, didn't I?

Today's Reviewer Quote

"Not to mention the friendly, casual way Yuni asks Fran if he's still alive yet and tells him to watch out for potentially life-threatening objects. It's like pushing a frog into a pool of sharks and warning it to be careful, because sharks are known to go on murderous rampages now and then..." - CC

To: TopFroggyIllusionist

From: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

Hi Fran :)

I hope that Belphegor hasn't figured out how to use your laptop yet. He'll be on Youtube forever, seriously.

I'm bored. Reborn-ojii-san is in Japan, Dino is doing mafia stuff and I'm at Irina's (she's my caretaker. I told Mama that I didn't need a babysitter, considering how I've been to like three foreign countries in the span of a week, but I think she'd kill me if she found out.), so there's no Gamma or Nosaru.

Can I come visit?


Yuni-chan :D

I was updating iTunes on my computer (well, updating it my way, as in hacking into Squ-chan's credit card and connecting it to my account), when Irina knocked on my door.

I blinked, looking up at her.

Irina and her brother, Spanner, were from England. Spanner was still in high school, but Irina had moved to Italy and, unfortunately, got mixed up with the mafia.

She had this, almost, German accent (even though she was from England...) and I could never take her seriously because of that.

"Oh, Yu-uh-ni, deah." she cried, happily. I inwardly snickered. "You ah still in country, yes?"

I gave her an amused look. "No, Irina. I am secretly in Canada, working with the FBI to take over Mexico."

She gasped. "Rea-ah-lly?"

Oh yeah, forgot to mention; Irina is a bit of an airhead. But she's a sweet airhead...for what that counts for.

I laughed, feeling kind of bad for the woman. I had ditched her...alone...in Italy...while I left the continent... "No, I'm in Italy, right here."

Irina smiled. "Yes, vell, your mozah (mother) vanted you to come and live vith har (her) at her 'ouse (house) vith mafia peeplle (people)."

I took a moment to decipher what the hell she just said.

Yes, well, your mother wanted you to come and live with her at her house with mafia people.

"Oh, really?" I was surprised. My mother doesn't like me being associated with the mafia, even though I was best friends with everyone in the Vongola, but Nono, and the Cavallone Famiglia have allowed me to attack their boss before.

Irina sighed, sadly. "I vill be lonelee (lonely) old Briteesh laedee (lady) vith no chiuld (child) to make me smiule (smile)."

I will be lonely old British lady with no child to make me smile.

"Umm, Irina, I'm not even home fifty percent of the time..." I pointed out, awkwardly.

She blinked. "Vell, then. I vill miss you anyvays." She gave me a giant hug, reminding me of one of those old ladies who have knitting needles and decide that everyone is their grandchildren and hugs them to death.

Yep. Definitely Irina.

"Your mozah says zat you vill be picked up from 'ouse after lunch and you vill live vith family at mozah's 'ouse." Irina said, as if that explained everything. Which it probably did, I just couldn't understand most of it.

Your mother says that you will be picked up from house after lunch and you will live with family at mother's house.

"Thanks..." I said, awkwardly.

Yeah, Irina and I didn't have much of a bond. Sure, I loved her, but it was more...unconditional love, no matter how harsh that seems.

She left the room, saying something about 'bringing up hot chocolate for cute child' and 'popcorn for child of angels'. I wasn't sure who she was calling a cute child, or a child of angels, cuz it certainly ain't me.

I texted Dino (yeah, I know, random), after I was picked up by Gamma.

Sup, Dino?

His reply was instant. I thought he was doing important mafia stuff...lying bastard.

Not much, you? (Please don't kill me.)

I snorted. Typical Dino.

I ate lunch with the Varia, went to Japan, went to France, came home, recruited some people for the Varia, and am now moving. I think I have had a very productive week, wouldn't you say?

The next answer took a moment or two.


I could practically hear the disapproval. Except it was a text...


...Reborn's gonna kill you.




Now he's going to kill me!

Not if I kill you first.



I then switched off my phone, just to worry him, and enjoyed the rest of the ride to the mansion.

I hid behind a counter, a box clutched, desperately, in my hands. The target searched through the storage, growing more and more agitated with each passing second.

I smiled.




"ATTACK!" I screeched, holding up the box of Cheezits, pelting Nosaru with them like my life depended on it (get it? Like DWM? No? Go fuck yourself.).

He screamed, like little girl we all know that he is, deep down inside, shielding his face with his arms, against my rain of cheesy, delicious crackers.

The boy then realized it was me, and what I was doing. He grinned, maliciously, and I prepared to run.

He whipped out some whipping cream (out of frickin' nowhere, I swear!) and promptly unleashed his own vicious attack.

"Stop!" I begged, as he began tickling me, since he ran out of whipping cream. "GAMMA, NOSARU IS RAPING ME!"

Nosaru released me, dropping me on the floor, and running like hell. "Curse you!"

I cackled, evilly. "Run, bitch, run!"

"Di que sientes cuando pienso en ti una y otra vez. Cada instante, que no estás junto a mí. Mi mundo está al revés. Camino en un desierto cuando tú te vas. No sé si es un espejismo, te siento tan real, baby" I practically sang, laughing to myself.

Gamma walked into the kitchen, wiping his hands (clean of blood...). "What are you chanting now? Voodoo spells?"

I grinned. "Nope. Selena Gomez...IN SPANISH!"

He facepalmed.

Good choice, Gamma, good choice...what the hell was in my breakfast...?!

June's lies and the truth in front of my eyes are put away in sepia tones

Nestling close to one another, warmth; I don't understand those things anymore

"You'll be fine on your own…right?" you said, forcing it upon me and then you said goodbye

If it's going to be that kind of consolation, then I should be tired of hearing it by now

Endlessly ringing; the merciless memories seem to have no intention of forgiving me

If i close my eyes they will only grow surrounding me at a distance you laugh

Will the rain ever stop, I wonder? For a pretty long time now, it's been cold.

Why does the rain choose me? Why does it choose me? Who has nowhere to escape to?

Time intrudes on the new morning, I finally found

The direction I face is not the future, I kept chasing after the past

You, who gave me a new start by your consolations and the hateful and cowardly me.

It's about time… Fumbling, my troubles spill down my tired cheeks

Eyes that don't want to know the past and fingers that can wash it all away

Scars healat a gentle pace; at an unreachable distance that seems to be within reach

Will the rain ever stop, I wonder? For a pretty long time now it's been cold

Why does the rain choose me? I wonder if it's ok to let it cover me

The rain keeps on falling today as well, knowing no end

While we quietly nestle together under the umbrella I hold.

-Rain by SID

"Time to illegally download some music- I mean, work on my evil plan to take over the world." I announced, crawling into my new bed.

Gamma shook his head, disapprovingly from the door. "You shouldn't do that."

I blinked. "Take over the world?"

He sighed. "No. Well, you shouldn't take over the world. But I was talking about illegally downloading music."

I frowned. "Why not?"

He ran his hand through his hair, apparently not wanting to answer the question. "Well, the government could find us-"

"I can break into the Vongola systems and blame it on them." I shrugged.

He looked annoyed. "They'd destroy us."

I smiled, innocently. "Well, if I could blame it on the Vongola, then I could probably hide my tracks, fairly well."

He shook his head at me. "You have some problems..."

I shrugged. "Not my fault. Blame Mama."

Gamma paled. "...blame...Boss? ...she'd kill me in a second."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

He nodded, completely forgetting the original topic of the sentence. "Yes."

I shook my head, amused. "Alright. Now shoo. I need to get that new Taylor Swift song- I mean, play some...Mine..craft?"

To: ProdigiousPokemonMaster

From: TopFroggyIllusionist

Bel-sempai doesn't even know I own a laptop. I hide it with illusions. That's just my intelligence, I suppose.

Irina? What kind of name is that?

And I wouldn't care if you came over, but Bel-sempai would probably call you my girlfriend. And Mammon? He isn't teaching me anything. Worthless baby.

So at nighttime, while I sleep (this is creepy as hell), your brother, the pineapple fairy, visits me and just tortures me. He calls it 'teaching' but I call it 'bullshit'. You have a bad excuse for a family.







Things are just going to get worse from here. I really hope that with you at my side, things will get better.

More of a useless filler chapter, but the only important things this chapter was how Yuni now lives at the Giglio Nero and has begun to email Fran.


Ingmina - If I have a Xanxus-cat and it tries to kill me, I'll get a Squalo-mouse for my Xanxus-cat to attack. I'll survive! Stayin' alive.

TurtleAlchemist - I...love your name, its awesome. Glad I could rock your socks.

Kufufu no Fu - Fran...is the bomb...bitch, lol.

catrinebatrine - Belphegor tapes his knives to his back? Or maybe, there are pockets on the inside of his Varia coat sleeves where he hides his knives...

shirokuromokona - A few chapters or so.

anyandeveryanime - What's your RP Reborn instagram? Now I'm curious...

Lanaught - That's what I thought, when I saw that episode! Except Mufasa didn't kick Simba off a cliff...

coldgazeproduction - Lal Mirch is really cool, I like her personality. Tell Sphinx thank you for the cat food.

CrimsonSkyTamer - I would update, regardless of the number of reviews that I get. I like Hibari Kyoya too, he's awesome.

Paigecat - I won't spoil anything. I'll just add the songs from FMA in there...cuz I love 'em. I get to go up north and ski (even though I suck at skiing). SNOW DAYS FOR THE WIN.

FurionKnight - Glad you like it :)

CuteDork - They're actually scars, but I'm a bitch and call them Xanxus-acne. :) Ain't nobody gonna stop you.

LoStInIlLusSiOn - Fran is awesome. I wuv him.

Asumi Ayumi - IM SORRY THAT I UPDATE SO MUCH. I love that crack pairing. Oh, I am gonna cry! I'm sooo using that quote, for you. *Insert table flip and wand battle with Voldemort,*


Eruruu4 - Who can't love the good magnificent mist users?

MeLikesROFL - Your lack of belief in my mafia-boss-ness is disillusioning. Yuni will meet TYL! Tsuna if its the last thing I fucking do.

Rikuo Nova - I can speak a little Japanese, but my mom can speak full-fledged Japanese. I love Adult!Fon, he's so damn good lookin'.

.Tragedist - Who doesn't wanna ignore coursework and read fanfiction?

CC - I know right! I just love the songs! I...I love those songs, really. I worship Fullmetal Alchemist. I really do, ahaha. And Fran can really summarize things well.

Sorry for the short chapter.

QUESTION: What was your first anime?

Thanks for all the reviews :)

Leave another?

Leave some ice cream?

Expect an update...soon.
