
Trust of the Slave: Korgenyegia Book 1

In a country called Sad, humans take others as slaves. One particular slave, Marythelia, is treated better than most. At least by her master. However, she is still treated with violence if a rule is broken. Zargis is the king of his own kingdom, Korgenyegia. He needs resources. He needs hope. He goes in search of one man who seems to hold sway over his leader to ask for help, only to find an interesting slave girl he's drawn to. However, he's in a predicament whenever he goes home... Marythelia is not one for games. she will end them as soon as they start. But everyone keeps telling that the king of Korgenyegia is not playing games, that he is innocent in the way he has been manipulated. Will she believe him and those on his side? Or will she leave him heartbroken, left to do as he wills?

Patricia_Levy · Fantasie
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29 Chs


It has been said that opposites attract.

It has been said that like calls to like.

It has been said that fire and ice do not dwell together.

It has been said that wings symbolize freedom.

If fire and ice do not dwell together, then tell me how this world of mine came to be.

If wings symbolize freedom, then explain to me how I feel trapped and caged even though there is an infinite sky around me.

And which is true? Do opposites attract? Does like call to like? Is one wrong? Are they both? Or, somehow, are they both correct?

It has been said that love can conquer all.

It has been said that fear can make people go mad.

It has been said that powerful people take advantage of that said power.

It has been said that we all die in due time.

Love seems to be something as slippery as time, to not really have a shape, so how can it conquer anything at all?

What if it isn't the power that the person is misusing, but instead, it is the power that is misusing the person?

If we all die in due time, meaning we die when the world deems it right, then why is it that those I love die before me?

It has been said that Zargis Dragoasque is the fiercest man alive and has killed every human he's laid eyes on…