
Chapter 50 was a good performance


At first glance, Political Commissar Yang fell in love with this little girl, Sheng Fenghua. He thought to himself, 'Rumors are indeed not reliable.'

"Okay, Fenghua, right? Sit Down." Political Commissar Yang also smiled and let her take a seat to talk.

"Thank you, Political Commissar Yang." Sheng Fenghua thanked him and then sat down on the Sofa next to Si Zhanbei. Although she had seen many big scenes in her previous life, Sheng Fenghua was still a little nervous facing Si Zhanbei's superior.

Si Zhanbei saw her nervousness and reached out to gently take her hand. He whispered in her ear, "It's okay, you don't have to be nervous."

Political Commissar Yang saw this scene and the smile on his face grew wider. He thought to himself, 'That's right, this brat finally has some humanity and knows how to care about others.'

If it was in the past, how would Si Zhanbei care about others. It could be seen that he really liked this little wife of his.

Political Commissar Yang also sat down and glanced at Si Zhanbei. After throwing a mischievous look at him, he started talking to Sheng Fenghua.

Fortunately, the questions that Political Commissar Yang asked were simple. It was nothing more than where she came from, who she was, what she did, and she was not used to. In the end, he even invited Sheng Fenghua to his house to eat.

Sheng Fenghua answered political commissar Yang's questions honestly and gradually became less nervous. In the end, she actually had a good chat with him.

On the other hand, Si Zhanbei was completely ignored by the two of them. He sat at the side and could not get into the conversation. However, he did not care about this. He was already happy to see his little wife getting along well with his leader.

Not long after they spoke, the phone in the office rang. Si Zhanbei took his leave at the right time. Before they left, Political Commissar Yang specially reminded the two of them to remember to go to his house for a meal.

The two of them agreed and left the office, leaving the regiment headquarters building.

"Wife, you did well!" After leaving the building, Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua with a smile and praised her. He did not expect his little wife to perform so well and even catch Political Commissar Yang's eye. She really made him proud.

"Ah?" Sheng Fenghua was stunned and looked at him in a daze.

Her stunned look in Si Zhanbei's eyes was extremely cute. It made him have the urge to kiss her. However, considering that they were outside, he could only suppress this impulse. Then, he reached out to rub her hair and said, "Political Commissar Yang likes you very much."

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua finally understood what Si Zhanbei meant by 'not bad'. So, she smiled and said, "It's good that I didn't embarrass you."

"How can that be? It doesn't what you say. How could it be embarrassing?" Si Zhanbei was extremely pleased. He didn't expect Sheng Fenghua to act so well that she could actually make Political Commissar Yang like her.

To be honest, although Political Commissar Yang looked gentle and kind, there weren't many who could catch his eye.

But now, Political Commissar Yang really fancied his little wife. How could he not be happy? He suddenly felt that his taste was really good. He had just randomly picked Sheng Fenghua.

The more he thought about it, the more satisfied Si Zhanbei became. He took the initiative to hold Sheng Fenghua's hand and asked, "Do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Of course!" Sheng Fenghua answered without thinking. She had followed Si Zhanbei out to familiarize herself with the environment, after all.

"Let's go. I'll take you to see my soldiers," Si Zhanbei said happily. He couldn't wait to introduce Sheng Fenghua to those kids.

Thank you, Nan Sheng, for the fireworks to Bei he, thank you!

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