The story of Cui Ling, a demon-like cultivator,who spent his first reincarnation to reach the peak after understanding the value of life in the whole death cycle. Just when he thought he reached his own death, only to find himself back in a new reincarnation cycle. °°°° One catalyst, one power. One chance, or dust is the result. Acquire, resonate, comprehend, fuse Will he be able to use the four principles of this world and the knowledge of his past lives to achieve his dream? or die trying? Will he be able to overcome the challenges of fate and the struggles of saints? Will his path prevail ? A different world,the same heart. He's just a demon, with one desire. °°°° Cover :
Pan Ruolan gaze was fixed at her husband. Although her expression changed slightly, she was still calm.
In the last year, she could tell that Deng Wuyan was behaving strangely, he randomly brings up the subject of leaving the town, ' casually ' mentions her long separated brother and so on.
As his wife for more than six years, knowing something was occupying his mind is only natural.Over time, she even suspected that he actually wanted to venture outside despite the trauma that he has,and with Hao Niu arrival, her suspicion grew stronger.
But those thoughts were to herself because she knew that if her guess is correct, letting him think this through is best for everyone.
Today,the question she waited for finally came. Although she was mentally prepared,she couldn't help but get emotional as she said with a bit of a shaky voice "...R.. Really?"
Deng Wuyan sighed "I already left my fear prevent me from easing the worry that has been haunting you all this time. It is time to man up and do what a husband should do, but…" he turned his head and looked upstairs
Cui Ling who was currently eavesdropping couldn't help but feel tense hearing that 'but'
' Deng Wuyan,you better not use us as an excuse to justify your hesitation and fear '
It wasn't difficult to guess what could hold him back, the biggest reason he didn't think his chances are high was because of himself and Deng Xue fact, if he didn't know about Hao Niu, Cui Ling wouldn't have put much hope on this father of his at all.
Pan Ruolan sighed, without needing him to finish speaking she said "I know, the children are now our priority,we can't put them at risk for my sake "
"Wuyan… even if we go, there's no guarantee that we will find my brother and maybe he is already…" she couldn't bring herself to say the rest of the sentence.
Cui Ling frowned, he could feel his chances decreasing with every word they say
' No! I have to do something '
But what can he do? He already expected how this conversation would go a long time ago, both hesitating because of them, Pan Ruolan fears that she'll only find a skeleton instead of her last original family member,but now that it has happened, he felt that he was too optimistic.
After rapid thinking, he decided to try something as a last effort.
As both Pan and Deng were silent, a sudden sneezing voice reached their ears.They stiffly turned to look up only to see Cui Ling looking back at them.
Deng Wuyan's gentle expression was swept away by anger " brat! what are you doing up there being all sneaky, come down here "
Cui Ling made a sad face as walked down at a slow pace. Seeing his son snail-like walk, he yelled impatiently "quickly " causing the former to hasten himself.
Soon, he stood with a lowered head while the parents silently looked at him.
Pan Ruolan asked gently while holding up her husband " An'er, were you listening to us? "
Cui Ling nodded, " I was going to ask father about the gift that Uncle Niu promised me, but then I heard you talking about going outside…."
" So you've heard everything?"
He nodded again.
She then looked at Deng Wuyan, although there wasn't really anything in their conversation that they had to hide, but in their hearts both of them didn't want the children to know a lot about the situation outside the town, that is also one of the reasons that Cui Ling went to the guards and not his father who is a better source of information.
Deng Wuyan Sighed " I guess it doesn't matter now, he already knows things; it doesn't matter if he heard or not " he felt that he sighed more often lately.
Cui Ling raised his head with a happy smile, but just then a slap on the head made him lower it again.
" What are you smiling about, you will still be grounded. I didn't raise a thief for you to act like one "
The two expected him to keep quiet as he usually does, but unexpectedly he lifted his head stubbenerly and looked them in the eyes " …I ha..have a blood related
uncle? "
Pan Ruolan said after a bit of silence
" Yes, but we were separated a long time ago…." She started telling a story about how they were attacked by robbers when they were travelling, how she escaped and luckily met her current husband who saved her and gave her shelter.
Cui Ling didn't care about the story, thanks to them being unguarded against an infant, he managed to get bits and pieces of what happened and formulated general ideas of this romance story. That's why he knew about her mother's wish.
"...and that's how I and your father got married "
Cui Ling's mouth was wide open, seeming to not believe his father had such a heroic story.
Deng Wuyan still had the stiff and serious facial expression, but by just looking at his postur you can feel the pride overflowing.
" Father! you are indeed the bravest"
"Humph, don't think that flattery will help you "
As the atmosphere became more harmonious, Cui Ling seemed to thought of something " mother, you said that Uncle probably thinks you are dead, right?"
Pan Ruolan was surprised as to why Cui Ling would suddenly ask this " Yes, considering the environment back then and how I splited from the main team, death is the only logical outcome" she felt weird saying this to a six years old.
Cui Ling looked like he is deep in thoughts "then…doesn't that mean uncle is now believing that his last family is dead and he didn't manage to protect his big sister "
Pan Ruolan was stunned, maybe because of meeting Deng Wuyan and having children, the near death experience or maybe because she missed him very much, but her thoughts process never went from this angle.
That's right! My brother probably thinks that he is by himself in this world; even if he get married, the feeling of losing his blood related familly must be horrible. Also, because we lost our parents early on,we had to become closer in order to survive; making him quite protective of her.
Did he blame himself all this time? He must have, I know him very well.
While I'm here happily with my family, he's out there alone feeling guilty
And I don't even dare to look for him now, fearing I'll find him dead?
Pan Ruolan! Are you even a human?
Soon, silent tears started to leak from her slightly red eyes,her body shivering.
Deng Wuyan quickly noticed and started to comfort her. He didn't forget to tell at Cui Ling though " brat, look what at what have you done, go to your room "
Cui Ling didn't waste time as he quickly run off
Holding his crying wife, he felt that the situation was ridiculous; a child made his mother cry through simple words.
The wet feeling on his chest made him know that this is going to be long night.
Cui Ling set on his bed.
' Although I went a bit out of character,the effect I wanted was achieved '
Now, he was asking himself how come he didn't think of using this move before now?
' Indeed, humen aren't perfect,I thought I had done everything I could but reality prove me wrong '
Luckily he managed to think rapidly for another inventive to motivate the duo.
' This is a reminder to never stop improving plans when possible, to actually think I missed such an obvious point '
After a deep pondering he came out with a conclusion ' I was too focused on Pan Ruolan and Deng Wuyan that I neglected key information that I had '
Years ago, he heard a bit on the type of personality Pan Ruolan's brother had and made his own judgement, to summerize, he was someone with a sister complex. Naturally he was overprotective.
She knew this, which means if he reminded her of what he might have been through because of her death…
Cui Ling was a firm believer that knowledge and information were the most important aspects of any battle.
Over the years, he collected every possible info he could get and had connection with his goal. Slowly creating a plan then putting it into to practice
A lot of people misunderstood the concept of Power and link it to direct violence and the physical aspect of strength.
' Power by its essence is the a ability to influence a course of events, doesn't matter if it was by threat, smooth talking, by having a different identity or an other way…..'
Today, Cui Ling used the power of words, a power he got from being well informed.
How else can a moral child influence his parents into risking the safety of the whole family, crying and throwing tantrums won't cut it .
Clearing his mind, he changed his clothes and layed on bed
It wasn't sleeping time yet, but considering what is happening downstairs, Cui Ling thought that he might as well start meditating and pretend to be asleep.
' If there is no success even after this, I can only say that it is not fated '
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