

He has to leave for an opportunity to perform a concert in different country he started ignoring Belle and was not giving her that much time it was messing up their relationship but after 8 months he came back to Belle. She was really happy to see him and hugged him but he might not have liked her hug and just went directly to his room saying he is really tired. She was not being able to understand his behaviour towards her and next day he burst a news that he is going to another country again and don't want to miss this opportunity.

Suga: I have to jump on this opportunity RN.

Belle: What about me? What about us?

Suga: Why are you being like this.

Belle: Bcz you left me for 8 months! And I waited for the day that u are gonna come back and now you are just telling me you are taking off again.

Suga: Ok. I thought you will be a little bit more supportive.

Belle: I have been so supportive. More than you!!

Suga: This isn't really making me wanna stay.

Belle: Then go.

Suga: I will.