
True Love For Her

Chiara Castello is a beautiful 19-year-old student in the Faculty of Psychology at a leading private university in Jakarta. She has the unfortunate fate of being the lover of Iqnazio, her 28-year-old academic supervisor. When her girlfriend is jealous, the man often intimidates her brutally. When she was about to be kidnapped by Farhat—Iqnazio's colleague on campus—Chiara was rescued by Ilario, the 28-year-old president director of the international company Golden Pearl. Ilario, who is a widower, immediately fell in love with this beautiful girl at first sight. This made Iqnazio burn with jealousy, then intimidated Chiara with sexual violence. Luckily Ilario came to help the girl, then punished his brother. The widower also treated all of the girl's wounds, not only physically, but also psychologically. Gradually Ilario's sincerity touches Chiara's heart, but unfortunately, Iqnazio reappears in front of her. What happened next?

Sofia_Zelmira · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Chiara's identity

"Erm," Ilario looked confused as to what answer he should give to Marko, "how is Zio?" he changed the subject.

"It's been secured at the usual place, Young Master. Are you going to meet him?"

"Not yet. Ara is still being treated by a doctor. Later after being treated and cared for at VVIP, I will meet Zio."

"Yes Young Master."

"You feed Zio food and drink, so he can be strong enough to accept my punishment."

"Yes Young Master." Marko understood, "Young Master, have you asked Miss whose family you can contact regarding this case?"

"Just a little Marko. He just said that under these circumstances, only his foster father would know."

"Did he mention the name of the adoptive father?"

"Not yet." Ilario shook his head, "Marko, quickly send someone to find Ara's identity from Zio's room. Apart from that, the room where the incident occurred asked to be documented. You can take CCTV footage and photograph the bed which is a silent witness to the persecution of Chiara. I want this time Zio to get a very painful reward where Mama won't be able to beg Papa to help her."

Marko gaped at this, "Sir, are you all right? sorry, you just met miss today. Is it okay to teach a super bitter lesson to Young Master Zio? Shouldn't it be best to hand this case over to the police?"

"You just do as I instruct. I don't accept that Zio abused this beautiful girl with a gentle and sincere heart. The girl should be my wife."

Marko again gaped at this, but he didn't dare ask.

Ilario then looked at the cubicle behind him this was where Chiara was being handled. Instantly he became anxious, and spontaneously wanted to enter the room, but quickly Marko blocked him,


"Sorry Young Master," Marko sighed, "Miss is being handled, you better be patient waiting for it to finish."

"How can I calm down, Marko? I see all the cuts and bruises that Zio put on that beautiful body. How Zio doesn't appreciate being given such a beautiful woman!" Ilario suddenly shot out his anger at Iqnazio, "I will not forgive Zio because of all this. I will not return Ara to Zio!"

Marko exhaled, slightly stroking his chest.

'This is his business,' he sighed, 'Mr. Ilario is in love with the Miss, and there could be a civil war over the Miss.'


Austin frowned after hearing what his assistant Vikrar whispered. Right now he is having dinner with his fake wife Marlena. Why fake wife? Because Marlena made herself Marluna her twin sister, and Austin knew that. So Austin never thought of Marlena as Marlena, but as Marluna. Austin also never opened Marlena's disguise and then officially married the woman.

Austin only became Marlena as a wife without marriage ties, allowing the woman to continue to be tormented by being Marluna. This is Austin's way of avenging Marluna's death which Marlena made only for Marlena's wish to be his wife, as well as revenge against Almero.

Does Austin know that Iqnazio is not his flesh and blood? I don't know, because previously Marluna did give birth to twins. but as far as he knew, one of the babies almost died, then it didn't happen. All of that is Marlena's work. The baby who almost died had indeed died because his lungs didn't grow as they should. Then at that moment, Marlena admitted that the baby who was born was a twin of the baby who was still alive. Be then Iqnazio as Ilario's twin brother.

"Papa," Marlena reprimanded Austin, who was still frowning, "What's wrong?" he asked.

She sincerely loves Austin, but it's a shame that the man doesn't love her to this day. Making her adventurous in bed with other men, just like when she was a young girl. Only Sukdezh, Austin's former assistant, sincerely loves him, it's a shame he doesn't love that man. Even getting rid of Sukdezh on the day of getting rid of Marluna.

"There isn't anything," Austin replied, deciding not to tell Vikrar's whisper. "Papa has to go now, mom." He spoke again then dropped the napkin in his lap onto the table, hurrying to leave Marlena. Vikrar and several aides immediately followed him.

"What is this?" Marlena asked curiously, "but never mind. Mas Austin is usually like this when he gets a whisper from Vikrar." Desaunya became not in the mood to continue eating his dinner. After that, she lit a cigarette, then enjoyed it for a moment. "Where are you Zio? Why don't you want to help mama?"

Meanwhile, Austin rushed into his luxury Jaguar which was brought to Jakarta by his private jet. After that Vikrar and Beni the driver got into the Jaguar. It didn't take long for Jaguar to leave this luxury Austin home in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, at the Austin Hospital, Ilario was seen pacing in front of the operating room door, because doctor Tala decided to operate to treat Chiara's torn nipple, and also the girl's crown, which was full of wounds due to the strong shocks of Iqnazio's missiles.

Ilario looks very worried, afraid that the operation will fail, and end the life of this beautiful girl who has touched his heart.

Hasan, Ilario's aide, also approached his superior, who was still pacing restlessly in front of the operating room door. He was carrying a bag containing the goods ordered by the boss.

"Young master." Ilario reprimanded while near the widower.

Ilario looked at Hasan, then looked relieved because the aide's hand was a bag.

"You got everything I asked for?"

"Please check yourself."

Ilario nodded, then led them to sit in the patient waiting chair. After that, he immediately checked Hasan's belongings, which belonged to Chiara, such as wallets, work agendas, diaries, cellphones, netbooks, and several photos.

"Hasan," Ilario reprimanded Hasan, "Have you asked Chloe to dismantle the passwords on Ara's cell phone and netbook?"

"Yes, Young Master." Hasan replied, "You can access to find Miss Chiara's identity." He added, "You can also see Miss's last telephone call with a man who I suspect is Miss's father."

Ara's father? Ilario immediately took Chiara's cellphone among the items in front of him, and immediately checked the notifications there, from oldest to newest. His brow furrowed as he read the text on the last phone call Chiara had made with her father.

"Daddy, Javer Castello," the caption said, thinking, "Javer Castello? Ara's foster father was called Javer Castello. This name is not foreign to me, because papa's cousin is named Javer Castello. Is Ara's adoptive father, Uncle Javer Castello, Papa's cousin? If so," he spoke alone in a low voice, "It's appropriate that uncle Javer doesn't take action against Zio who abused Ara, because Zio is uncle Javer's nephew."

"Young master." Hasan reprimanded Ilario, "sorry, please look at this photo." A photo was taken out of his uniform shirt pocket, and handed to the boss.

Ilario took the photo, then looked at it, a moment later he was shocked.

"Uncle Javer?!" he recognized the man in the photo where he was with Chiara and Ninetta, "Aunt Nine?!" he also recognized the woman on the other side of Javer. "It means that Ara's adoptive father was right, Uncle Javer, Papa's cousin. Does papa know this?"

Austin did not know that Chiara was Javer's daughter because the man only watched over Iqnazio, whom he knew was in Jakarta after being expelled from Washington.

Ilario immediately clicked on Daddy's writing, Javer Castello on Chiara's cellphone, wanting to make sure that the Javer seen in this photo was Austin's cousin Javer. Ilario didn't know that Javer, Austin's best friend from both dads, was still a red baby.

Almero's father Austin was already close friends with Diego Castello's father Javer from a baby too, because Justin's father Almero, and Esteban's father Diego were friends from the two of them were young. So it's natural for Austin to call Javer a cousin.

In the past, so that friendship became family, Almero, and Diego agreed to marry Austin's child to Javer's child.

but Ninetta is barren and unable to give birth to Javer, so how can the wedding planned by Almero and Diego come true?

Who says so? There is Chiara, Javer's biological child from Diana, the man's mistress. Does Almero know that Iqnazio is dating Chiara? You know, hoping that God will separate the grandson from Chiara, then Ilario will marry the girl because Ilario is already a widower.

"Hello!" Ilario is now connected to Javer's cellphone video call, his eyes while observing the man who appears on Chiara's cellphone screen.

"Ilario?!" came Javer's voice, because this man recognized Ilario, "You are Ilario, right? Austin's eldest son?"

"Yes, I'm Ilario, Uncle Javer." Ilario was now sure that the man he saw was indeed Austin's cousin Javer.

"Why did you contact uncle with Ara's cell phone, uncle? Do you know him?" it was only natural for Javer to ask this because Ilario had never known or knew about Chiara.

Previously, when Chiara was 17 years old, Almero asked Javer to take Chiara to Washington to meet Ilario, who had been a widower for a year. but it was too late because Iqnazio was absurdly dating Javer's daughter, and even already had the child's crown. Javer says it's okay if Iqnazio marries Chiara, because Iqnazio is also Austin's son.

But Almero disagrees because Iqnazio is not Austin's flesh and blood, asking Javer to separate Chiara from Iqnazio. Another thing Almero said was that Iqnazio had a mental disorder. but Javer can do anything because Chiara loves Iqnazio. He can only look after the child.

Does Iqnazio know Javer is Austin's cousin? You know, it doesn't matter to him. Later he could bring Chiara to meet Austin and Marlena, saying that his daughter Javer's lover, begged permission to marry his lover. That way there would be no more reason for Marlena to force Iqnazio to get rid of Ilario, because Iqnazio decided to have a family.

But now things change because Ilario appears in Chiara's life. Moreover, Ilario is in love with Chiara, he will not give in to Iqnazio. There will be a fight for Chiara later involving Marlena, Austin, Javer, Almero, and Ninetta.

"Om, Rio got to know him because Rio helped him."

"Good grief! Ara why, Rio? Did Zio abuse her again?"


Austin looks annoyed because he came to Austin Hospital late to see Ilario. This was because he had to stop first at the Sanders Company factory in Lenteng Agung, which was reportedly being held by workers' demonstrations. Like it or not, he handled the demonstration first so that the factory would not stop operating which could result in losses.

Where did Ilario go? To the queen's port to punish Iqnazio in his way.

Austin immediately left for the queen's port.

Meanwhile, in the shed at Queen's Harbor, Matt and Pete splash cold water on Ignazio, causing the man to wake up. Immediately, Ilario grabbed his twin sister's face roughly.

"Already up?" Ilario asked coldly and stabbed into the heart of anyone who heard him.

+To be continued+