
True Hollow in a fantasy world

I'm tired of people taking cool story ideas and turning them into shit so here my own spin on a oc reincarnationed as a hollow.But don't expect something amazing I'm a terrible writer who is lazy so there is a good chance I'll drop or maybe go on a hiatus then come back.

DarthSA · Andere
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

On a quit night in a abandoned temple a figure in a black cloak places a transparent orb in the middle of a ritualistic drawing resembling a hole with tentacles coming out of it.

"Lord of death

Lord of power

Lord of souls

Lord Tenebrous

I come before you

To ask for your help?"-Figure in black

Silence is the figure in black gets for about a minute.Getting inpatient with the lack of a response the figure in black speaks again.

"Lord Tenebrous I ask fo-"-Figure in black

The figure in black is cut off mid-sentence by a powerful yet level voice.

"I heard you human and I'll get back to you when I've finished my meal"-Lord Tenebrous

The figure in black is left abit dumfounded at what just quickly apologies and waits for lord Tenebrous to finish his meal.After 5 minutes lord Tenebrous speaks again.

"So what do you want human?"-Lord Tenebrous

"Lord Tenebrous I ask you to lend me your power and help me take my father's throne which was stolen but the disloyal nobels of my kingdom"-says the figure in black with venom and hate in his voice

"And what will I get in return?"-Lord Tenebrous

"I will offer you the traitors souls"-Figure in black

"Mhmm... tempting but I have a better deal.First I'll help you take your throne back and in return I'll get the traitors souls and your kingdom will be under my suzerainty with steady flow of souls and troops as tribute"-Lord Tenebrous

"What!? That's that's absurd I refuse!"-the figure in black shouts

"Who I was asking"-Lord Tenebrous

"Huh?"-Figure in black

"Did you think that you'll just summon me to give a kingdom and in return I'll get a few thousand souls.If so then your delusional."-Lord Tenebrous

"What!! I'll never handover my kingdom to anyone and else not to some demon!"-the figure in black angryly respondes

"It seems you have forgotten my power so I'll remind you"-Lord Tenebrous

After lord Tenebrous finishes his sentence a massive amount of magical pressure descends on the figure in black and immediately pushes him to the ground and causing him to scream in pain but his pained screams are muffled by the blood coming out of his mouth.

This torture went on for a few more minutes until it stopped.

"So have I knocked some senses into you are must I continue?"-Lord Tenebrous

The figure in black hurriedly answers with blood still in his mouth.

"No no no you have knocked me back to my senses lord Tenebrous and I gladly expect your deal"-Figure in black

"Good and don't worry I won't interfere in your business only on some issues and before we begin what's your name?"-Lord Tenebrous

"My name is Arthurian Gale Velsh,well it was prince Arthurian Gale Velsh"-Arthurian

"And it will soon be KING Arthurian Gale Velsh"-Lord Tenebrous

"Yes lord Tenebrous"-Arthurian

[Next day


On a wide field of grassland with small slopes and hills stands two army's of varying sizes with the larger army sporting a multitude of flags and the smaller army sporting one flag which has a green background and in the middle it has a golden tree.

[Smaller army camp

Main tent]

"So my prince did you manage to get the reinforcements you where looking for?"-ask a man in armor

"Yes he will arrive shortly before the battle starts"-Arthurian

"He? As in one person?"-man in armor


"So he's powerful enough to swing this battle in our favor"-man in armor

"No,he is powerful enough to wipe out the enemies army"-Arthurian

"Someone of that level won't be convinced with money"-the man in armor with a hint of suspension

"Don't worry Sir Lamorak I've secured my kingdom it's rightful king and a powerful ally"-Arthurian

"Well then let's hope he won't betray us"-man in armor

[2 hours later


The army commanded by nobles slowly marches towards Arthurian's army and stop when they are in archer firing distance and they move their archers forward,as the archers prepare to fire they stop when the sky above the enemy army starts to tear and open revealing a black void of space and out of that void comes what can only be described as a white demon with horns facing forward and a hole in it's chest.

"Hmmm that's a big army maybe 15 thousand strong,which means 15 thousand souls for me and as a bonus I get a kingdom"-says a smirking Tenebrous

"Well then it's time for fun"-Tenebrous

Tenebrous uses his sonido to stand above the nobles army and uses his pesquisa to sense for anyone strong.

'1,2,4,6,so 6 opponents of notable strength they range from tier 4-6 mages and tier 2-4 warriors,not bad for a medium sized kingdom'-Tenebrous

Tenebrous slowly descends towards where the strongest individuals in this army who also happen to be the leaders themselves.As soon as he reaches the ground he his bombarded by magic spells that only destroy the surroundings instead of their intended target.

Tenebrous simply shrugs off the attacks and uses his sonido to get behind the mages who just attacked him and breaks their spines and theby half killing them.

'Mages down time for the warriors'-Teneborus

Just as Tenebrous finished his thought one of the warriors attacks him.

"Double slash!"-warrior noble

But the attack does nothing cause the nobel to shocked.Tenebrous ignores the shocked nobel who still has his sword on him and points towards the other warrior nobles and fires 2 rikujokoro at them and immobilizing them.

The previously shocked nobel jumps back and seeing his allies defeated prepares to run but he is too slow.Tenebrous uses his sonido to get Infront of him.

"Where do you think your going"-Tenebrous

"Mo-mo-monster get away from me!!"-screams the terrified nobel

"Would a monster be this strong that it will cause a noble to run away in fear"-Tenebrous

"Your right a monster can never make someone as important as me run away so you must be a king of the dead or some demon god"-warrior noble

"I am not a king

I am not a god

I am WORSE!!!"-Tenebrous

Tenebrous finishes his statement by impaling the nobels chest with with his hand and releases his magical pressure crushing the nobels army and at the same time sucks their souls into his mouth killing them all.

Once he was done with his meal Tenebrous makes his way towards Arthurians army.And standing in front of a terrified Arthurian Tenebrous speaks.

"As per our agreement I lord Tenebrous lord of souls,lord of power appoint Arthurian Gale Velesh as your new king and I as your supreme overlord.If you oppose my decision stand and if you agree kneel before me"-Tenebrous proclaims

Everyone including Arthurian kneel before Tenebrous with not a single person standing.

"Good"-says a smirking Tenebrous.

{A/N:If you guys want to see more of this story then vote below.

If you want more comment yes here.

If you want it to stop comment no here.

I don't have a specific number of votes I'm looking for,I'm just looking for motivation cause this is my first chapter and I don't know how long it's gonna go.So if I'm not too lazy and the feedback is good then on Friday I'll post another chapter but be warned I'm a amateur so don't expect something wow.}