
True Demon in MHA

A young man was surprised by the death after answering a question. He thought it was over, but he was surprised by a strange ball of light and sent to a different world. *this cover is not mine.

xenobilo · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 19

The police arrived at the school and expelled the journalists, thus "solving" the situation. That was what the students knew, but I knew that the media was not the biggest problem.

After Iida and I arrived in the room, Iida chose several accolades for his performance during an emergency. Even those people who think they are more suitable for the position of representative of the room or congratulated on their attitude.

I sat in my chair while waiting for the teacher. A few moments later, Aizawa entered the room, strangely he was not in his sleeping bag.

"Today's basic training turns into a class with three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person." Aizawa announced taking the students by surprise.

"Has it changed?" Someone whispered.

"Excuse me, what will happen in this class?" Hanta will instant his hand and asked Aizawa.

"Rescue training involving the most diverse situations." When Aizawa said this, some students were satisfied that his strength would be greater in different environments. After explaining what the class would be like, Aizawa said that we could choose whether we wanted to wear our hero costume or not.

I went to put on my costume, it's not like it gets in the way of anything.

After all the students changed their clothes, we were taken outside the AU, there a bus was waiting for us.

"Line up!" Iida used a whistle and instructed students to make an organized line. The students got organized and then we were on the bus. Inside the bus, the seats were arranged in a way that we were facing each other, during the trip we were talking about our peculiarities.

"Gael-kun, does your quirk make your body stronger?" Kirishima asked curiously, he liked quirks that increased the strength of his body, he thought he was masculine.

"It does, but this is a side effect." I lied to them, of course, I wouldn't talk about being a demon. So, I extended my hand and activated my quirk, causing the palm of my hand to release a large amount of heat.

My quirk was already approaching the third level, that is, the amount of heat was at least 3 times greater than when I reached level 2.

"So hot!" The students felt the temperature on the bus rising, especially the people who were beside me. I soon deactivated my quirk, as I was afraid that the heat could damage something and cause an accident or something.

"My quirk's name is Heat, it makes me able to release heat through my skin." I explained. My colleagues found it quite interesting, but soon they started doing other things like, for example, provoking Bakugo. He was easily irritable, which made my colleagues enjoy the feeling of irritating him.

The conversations continued normally for a few minutes until we reached the place where the rescue training would take place.

"Stop playing around, we're here." Aizawa spoke. Then all the students who were talking and provoking Bakugo stopped.

We got off the bus, and the first thing we saw was a person dressed in a space uniform in front of the place.

"I've been waiting for you." He spoke, a person in the class recognized him and spoke.

"He's the professional hero, Thirteen." the students looked at him with bright eyes.

"I love Thirteen." Uraraka spoke animatedly.

"Let's go in, then." Thirteen spoke as he pointed to the gate behind him, then all the students entered.

"This place is really big." I thought when looking at the place where we found ourselves, it was a large area that had environments simulating each type of rescue. The entire area was covered by a large dome.

"This is a training ground that I did simulating different types of accidents and disasters. I call it the Unforseen Situation Joint(USJ)." Thirteen proudly presented the place.

After he said that, Aizawa arrived and looked around.

"Where's All Might at?" Aizawa asked Thirteen, then Thirteen approached him and spoke in a low voice.

"He ended up overreacting by doing hero work along the way." Thirteen did not have to finish speaking, Aizawa already understood the situation.

Before starting training, Thirteen turned to the students again and started talking about their quirks.

"It is very useful for saving people, but it is also just as dangerous. I believe that some of you have quirks like that, correct?" He saw that some students nodded, so he continued.

"I hope you get out of here knowing that your power is useful in saving people." The students applauded his speech for a while until Aizawa started training.

"Okay, so first ..." When he was speaking, the lights suddenly went out making the students surprised. Then, in the center of the USJ, a black vortex materialized out of nowhere and increased in size until it stabilized.

Aizawa noticed the commotion, so he turned and looked at the black vortex. Within that vortex, he saw a person, which made his eyes narrow.

"Stay together!" he shouted at the students.

"Thirteen, protect the students."

Several people came out of the vortex, one, in particular, had a hand on his face. The students noticed those people leaving and thought it would be like the entrance exam in which the exam started without warning. Some people found a valid idea, so when they were about to move, Aizawa shouted urgently.

"Don't move!"

"They are villains." When the students heard this, their expressions changed, they were scared. Those who had moved unconsciously retreated.

"So it finally started ..." I looked at those various villains and couldn't help seeing them as big bags of Sin Points. Of course, there was still a big threat in this group besides Shigaraki Tomura, that threat had just come out of the vortex and stood looking at us.

That was Nomu.