
True Demon in MHA

A young man was surprised by the death after answering a question. He thought it was over, but he was surprised by a strange ball of light and sent to a different world. *this cover is not mine.

xenobilo · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 17

"What a beautiful strategy, it seemed that the heroes knew the character of the villains. Besides, young Gael has a good sense of hand-to-hand combat, this group is full of potential. " All Might thought when he saw the test unfold, he was surprised by Bakugo's firepower and Iida's discipline. But those who excelled in strategy and skill were the heroes who easily defeated them using their minds.

"Gael-kun! You did it!" Uraraka was celebrating, she was excited and happy with the victory of her friend. The only thing she regretted was the fact that she was not on the same team as him.

The rest of the class also looked at the scene with some shock, they imagined that Bakugo would be able to defeat at least one of the heroes, but what happened was a one-sided battle.

All Might left the room where he was watching the battle and went to the building used in the test. Once there, he observed Bakugo who was still tied with the rope Momo made. After he was defeated and tied, he had tantrums and tried to break free from the rope but these attempts were always unsuccessful, the only thing he managed to do was to injure himself slightly.

"Damn, he was playing with me!" Bakugo remembered the times when the white-haired boy dodged his blows, it always seemed like he was going to hit him but when his fist got close, he ended up blowing up just the air. This frustrated him, he never felt so underestimated in his life.

"Young Bakugo, come on, it's time to see the results." All Might spoke when he got close to Bakugo and started to untie him.

"A hero becomes a hero when he overcomes his obstacles, remember to look to the past and look for motivation to make a better future!" All Might noticed Bakugo's look of frustration and tried to encourage him, he didn't want this young talent to be lost due to a single setback. Of course, Bakugo was not someone who would give up so easily, after all, he wanted to be the greatest hero of all time.

Then, after untying Bakugo, they returned to the room where the other students were.


"The MVP of that battle is undeniably young Gael." All Might announced in front of all the students, none disagreed with the result, everyone thought he was the best.

"Can someone tell me why?" All Might asked his students. Momo raised her hand and answered.

"He understood the enemy's mentality and adapted to the situation, making us get the initial advantage, and thus we were in a situation of 2x1, facilitating the victory.

"Nice answer!" He raised his thumb when he heard Momo's response.

"Now, let's start the other rounds." All Might spoke.


The guests kept going, they weren't very exciting for me. Only Todoroki Shoto's battle made me feel interested, his quirk is really strong since he managed to freeze a whole building so easily. Besides, the changes did not attract my attention, so I kept talking to Uraraka and Iida while Uraraka waited for her turn to battle.

"Uraraka-san, good luck! You can do it!" Her turn came, she was very nervous so I tried to calm her down. I said she could do it, but I didn't have that much faith as she would partner with Mineta who didn't seem to be very useful in these situations.

"Yes Uraraka-san, we will be rooting for you!" Iida also spoke.

"Hm!" she nodded and mustered up a little courage, especially after hearing what I said. So, she said goodbye and went to join Mineta. They were drawn as villains, so they went up five minutes in advance to set the stage for them.


"Mineta-kun, you must hide and prep your balls for when they appear," Uraraka told Mineta who was standing next to him, watching his costume.

"Clear." Mineta agreed, so he hid behind a pillar.

After Mineta went into hiding, Uraraka tried to find as many objects as she could use to throw at her opponents, in the room, there were some tables that would be very useful.


"Kaminari-san, they are over there." Jiro who had one of his headphone connectors plugged into the wall whispered pointing up. Jiro's quirk was very useful in these situations, as she could feel the vibrations sent by the footsteps of the opponents.

Kaminari waved, so they started walking towards the room where their opponents were. When they were approaching, Jiro used her quirk again to get a better sense of the position of his enemies.

"One is in the middle of the room, the other is in the left corner of the room," Jiro whispered.

Kaminari waved, signaling that he received the message, and began to prepare to invade the room.


"Good strategy." As the heroes made their way to the room they were in. Uraraka used her quirk to lower some heavy objects and moved them in front of the door. It was a good attempt, but I don't think it will work.

As I imagined, After Jiro and Kaminari were unable to open the door after trying a few times, Jiro used her quirk to send a wave of sound that destroyed a wall beside the door. So, they got a lot of advantage, since Kaminari was close enough to electrocute his opponents.

But, to their surprise, Mineta, who was hiding behind a pillar, went out pulling the balls from his head and throwing it towards them. As they knew he was there, they managed to dodge most of the balls. But Kaminari, who was closest to Mineta, was hit by two purple balls causing him to get stuck on the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uraraka raised a table that was beside her and hurled it towards Kaminari. Jiro didn't let the table hit him, using her sound waves to deflect the trajectory of the table.

Kaminari tried to get rid of the balls but was unsuccessful. So he decided to attack them from that distance, sparks started to come out of his hand until they formed a wave of electricity that flowed towards the two villains. They ended up being electrocuted and lost their combat capacity.

"Hero team wins" All Might screamed, Kaminari and Jiro won with the bomb timer setting 50 seconds until detonation.


"Good job!" All Might raised his thumb and congratulated everyone. Then, he told everyone to change clothes and go to the living room, then he ran off.

"Uraraka, you were amazing!" Uraraka was a little dejected about losing so little, so I tried to encourage her.

"Seriously?" She got a little better after listening, but she still got a little bit dubious.

"Yes." Hearing my answer, she blushed and smiled before leaving to change clothes. Seeing her come out that way, I thought she was cute.

"The school of heroes is definitely the best." I agree with you, Mineta!