This is my first time writing! It is purely to stave my boredom and give me an outlet for my overactive mind! Warning: Everyone in this novel is of legal age! This will contain sexual content(Not that I can guarantee its quality) A young man dies in the prime of his life with no notable achievements to his name. Now he sits in an endless void faced with an entity without any features. Some may say he's extremely lucky while others may say he drew the short straw.
Ark was interrogated by Misty about his interactions with Lola. He was honestly surprised at the great deal of information she had acquired. It seems that Jenny had become aware of Arks intent to claim Lola eventually from the source herself. From that point on, Ark swore to never underestimate the power of a females information network.
After he had explained everything, he told Misty about his plans to leave the next day. A slight sadness crept upon her face as she nodded in affirmation.
"Hey now, I wouldn't put on such a sad face, we will be meeting up in Cerulean soon. The quicker the better, no?"
Ark spoke with a teasing smile as he cleaned up the table they were eating at.
"Oh shut up! You still have to get there first!"
Misty turned away as her face reddened.
"Ok, ok. We can do all of this flirting at that time. I am curious though, what are your plans to leave?"
His talk of leaving had reminded him that he had no idea when Misty, Ash and Brock would be leaving.
"Well thanks to you, I won't be alone with that kid. It seems that Brock will be ready to go within 4 days, so we won't be leaving too long after you"
Misty responded, her face still turned away. Ark was still surprised at the exasperation Misty showed when she spoke about Ash. However, he decided to leave it for now and see if their friendship improved, if it didn't then he may have to intervene, after all he is semi-responsible for Ash in a way now.
"That's good. It wouldn't be fun if I turned up at Cerulean a month early after all."
Walking side by side, the two left the food area and went to their respective rooms. Ark, while he did not have much to prepare since he had the Pocket storage, still had a few things he wanted to make sure was ready for his departure.
Due to this, Ark spent the rest of the night making phone calls to all of his contacts, including Delia and his Mother. After his call with them when he won the money, Ark realised that it was his responsibility to keep his important people updated on his actions. This is doubly true if he planned to have more in the future.
Worn out by all of the phone conversations, Ark went to sleep much earlier than usual, in preparation for his final tasks before he left Pewter City.
The next morning, Ark woke up with vigor. His body felt light as he stretched his body to remove the morning fatigue. Today he planned to grab a few supplies from town that he needed. Then he would leave in the evening.
Originally he planned to leave the next morning and spend one more night in Pewter, however Ark wanted to carry on with his journey as soon as possible. Currently, his biggest fear was him and his team running into a plateau in their training and wasting time. Thus, he planned to move on and gain further experiences.
Within the Viridian Forest, he was able to fight a few strong Pokemon, but they were mostly Bug types. Therefore, Ark noticed that himself and his team lacked experience against other types.
On his list, Ark needed some extra supplies for farming, he wanted some more advanced books on cooking as well as other items he can now buy.
Walking down the main street, Ark gave a small wave to all of his acquaintances. The smiles of the locals is definitely something he will miss when he's travelling. As he was about to enter a shop dedicated to agriculture, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
He was slightly surprised at the fact that he was receiving a call, especially since he had called all of his contacts yesterday. Nonetheless, he whipped out his phone and checked the caller. A natural smile beamed on his face as he read the name of the caller, Jenny.
"Hey Jenny"
"Hey Ark, are you free right now?"
Ark stopped walking and waited outside the shop as he answered.
"Basically, yeah. I'm out shopping for a few supplies. What's up?"
He felt Jennys voice become a little more joyful as she replied.
"Do you mind if I come and meet you? I managed to get the rest of the day off to say goodbye"
Arks smile widened at this sentiment. His day was about to be even better than he originally planned. He had already arranged yesterday to say goodbye to everyone at the Pokemon Center just after dinner. This was so that he didn't have to run around saying bye and have to repeat the same conversations for the entire day.
"That's great! Do you want me to come pick you up?"
Ark offered, eager to see Jenny as soon as possible.
"No need, where are you right now? I am already on main street"
He was shocked by this news. That mean't that they were likely only a minute apart. Despite being Pewters busiest street, it was very easy to traverse and could be completely walked within 5 minutes.
"Oh wait, I see you!"
With that, Jenny ended the phone call abruptly. Putting his phone away, Ark looked around his surroundings, looking for his date.
Ark looked at the direction of the voice, a face full of shock.
Before his eyes stood a familiar face, however it felt completely different from the Jenny he knew. She was currently wearing a Dark Purple Summer dress that stopped slightly above her knees. Her exposed shoulders and legs captivated the eyes of many, regardless of gender. Arks eyes shined as he gazed upon the Jenny before him.
"Hello? Ark??"
Jenny waved slightly in front of his face, attempting to reclaim his attention. Luckily it managed to work as Ark cleared his throat and smiled serenely.
"Hey, sorry about that. I was charmed by you for a second there. You look absolutely stunning."
Jenny was slightly stunned by the blunt praise. Although she had dressed with the mindset of impressing him, she did not expect such direct praise in front of so many people.
"Oh- Erm... Thank you, it was worth dressing up then"
After her initial stumble, Jenny managed to reclaim her mature attitude and grabbed hold of Arks outstretched hand.
"Shall we go?"
Jenny questioned with a sweet smile, her bodyweight leaning on Ark.
"Hmm, where to? I mean I only intended to do some essential shopping"
He felt bad that despite their chance at free time together, Ark had nothing planned as well as having obligations for his journey.
"It's fine, we'll go do your stuff first. Then we can get an early dinner, after that, it's a surprise."
Winking at Ark, Jenny ushered Ark into the store they were outside of.
A few hours had passed, Ark and Jenny had completed their shopping with the addition of buying some books for Jenny. The two had just finished their dinner at their usual restaurant. They had been there frequently enough for the owner to assign them a booth table for whenever they came in. It was secluded from the rest of the restaurant and allowed the young couple to maintain their pink atmosphere without interruption.
The loved up couple walked back down main street in silence, their bodies leaning on each other as they watched the townspeople go about their day.
"Today was good..."
Jenny mumbled with a calm voice. Ark nodded slowly, in full agreement.
"Yeah, I am so thankful you managed to get the time off"
"It's not over yet, we have one more stop before we meet up with the others"
Hearing Jennys words, Ark started to think of where their mystery destination could be.
Alas, Jenny was not going to give him anytime to think. She eagerly pulled Ark along until he caught up and they continued on to their destination, with Ark remaining in the dark.
Ark questioned out of reflex.
"Are you saying no to my surprise?"
Jenny looked at Ark with a stone cold stare. Feeling the pressure of her stare, Ark hastily shook his head and rectified his mistake.
"Of course I am happy about it! I was just surprised is all"
"Good, let's go. We only have a half and hour booking, otherwise I was afraid we would end up missing the meeting time"
Thus, Ark and Jenny entered the hotel with a renewed excitement.
The two signed in without issue and found their room within minutes. Ark closed the door and turned around, about to speak before his mouth was suddenly covered.
His eyes widened slightly but quickly regained their calm as he processed the situation.
Jenny was pressed up against him, her hands on his chest as her mouth overlapped with his. Their lips smothering each other. It didn't take long before their mouths parted slightly and their tongues dashed to meet each other.
They danced within the confines of each others mouths, savoring the taste they had both grown addicted too.
Meanwhile, Arks hands could no longer remain static. They boldly traced the contours of Jennys supple body, before slowly beginning to take off her clothes.
Within seconds, Ark was holding a Jenny clad in only underwear. Her scarlet red underwear caused Arks body to burn with passion. His movements hastened as he started to unclip her bra, his movements much more practiced than before.
"Hurry ahn"
Simultaneously, Jenny hastily, pulled off Arks T-Shirt and unbuckled his belt. Her hand continuously brushing against the growing bulge in his underwear. Her hand quickly traced the outline of his bulge as her eyes stared up at Ark with a fiery passion.
Without words, Ark lifted Jennys body and pushed her onto the bed. Her body bounced slightly as her breasts burst out of the already unhooked bra.
The moment Ark saw them, his face dived down with his mouth slightly parted. His tongue immediately coiled around the protruding nipple of Jennys right breast. Jennys back arched slightly as the sudden pleasure sent chills down her spine, her hands clutching the bed sheets slightly.
Enjoying her reactions, Ark moved his free hand down to the cloth covering Jennys secret garden. The damp sensations sent a shock directly into his mind, further fueling his bestial instincts.
His hand started to rub the moist fabric in circular motions, brushing past a small nub that seemed to be growing in size every time it was touched. Jennys hazy eyes watched Ark as he continued to tease her to no end. Her mind full of nothing but him and his body.
Abiding by her instincts, Jenny quickly reached her hand down past Arks underwear, firmly grasping the towering pole. Despite being pressed up against something, Jenny could feel the heat burning.
"Jenny... I can't wait anymore"
Jenny nodded with an enthusiasm unlike anything he had ever seen from her before.
Originally planned to make Chapter 69, 18+.
However, the idea of creating a filler chapter just for that, kind of made me feel cheap since it wouldn't actually add much to the story and would probably not be too thought out.
Thus, I decided to write it out now.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy my second attempt at an 18+ scene. I have plenty more chances to improve, espcially now I intend to do two 18+ fanfics.