
True Assassin of Round Table

[ Warning!!! Google Translete, Don't read if you don't like a bad Grammar ] In 21st century, world entered a new stage of VR games…and “YGGDRASIL” is considered top of all MMORPG…but, After announcing that all its servers will be off, the internet game ‘Yggdrasil’ shut down…or so was supposed to happen, but for some reason, the player character did not log out some time after the server was closed. NPCs start to become sentient. A normal youth who loves gaming in the real world seemed to have been transported into an alternate world along with his queen, becoming his game character, Nash George Faust. The True Assassin has come to the New World. [ Daily Update ]

Roosemary · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

Knight of the Lake and Knight of the Traitor ( 4 )

Aura is having bad luck right now. That's because she now really can't do anything, a sword is put on her neck, and it belongs to the blond woman.

"So who are you, cheeky brat? Or should I say, little bitch."

Aura can only lean against the tree trunk behind her while the woman in front of her is interrogating hrr.

'Gegege, why are my pets all defeated so easily, this is not according to plan at all. '

* Bump *

"Oi, are you deaf !!??"

Mordred rudely kicked towards the tree trunk next to Aura, but she didn't seem to be shaking at all.

'Damn, I have absolutely no advantage in one-on-one battles. Also, why can't my magic resistance cancel her magic effect !? '

Mordred's Clarent could not last long actually, it was due to the difference in Aura's level with her and also her quite high magical resistance.

However, even for a level 100 NPC like Aura, the Immobilize effect of Clarent can still stop her for a few seconds, unless that person has an absolute magic resistance.

"I'll ask you again, little bitch, who are you? And why are you attacking me?"

Although she was reluctant to answer, but now Aura had no other choice.

"Aura ..."

"Huh! I didn't hear that!"

Aura growled and looked at Mordred with the intention of killing as she felt her pride being trampled.

'Damn, just watch out later! '

"Aura Bella Fiora, my name is Aura Bella Fiora!" Said Aura while trying to look away.

"Aura huh, so why do you want to kill me?"


"Who says I want to kill you?"

Hearing Aura's answer, Mordred put on a confused face while tilting her head.

"Huh? Obviously you wanted to kill me before, Don't try to give superficial reasons to me, Little Bitch? "

" Then what is the proof that I intend to attack you? "

" Hah!? Isn't that group of animals your 'pets'? I can feel your magic connected to each other, and if those animals want to eat me then you want to kill me indirectly. Don't try to make excuses... little bitch."

'This woman ... although she has the nature of bars and rude, but her senses are so sensitive that she can feel the magic that connects me to my pets who are very thin and faint. '

What Aura said was the truth, normally the smaller the scale of magic the more difficult it would be to detect, but it was different if a if the person has sensitive senses to the existence of magic.

The reason why Mordred's senses are very special, is because she is not a pure human, Mordred race is a race that is still included in the Human Race, namely Hommunculus.

The advantage of the Hommunculus race is that it has a good affinity for magic and their senses ia very sensitive to the existence of magic. However, the sensitivity of their senses can also be their greatest weakness.

"Well, of course they are all my pets, but my job is to protect this forest from humans like you who are trying to destroy it."

Of course it's a lie, but for Mordred ...

"Eh? Is that so, so my existence is considered a threat to this forest?"

Aura could not even think that Mordred would believe so easily of what she said.

'She believes it !! ?? '

"* cough * That's true, so you better get out of this forest as soon as possible, I'm sorry for attacking you but it is a form of self-protection ... you humans cannot go any further."

'... Besides that the existence of a fake Nazarick for the time being should not be known to outsiders, and the humans in front of me today will be a dangerous threat to Nazarick,'

Mordred then thought for a while before returning to sheath her sword.

"* sigh * So this is all just a misunderstanding huh ... but I have absolutely no bad intentions of being here, I am an adventurer and come to this forest just to carry out a few quests," said Mordred who also seemed to feel guilty.

"Heh, if you understand, that's good ... as a forest guardian I suggest you not to go deeper into the forest, if you want to find the Basilisk they usually live in the Meadows in the southeast." Said Aura tried to escaped from Mordred.

" Oh, I see... "

"Then, I'll go first, good luck with your hunt, Adventurer-san ~!" With a cheerful voice, Aura then jumped to another tree branch and left the place.

Mordred watched Aura leave calmly before turning around.

"Southeast, yeah ... well, that little girl is really good, isn't she? She forgives me after I killed all of her pets, she even told me where I could find the Basilisk, then I will tell Lancelot first before going to hunt the Basilisk.But wait ... why did she find out that I was looking for a basilisk? Yeah, nevermind. "

And that day, poor Mordred did not know that she had just been fooled by a little girl.


"Why is she taking so long ..."

At this time, Lancelot, Momon, and Nabe have returned to the place where they had gathered before, and seen about 5 sizable basilisks being tied to one large tree trunk.

They are currently waiting for Mordred to return, but there is no sign of her whereabouts.

After a few minutes, someone finally came out of the forest in tattered clothes. That person was Mordred who put on a tired face.

"Heh ~, how about this, I didn't find a single Basilisk ..."

Then Mordred looked ahead, and everyone had gathered there staring at her with strange looks.

"Huh! Why are you all here? And also ...

Mordred then pointed to several basilisks who were resignedly bound to one of the tree trunks.

... Why are there so many basilisks here !! ?? "

Basilisk is a serpentine monster with eight legs on each side of its body. The head is adorned with huge crown-like horns and covered in scales that are green on the upper body and pale yellow in the lower belly. It resembles a monstrous hybrid between a snake and lizard.

Lancelot then approached Mordred in annoyance and patted her head.

* Pow *

"Ouch." Mordred held her head which was hit by Lancelot.

"Why did you come from the south east huh? Aren't you supposed to look for the basilisk in the north?"

"Eh? That's because ... "

Lancelot who saw Mordred then sighed.

"* Sigh * Don't you know that the habitat of the Basilisk is in the North, on the edge of the Great Lake?"


"I knew you had forgotten about it, even though Momon-san had explained it in detail before ..."

Mordred was confused, well she just remembered that Momon had previously told them that the habitat of the basilisks was in the northern Tob forest.

And finally Mordred also realized that she had been deceived by the Dark-Elf girl who had attacked her before.

"That Little Bitch !!!"

Mordred growled because she was so annoyed and at the same time felt stupid to be fooled so easily.

Lancelot then turned towards Momon and Nabe.

"Momon-san, I think we will do it now?"

Then Momon nodded and said as he took out his two large swords from the sheath on his back.

"Come on, Nabe!"

"Yes, Momon-sa ...n"

Nabe then unbinds the basilisks from the tree, and the five basilisks released from the bind go wild again as before and try to pounce on Nabe.

However, Nabe calmly avoided them and ran forward with agility and very fast. They ran in groups and chased after Nabe.

"Try to follow me if you can, lizard."

After seeing the Basilisk chasing after Nabe very quickly, Momon then followed the Basilisks from behind.

To lure the Lagarfljot worm out of the ground, it needs a scent from the blood of the Basilisk. Therefore, the plan that was drafted was, by injuring some non-fatal parts on the bodies of the basilisks so that their blood could come out slowly and create a distinctive blood aroma and provoke the Lagarfljot worm.

* Hiss *

Even the basilisks hissed like a snake as they ran after Nabe.

* Growl *

Not long after, the ground trembled loudly enough, there was a growling sound which was the voice of the Lagarfljot worm.

Lancelot then glanced at Mordred who was still gloomy and annoyed after realizing he was cheated, especially by a little girl.

"Morde, as previously planned, you will bring out Clarent's red lightning and make the worm stop moving when Momon-san manages to make it stopped"

Mordred who heard Lancelot's words, sighed and put on an annoyed expression while rubbing her hair.

"" * sigh * Argh !! Alright, Alright, I'll do it. "

* Growwl *

A second growl came and Momon continued running, estimating Lagarfljot's current position.


* Growwwl *

"Now, Nabe!" Momon shouted, and Nabe followed the direction she had given by jumping to the side to avoid Lagarfljot's reach.

* Growl !!! *

Then, the target they had been waiting for finally came out accompanied by a deafening growl. Lagarfjolt has a general appearance like a Lamprey but with skin as hard as steel and as broad as a earthworm.

Its mouth is spiral shaped and surrounded by sharp teeth making its appearance give the impression of its own horror.

Momon's eyes from behind his helmet glowed red as he saw the true form of the Lagarfjolt.

'This creature ... is this really a B rank Quest? 'Momon himself questions the Guild's credibility, because according to him facing a monster like Lagarfjolt is at least a rank A Quest.

'Well, although that doesn't matter to me. '

Like a Vacuum Cleaner, Lagarfljot devoured all the basilisks in front of him and kept going towards Momon and intended to devour him too.

* Growl !!! *

Momon made very sturdy stance with two large swords in his hands, a sword that was even as large as a normal human's height could be grasped as if it were nothing.

However, judging by the way Momon held the sword, he seemed to have no intention of cutting Lagarfjolt, and preferred to hold him back.

And when Lagarfjolt's mouth arrived in front of Momon, Momon deftly crossed his swords to stop the speed of Lagarfjolt.


* Clang *

However, it was not as easy as imagined, the impact was so intense that even Momon had to retreat a few dozen meters.

However, he did not seem to be losing his footing at all, and finally after seeing that Lagarfjolt had lost his urge, Momon shouted.

"Now, Morde-san !!!"

"You don't need to tell me."

* Swing *

Mordred drew her sword and raised it into the air. A red aura came out from Clarent in her hand which made Nabe pay attention to her.

'What an incredible magic energy, as Ainz-sama thought, they are both not ordinary humans. 'Thought Nabe.

"Clarent !!!"

* Zap *

In an instant, red lightning struck Lagarfjolt's body which made him roar in pain as well as losing his mobility.

And without giving a time-out, Lancelot drew his sword and approached Lagarfljot with solid steps.

"Blanc Chevalier Sword Arts ..."

And with body movements that look as if flowing like water, Lancelot slashes towards Lagarfjolt with a very accurate slash aiming right into the center of his body.

"... Séparateur d'eau"

* Fwuosh *

* Tap *

A drop of water dripped from the tip of Arondight, there was not a single trace of blood left on his sword while slashing Lagarfjolt in half.

Sword Arts, is one of the skills that must be possessed by someone with a sword-based job class like Swordsman, etc. However, for the inhabitants of the new world, Sword Arts are still considered to be included in Martial Arts, even though the two are different things.

* Click *

Lancelot sheathed Arondight and then walked towards Momon who had also sheathed his swords.

Momon then approached Lancelot.

"Good job, Lance-san, that is an amazing sword technique."

"You too, Momon-san, if it wasn't for you who held Lagarfjolt, and Morde who made him unable to move, maybe my cut would be meaningless."

Then, Mordred and Nabe also approached the two of them, before Mordred opened her mouth.

"So, how will we share the results of the quest this time?"

Hearing Mordred's words, everyone looked at each other.


After discussing for a while, finally everyone agreed to divide it as follows, money from the completion of the quest will be taken by Lancelot and Mordred, while Momon and Nabe will get a body of Lagarfjolt instead.

The four of them then chatted for a while before deciding to separate because the sun was going to set.

"Well it's like it's time we returned to E-Rantel Momon-san, besides that we need to look for lodging after taking the money from completion of the Quest in the Guild."

"Then we will part, because I need to take care of this big worm."

Lancelot smiled as he nodded, both of them then shook hands with each other.

"I look forward to the next collaboration, Lance-san. If you have any needs with me, come to the Sparkling Gold Lodge."

" Of Course. "

After that, Lancelot and Mordred left carrying evidence of the completion of the quest, namely some vital parts of Lagarfjolt. Leaving Momon and Nabe who were still standing in their place, waiting for Lancelot and Mordred to leave completely.

" Come out, Aura. "

After Momon said that, a Dark-Elf girl appeared who had met with Mordred before.

"Well, thank goodness that dirty-mouthed woman has left."

"What about that woman's fighting strength? How long did she manage to kill your monsters?"

Hearing the question from Momon, Aura sighed.

"There is no doubt, that woman is very strong, ignoring the strange power of lightning from her sword, her swordsmanship has reached a level far beyond the highest level in this world. She can kill dozens of my monsters in a single attack, her strength is extraordinary." Said Aura .

"What if compared to the strength of the Floor Guardians?"

"It's quite complicated to explain, but if it's only taken from one-on-one fighting strength, that woman is right above me," said Aura.

"I see ... I want one of you to watch over them, but if it's like this, I can't help but have to send Nigredo to do the job."

Nabe and Aura nodded at Momon's words. After a while of thinking, Momon then said.

"Aura, you go back and do your job to build a fake Nazarick, Nabe and I must take care of the body of this big worm."

Hearing his master's words, Aura looked down slightly and said while smiling.

"Yes, Ainz-sama."


"Oi, Lancelot, is this really the right way?"

"Of course ... I guess."

"Huh, what do you mean !?"

And so, Lancelot and Mordred left without knowing the right direction to return to E-Rantel.

After a few moments of arguing with each other, finally the edge of the forest could be seen by the two of them.

"Look! I told you this is the right way."

"Yes, yes, whatever."

The two of them then walked out of the forest, Lancelot who was walking in front of Mordred suddenly stopped when he came out of the forest, which made Mordred confused.

"Oi, why did you stop?"

After Mordred came out of the forest, and looked towards the front, she also put on a strange face. That's because in front of them right now is a kind of large crater that rises up and is covered by soil and grass.

And at that moment, Mordred felt her senses tighten as she felt the magical energy emanating from the crater.

"* Gasp *"

Mordred then put on an expression of disgust as well as pain, Lancelot who saw that made a worried expression.

"Are you ok, Mordred?"

Mordred then looked at the crater with a view that was full of killing intent and disgust.

"This place, has a very dark and rotten magic energy, this makes me want to throw up by just being near it."

Hearing that, Lancelot made a worried and thoughtful expression.

'I've never seen Mordred like this ...

Lancelot then glanced at a large crater in the distance,

... Actually what kind of terrible place is this? '

Well, lately I'm often late to update the chapter because I'm currently watching a very interesting underrated anime. Shoukoku no Altair.

Roosemarycreators' thoughts