
Troublesome friends

21th century four thief who are together from there childhood without any family they make each other there family they all known as troublesome friend the one who mess with them they alway make there life a living hell. one day running away from police there car got in accident and they all thought that it's there end but ... . . . . . . "huh what is this why can't I speak why there is, to many people staring at me ain't I supposed to dead" think violet. "what is happening why I'm in a baby body" Rose complain. "I'm speechless" sigh lily. "why me god you send me in this baby body it will be better if other are here" whine cherry . . . . . . . Violet: i'm a villianes. Rose: I'm a side character and supposed to die. lily: I'm male lead sister who never show in novel. cherry: I'm not saying anything I just want to know that why god had give me the role of thief I mean I was a thief in my past now again. sign

Bhoomi_Mehra · Fantasie
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117 Chs

Auction in black market.

everyone leave the restaurant when it started getting darker they head toward black market which is filled with various small stall those small stall were selling pills of lower grade which no one is interested in after all which rare treasure people from higher realm has not seen.

"hey girls isn't it the girl from the middle realm who was with us in dark forest who is the other girl with her" girls look at the girl who is dress up in spotless white the other one is dress up in peach pink colour dress the girl in peach pink has delicate feature which make man to protect her while the one in white is dignified like immortal she didn't have delicate feature she is more like arrogant swan.

even though the aura around them is different there personality is different when standing together the girl in white overshadow the girl in pink both of them has gentle smile on there face but one smile is filled with affection when she talk to the man infront of her while the other girl smile didn't reach her eyes.

"the girl in white has not enter the dark forest" yun take another look at the girl in white she felt like the girl is really beautiful but she is nothing compared to the four girls.

"let's go the auction is about to start it's not good to delay for much time" they all head toward the main hall of the black market where the important meeting is usually held normally no one is allowed to enter here but today the auction is in this hall which show how much valuable the treasure is which make the black market to arrange it at there hall.

They can sence lot of powerful aura inside the building master show the token to the guard and point at the girls which means they are with him the guard let them enter a servant check there token and lead then toward a table the whole hall is dark no one can see other once you seat on the table a protective array appear which prevent other from seeing and hearing them.

The whole hall is filled with various powerful people but they can't see each other this is another way to control other from killing the person who will obtain the treasure although it will not stop others from hunting down the person everyone was ready for the auction.

soon a handsome man appear on the stage although not very devilish handsome he can still consider to be handsome but his aura was very powerful but no one show weakness in other words everyone is silently competing with each other through there aura.

"hello ladies and gentlemen everyone know why we are here so without wasting much time I will show you the treasure" a girl come on the stage with a plate in her hand the item was covered in red cloth when the man remove the cloth a very powerful aura spread in the hall even girls felt uncomfortable cause of the aura.

yun gasp in amusement girl look at her with burning eyes yun felt embarrassed cause of there gazes she put her hand on her mouth and cough lightly.

"it's the blood essence of phoenix but this is way to powerful compare to normal phoenix he must be of pure blood to be this powerful" master shook his head had he spoke slowly.

"it's not phoenix but divine vermillion bird king of all birds this bird only appear after million of years to be able to incounter the blood essence we are very lucky" everyone jaw were drop to ground an egg can easily fit inside there mouth.

"divine vermillion bird wow" leigong gasp.

"no wonder even people from other ream were coming here after there's only one vermillion bird in the she world they will never able to find a living one much less it's blood essence" feng'er look at other with excitement.

"but master what's the use of this essence to us we all already have essence although feng'er didn't have one but taking blood essence will make her loss her control so she can also not use it then why we are here"

"We are not here to get the blood essence but other things do you think only blood essence is there no few months ago a team who has gone to dark forest find the cemetery they find the dead vermillion bird frozen in ice although it's dead not only it's bone but it's skin is also used to make weapons and the bone can also be used to make lot of pills" everyone were shock blood essence was shocking enough they get to know those people has found whole bird they were shock.

soon the bidding for blood essence started the bid of this auction is spirit stone only purple spirit stone were allowed the blood essence was bidded by phoenix clan elder who bid 100,000 purple spirit stone girls were shock they has expect the auction to be go crazy but this much just by the look anyone can tell that's this is just the beginning.

soon it was turn of vermillion bird feathers everyone was able to get the feathers since the whole body of a bird is filled with feathers so there's was no much fight for it even master get the feather for Yun after all she is a beast tamer.

Now it was the turn of bones no one want to miss them the price of just small bone was very high everyone want to get as many as they can get but the more they became greedy the more they invite trouble master buy the whole rib cage and spine bone of the bird.

"master what we are going to do with this much bones" feng'er ask worriedly she was worried that her master will spend all of the stone in buying bones cause of them master was not able to get more.

The last things which appear was the skin of the bird not everyone were interested only alchemist were interested this time they didn't stop tgere master since they know he is not going to listen them then why wasting there saliva.

when the auction ended everyone hurriedly leave the hall no one want to stay there anymore they were scared of being robbed that why everyone leave quickly the bloodshed which they has expect didn't happened which shock the girls but when they were thinking that nothing will happen.

Suddenly few people dress up in azure red robe appear according to there knowledge these people are from alchemist guild.

"hand over the spine bone of bird we will let you go don't think to escape from here no one here want to make enemy of an alchemist if they are confident enough to never incounter any sickness if you hand over the bone we will let you go we will give you dark flame which is rank fifth"

"I has no plan in giving you the bone but the flame should be good enough for my discipline till her beast came out from egg now will you give me the flame or should I take it" they were speechless they never know there master has habit of robbing people too.

"what why are you all looking at me like that" he ask innocently.

"We never know you had habit to rob people" lim tease him.

"they came to me on there own now if I don't take the flame it will be insult of there good wills"

not only girl but even those arrogant alchemist were speechless by his shamelessness.

"you... before he can even complete his sentence he fall down on the ground dead blood came out from his neck other alchemist were shock they look at the little girl in red who move without making any noise before other can cane out from daze other has slready kill them.

Alchemist only focus on making pills and they advance using pills so they had no talents in fights at all that why they were able to kill them they take there space ring and other possession the flame was temporarily kept in her space.