
A Start

Milia had slept throughout the afternoon, hopefully she's feeling better now.

Not long after she woke up Daami threw her a statement straight away.

"Milia, come on an adventure with us! Maybe we can look for clues along for way for you to go back to the Dark-Elvin Skyships."

"U-um are you sure Daami? Will that be ok? A former slave like me…"

"What are you talking about Milia, we are already friends right Aras?"

"Of course! We are already partners in crime haha."

Milia blushes but she seems much happier now, the mood is relaxed and she has a clear smile on her face.

"Right, next course of business, because we now have one more companion, we need to prepare some extra supplies, and of course better clothes for Milia, we can't have her wear 'rags' anymore."

"Yeah ok, Milia can wear some of my clothes for the time being."

"I'll pay for 1 more room at the inn, you two can share a room and tomorrow morning we can get the necessities and head out! By the way, how much money do you have left Daami."

"Um about 2 silver left on me…"

Why is she twitching all over the place now, acting all shy.

"I see, well you still have 5 gold back at the Association, so you can pay me back for the inn fees later."


Why does she look so surprised at that.

"What do you mean!? This is when you were suppose to say, 'don't worry Daami, your best friend Aras here will pay for you since I have so so much money, and you are such a pretty and delicate girl, I can't let you pay.' right Milia?"

"... um"

"What do you mean 'what do you mean' you idiot! Why do I have to pay for everything! My funds are not endless!"

"But but!"


We turned to look at the source of sound, it was Milia.

She's laughing her heart out.

"I can't believe it, the heroes who saved me act like this, you guys are a riot."

"O-of course, I told you didn't I? We are no one special, Daami's especially not special."



Looking at Milia, and then at each other, we couldn't help but to laugh ourselves.

"You know what Daami, who cares! Forget paying me back, let's just have a great adventure from now on!"

"Ohh! Aras! I knew you were joking! I'm hungry let's get some dinner!"

"Yea that's a good idea, but you can pay for your own dinner tonight."

"Wha-! But I only have 2 silver and the Association is closed for the night!"

"That's your problem."

And so with Daami throwing a little fit and Milia enjoying the shenanigans, we make our way to a restaurant and had dinner on the way to the Sunflower Inn.

The next morning we packed everything, got supplies with Milia included and made our way out of the Mabrosa from the northern gates, a different gate from the one me and Daami came in from.

Not far from the forest and the main road, Daami asks me,

"Where are we going now Aras?"

"Well from the map we got from the Association, we can complete the activity for a monster subjugation at the Green Crystalis Lake north of here. Afterwards we can hand in the completed activity at a branch in Viana the next city over."

"Oh how long will the trip take?"

"About 4 days total. 2 day to the site of subjugation and 2 days to the city Viana."

"Agh, why couldn't we get a cart…"

"Because you're broke and I am not wasting money! Rest assured, the reward this time is pretty good due to the distance. It's a low level subjugation quest anyways just the amount is high, and the distance is far, so not many people take it."

"I'm excited Aras and Daami! My first time being an Adventurer, come on! let's go let's go!"

Milia skips ahead excitedly.

This morning we quickly had Milia signed up as an Adventurer and we registered a party, we left the name of the party for the time being but now we can share quests together.

When seeing Trisha the receptionist again, for some reason she was annoyed at us but not at Milia, I wonder why? That was discrimination Trisha! That was discrimination!

And so we depart on our first official adventure as Adventurers.