
Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Critically ill, Master Fu reluctantly called for a miracle doctor. Not only was the miracle doctor highly skilled in medicine, she also managed to soothe Master Fu's hot-tempered son. One day, the young master had a serious expression on his face as he said, "Daddy, I want Dr. Liu to be my Mommy!" This enraged Master Fu. How dare this woman have the audacity to try and get to him through his son? He angrily shoved a check at Liu Muqiu and told her to get lost. Liu Muqiu took the check and swiftly left with the young boy. Master Fu chased after them for miles only to discover that this woman had not only taken away his precious son, but had also been hiding his two other little darlings! Master Fu decided to take decisive action and bundled the whole lot back home. That infuriating Liu Muqiu was also brought back home alongside them. Since he couldn't scold or punish this woman, he decided to dote on her instead!

Summer's Shadows · Urban
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892 Chs

Chapter 306: If you're not careful, your wife and children will run away!

Richelle Dunn exchanged a puzzled look with Roy Lewis, and saw a similar expression in his eyes.

She deliberately slowed down her pace, allowing Roy to reach for the file bag first.

"Grandpa, what are these?"

Mr. Lewis ignored him, shifted his hand, and passed the file to Richelle.

"Richelle, you come!"

Richelle felt even more confused, could it be... a prenuptial agreement?

But she hadn't said she wanted to marry Roy Lewis.

With a puzzled face, Richelle walked a few steps forward under Mr. Lewis's urging gaze and took the file bag.

When Richelle took the file, Mr. Lewis started to speak.

"A few days ago, Roy's uncles and aunts came to make a scene, right?"

Richelle kept quiet; after all, with her current status, she wasn't in a position to say anything.

Mr. Lewis sincerely apologized, assuming she was upset.

"Richelle, sorry for my negligence in this matter."