
4. It depends on your hands....

I'll tell her. Let us start.

Once upon a time there were two sisters. Those sisters were of royal family. One sister was kind hearted whereas the other one was cruel. Everybody loved the kind sister and the opposite was for the cruel sister. Nobody knew their names because they were always called the light princess and the dark princess. Soon it was time to choose a new queen. Since everyone loved the light princess they obviously chose her. Out of jealousy the dark princess decided to held a fight against the light princess. Many of the citizens disagreed but the dark princess wasn't going to back down. Hence, the fight was held. As expected the dark princess won because she was always the strong one. The citizens weren't going to let the dark princess take over but there was no choice. After the fight the light princess was sent to jail forever. The ones who disagreed were turned into animals, the ones who stayed silent were turned into fairies, the ones who obeyed the princess dark were turned into witches and the ones who worshipped the princess dark were turned into magicians. As princess dark was the Queen now she preferred to be called Queen of darkness. Many years later one of the citizens found a drawing of a girl fighting the dark queen. On the back side was written:

"The first person to come into the land of magic will be the one to fight the queen of darkness and the girl will fight the queen of darkness using the sword of light from the princess light."

After that any male human who came here were executed because of note

And since then the queen of darkness was looking for any female who came here because she couldn't let her fight her and take over the throne.

"any questions?"


"What is it?"

"How do you know that the person is actually me?"

"The no-

"The note could be wrong."

"It doesn't matter, as Jasper said, It depends of your hands, our freedom."

"What about the swo-

"Here we got you a disguise to get it."

"But it is a magician's costume.....

"I know, you have to get in the castle and find a way to talk to the princess light."

"Don't worry Skylar is a transformation fairy so she can also transform into a magician and go in the castle with you."

"Good luck!"