

Alex apparate back in the bathroom and exit it, only to witness Saya up. Seeing her up brought a smile on his face, soon imitated by the Takagi heiress as seeing him appears.

"Alex!" Throwing herself at his neck, both nuzzled in the other embrace for short seconds, before their face separate, but still keeping their arms around the other.

"When did you wake up?" Asked him, wanting to know for how long she was up.

"Around an hour or so, Shizuka now keeping an eye in Rei." Said her to him, surprising him by the friendly manner she spoke of the girl. "Yes, we 'saw' each other while sleeping, along with Shizuka and Lily." Said her before smirking. "Who would have thought you would go for your mother too, hmm?"

Seeing her smirk and playful speak, Alex sight in relief inwardly, knowing that none seems to judge him any differently.

"You know why." Said him accusingly, making the smirk of Saya turn into a softer and warmer smile.

"We did, and all are happy that you hold Family with such importance and what you did for her while not even a babe." Said her while putting her head back on his shoulder. Squeezing her in his embrace, Alex basked in her positive feeling and felt a weight vanish from his shoulder. While he knows they would still be close, it was important that all his mate accepted the other and were aware of their past. He didn't want to kept secret from them, and until now, only CS and the system was, for all of them. He will most likely keep it that way but would share anything else with them.

Alex again put an end to their hug when he felt something stir in him. Saya must also have felt it, too, since she let him go and gently push him toward the door.

"Go, she awaits you." Mouthed her just as Shizuka enter the room. Nodding to her, he pecked her forehead before exiting the room and squeezed the blonde butt in passing.

"Eeep!" Shizuka flushed at the sudden assault, but her smile betrayed her though. Alex laughs at the horny and frisky blonde before knocking at the adjacent room' door.


"Enter." Hearing the muffled voice for the other side, Alex took a deep breath and opened the door, rapidly entering, before closing it behind him.

Alex was a little apprehensive in facing Rei. Unlike Lily, Susan and Saya, he didn't have time to know her, nor was the situation similar to Shizuka. Alex was utterly unaware of Rei character, and that made him a little squirmish. He knows they would be a great pair, but this was in the future, and for now, there were barely more than stranger. Not even the fact of knowing it eased the awkwardness of the moment.

Knowing that delaying the situation wouldn't help any of them but instead raise their anxiety, Alex took a decisive step, contouring in a matter of second the slight separation and appears in front of Rei. Despite his rising anxiety, Alex couldn't fight the small smile raising on his lips at the sight of the fidgetting girl sitting on the bed.

She didn't have much time than wiping her body and wear a thin bathrobe to cover her body, her previous clothes thrown on the side. As she raises her head, risking a gaze at him, Alex knows that she shares some similarity with Shizuka and Susan. This Rei was a soft-spoken and shy girl when facing the object of her affection. Still, the fact that she didn't even bother to tie her bathrobe, letting him peek on a tantalising amount of flesh underneath, told him that she might share some of the most extreme tendency of the blonde nurse. Again Alex was surprised by the contradictory mentality. For Shizuka, he could understand her more free personality, but not for Rei.

Shrugging the thoughts to the confine of his mind, Alex chooses to trust his instinct. Keeping quiet, he only extends a hand to her while looking intently at girl eyes, who hadn't broken gaze since they locked into each other one.

Rei blushed bashfully and lower her head in shame before looking back after making her mind and reach for his touch. Unlike Shizuka, she wouldn't completely abandon herself to him, keeping some independence, but seems heavily dependant on his touch, seeing the way she melts in his embrace the second their hands connected. Taking his hand eagerly in her, she didn't raise a sound but immediatly close the space between them and hugged him tightly, letting him felt her shape distinctly on his abs.

The second he had her in his arms, both vanished to reappear in Alex house bathroom. Taking a step back, Alex put his hands on her shoulders before looking at her eyes. Understanding the silent question, Rei took a deep breath before nodding to him.

Unwilling to insult her after she steeled her mind, Alex looked intently at her naked body, having shed the bathrobe from her shoulders.


Rei was among the tallest of his present mate, at 1,64 meter. Naturally, the top of her head barely reached Alex's chin, but her body was still outrageous for him. Her thin figure was revealed by her long and slender legs, generous hips and backside, and complemented by her taut belly from the active practice of Sojustsu. While she was the less gifted of his four other mates, Rei ample and perky breast was a sight to behold. He noted her slightly wider than average aureola and puffy nipples and their light shade of brown rather than pink.

Looking at her face, he could see her relax as he takes in her appearance with great relish. Like any partner discovering each other, none could escape the apprehension of not meeting the other's expectation. With Alex reaction at the sight of her body, Rei eases a little more, knowing her wouldn't shunt her for not being appealing to him.

Seeing her insecurities, Alex steps back forward and gently cup her face in his hand, raised her face to him and kissed her, transmitting as much as feeling he could in the kiss. Surprised at first, Rei melted in the physical display of affection.

Breaking the chaste kiss, both delved in the gaze of the other, deepening their budding bond. Once again, Rei surprised him by her boldness when he felt her hands sneak on his belt and started to loosen it. Letting her take the lead, curious about where she would stop, Alex found himself in only his brief few second later. Without breaking gaze with his, he lightly shudders at the contact of her smooth and smooth hand wrap around the rubber band and brings it down.

Unlike him, she seems still unprepared to face his naked sight, telling him that while she had not complex in exposing her body to him, but was still shy to look at him. Alex expression softens before he drags her to the first stool once they enter the bathroom.


While Alex liked the homey feeling the vast space downstairs offered, he had a weak spot for the traditional Japanese baths. Creating a sizeable indoor bath had been an easy task that few expansions charm took care of without much trouble. The initially small space of barely 12 meters square had been expanded to area the house's size external appearance, 64 meters square. Of this space, two rooms were created, a dressing room of 16 square meters and the bathroom itself.

The large bath at the back had enough space to house Alex and his mates, without being cramped, spreading on two-thirds of the available 48 meters square, the rest used by the eight stools and private shower head to clean their body before entering the water.

~~~Lime start~~~

Rei was surprised by the size of the bathroom but obediently followed his lead. Seeing her gaze in the reflet of the mirror, he spoke for the first since he knocked at her door.

"Are you alright with me washing you?" Asked Alex, unwilling to push out of her comfort zone, but his worries were rapidly throw out of the window.

"Hmm, please." Asked her in a soft and shy voice but still keeping eye contact.

Alex nodded and stared by her hair, gently wetting them, before passing his fingers in them to get rid of any knots. Done, he took some natural solid shampoo and passed it on her hair before massaging her scalp carefully.

Alex smiled behind her at the light moan of contentment she released at his ministration. Done with her hair, he stopped momently by showing her a second hard soap; understanding his silent question, she nodded at him with a light smile and rosy cheeks.

In his hand, making some foam with it, he gently touched her shoulder, letting her use the skin contact before lightly massaging her and slowly going further down, stopping before her backside. Rei didn't shy away from but rather caught his hands as he was about to break the contact and lead them on her breasts. He wasn't expecting the girl to be forward and push for him to caress her breasts, spreading soap on her skin gently.

From the light shiver and her short breath, Rei seems to relish his touch and felt her body temperature rise as he glides south. Again before he could stop, her hand caught him and forced him to follow her movement. He heard her breath hitch as she shamelessly passed his hand on her neither region, going as far as repeatedly use it and even push on some fingers for greater stimulation. Alex assisted unbelievingly at the sight of Rei using his own hand to masturbate. Each time his nail scratch on her erected clit, her body would shudder, and instead of slow down, she hastens the movement.

Throwing all act to the wind, her second hand brought his right hand to her breast, making him pinch and pull and her engorged left nipple. The light caress turned into furious and forceful movements in few minutes until reaching an unavoidable conclusion.

"Hummmmm!" Biting her lips to muffle her moans as she climax, she threw her head back, taking support on his shoulder and bask in her afterglow. Seeing her content and flushed face, he stood stunned at her saucily wink before she brought a hand to his face and kiss him lustfully.

After leaving her some time to calm down, and once he was sure she was steady enough, he sits to her side, seeing her still sitting in a daze.

He was sure that she was the first one of his mates to be that offensive. Susan was putty in his hand, Shizuka wasn't much more than a glorified puppet, and he had yet to have such an intimate setting with Saya and Lily.

Shaking his head at the thought, still happy not to have only submissive mates, he reached the soap before a hand beat him on it. Turning his head to his left, he sees that Rei had snapped out and had exchanged their role. Without even asking anything, he felt her hand and arms wrap around his chest and start to rub his body before feeling two large orbs and hard nubs rub his back eagerly.

After the previous session, Rei seems to have lost all her inhibition and actively seek intimate contact with him. While she still cleans him, he had more the impression of being in a soapland than in his bathroom. The thought was confirmed when he felt her two hand wrap without hesitation around his manhood and clumsily start to stroke it.

Alex could believe his eyes at Rei boldness, nor her rapidly improving technique. He involuntary release grunts and stifled moans at her several attempts to squeeze him with variating force. Her movement gains in speed and rhythm, rapidly raising his pleasure.

He could nearly felt her eagerness at his rapidly increasing grunts and twitching member. Pressing her breast further on his back, she started to blow and nibble on his ear, wanting to bring him to release. Alex willpower fails him at her sudden sneak attack on his balls. With only a soft but firm grip, she broke the last of his restrain and bring him to release.

She eagerly watches him as thick ropes of sticky white substance erupt from his shaft and coat the glass in front of them. Alex even felt her shiver and need a second to realise that she came for a second time.

~~~Lime end~~~

Both needed a few minutes to come down of their height and rinse their body of any soap before entering the water to let their previously aching bodies relax. The last boundaries between them broken; Alex felt it natural to bring her body in his laps, squeezing her breasts against his chest as he goes for a soft kiss. Rei moaned and melted in Alex embrace at the gesture, and his hands squeezing her asscheeks before resting her head on his shoulder and close her eyes.

While she left her body to relax in her lover embrace, her mind had still difficulty catching onto the easiness she had to accept him as her lover, no, mate. The last days had been a mindblowing whirlwind of events, and only now that she worked those tensions out of her system did she realise how much fear gripped her.

The encounter with Saya, Susan, Lily and Shizuka had been one of the strangest but easiest. She now realises that she had hopelessly wished to found an anchor to keep her mind from sinking into the depth of fear, anguish and depression, and most than all, how lucky she had been to actually found one in Alex presence.

The world-ending events that shaken earth in the past two days were the premise of something more profound, darker, and she know it. Humanity had entered what was perhaps their darker period, and if able to surpass this trial, would be changed forever.

Deep into herself, she knows she would have very little chance of surviving if it wasn't for Alex to enter her life. She had no one to fall on; Takashi had turned to be exactly what she feared, a disillusioned teen with many issues. Even his friend didn't enter her mind. It was evident for all but Takashi that Hisashi Igou had held feeling for his friend, much more profound than their friendship.

Her thoughts momently turned to her parents, but even then, she had little hope of seeing them again. Even if she had, she knows that things wouldn't be the same anymore. The more time pass and the more she will have to mature and turn a new leaf. While she loved her parents, she knows that none would understand her and the choice she knows she will soon face.

Had the world stay the same, she would have been able to hide them from her parents, allowing her to keep their relation, but not no, not anymore. Like any different generations, their beliefs were different, and in their cases, accentuate due to her parents' profession. As public order representative, their morale was much tighter and naturally turn toward the government, while her own seek freedom.

Before, this would have been impossible, but Alex arrival in her life had flared back to life, this dying ember in her. With the promise of a mate and backer to protect her, the world state, her dream of freedom was nearer than ever.


Rei was broken out off her thought when she felt the light squeeze of Alex hand on her backside. Looking at him, she saw him holding a large seed between his lips. Realising what it was, her eyes widen and moisten. Nodding, she looked at his and the knife appearing out of nowhere. She stays still as he brings their hand together before lightly pricking their finger. He mixed the blood drops forming at their hands before tenderly painting her upper lips with it. Rei reciprocates his gesture before he slowly brought his lips to her, smearing some of their shared blood on the seed and bit on it.

She let out a moan of delight as he invades her mouth with his tongue, mixing further their share of the liquid spilt from the seed.

As soon as she swallowed, she felt something in her ripple and explode, barely noticing Alex letting off his hold on her.

The bath churn's water as the two imposing creature appears inside, spilling waters out of it confine. None of this was remarked by the pair of Evans cuddling in the other neck', finally linked for a lifetime.

here was the chap, for those that read the lime, please send your feedback^^, for the rest I see you tomorrow for the next chap.

Linrimcreators' thoughts