
The king's return

When reappear, Alex was standing in the square, looking fondly at the surrounding, he says.

"It's good to be home. Thank you for bringing me Sunny." A gentle smile on his face as he looks at the wrecked elf bawling his eyes out.


He immediately crashes in Alex's legs, making chuckle, before crouching in front of the elf and give him an affectionate light pat on the shoulder.

After two minutes, the two separate, Sunny guide him to the bath he has prepared while he takes the furballs in a temporary shelter. Soaking in hot water for a good hour and sighing in relief, he dries himself before taking out a large fabric roll of cotton, along with jars full of pigments and a rucksack of cotton balls.

In a flash, perfectly fitting pair of blue jeans appear along with an emerald shirt sporting his coat of arms in white on the front, and a lightly padded clear grey jacket with a front pocket also sporting his coat of arms in red on the back. Unwilling to cut his hair for the moment, he braided them, making a thick unique braid stopping at his waist.

When he was ready, it was nearly 7 A.M.


"Yes, master?"

"I need to go to Gringotts."

"Right away master."

The two pop in the front of the first step of the bank, unseen as the Wizarding Britain was still asleep. Contrary to them, the goblins were not, and the moment he appears, the two-guard at the front of the bank instinctively tighten their grip on their weapon. When they see the origin of this reaction, the stood a little straighter before striking their fist against their armored chest, making a metallic ringing sound, alerting the one inside that someone dangerous was coming, along saluting him.

If before he would have been greeted by goblins for his actions against the Horcrux, the sheer dangerously of his presence makes them respect him more. Their nothing more worthy of goblins than a dangerous opponent and Alex was clearly one.

Nodding at the two in passing, he sees that his guess was right, not a single wizard could be seen in the bank. What was waiting for him inside, was a raw of five goblins guard on each side of the internal door, ready to tear any opponent should they make a move inside the bank.

Unphased by the stare of all goblins present bored on him, he made his way to the end of the hall.

"Greeting Teller, I came to seek Account Manager Headcrusher at his earliest convenience for this morning, should he be unavailable, could you transmit my request and send an owl to inform me?"

"Greetings Heir Evans, Master Headcrushed have ordered that you must buy introduced to him the moment you made your way to our land."

"Thank you."

The goblin nod at him before he was lead in the corridor of the goblins by the one waiting for him to finish his exchange with the teller.

"Heir Evans, finally, I was starting to wonder when would the wizards see the foolishness of their ways and free you of this illegal incarceration."

"Regretfully for them, they still didn't, what they did do was to recognize me as a legitimate participant of the Triwizard tournament, and everything included at this decision."

Hearing this, the frow that was starting to appear on his face morph in a bloodthirsty smile.

"Oh, they do now?"

"Indeed, they do."

"When will it be legitimate from your clan?"

"As I became seventeen, I was recognized adult from the opposed party, and a minimum period of three years from the offense. I have trialed illegally and incarcerated on the 22 December of 1991. We are the 1 November 1994, the Wisengamot alongside the Ministry, and the ICW has recognized me as a participant of the Triwizard tournament, making me an adult in their laws. Is it but 52 days before the 22 December, when came midnight on the 21 and a second later, Magic will reclaim what will be thus mine for all the one who has wronged clan Evans. If no compensation is paid, that it."

"If not?"

"If not, I will be in possession of all magical dwelling of the Wizarding British community, including the very Ministry of Magic, the Alley, Hogwarts, and the Hogsmeade village. While I have use of the last two, I don't for the rest. Once I would be done with them, I will be willing to part with those land who would be nothing more than a burden for me."

"What do you offer for them. Most, if not the entire wizard population of the island will be broke at this time."

"That they will but there is another dwelling race in Britain that wouldn't." Says him grinning.

At the hint made its way in the mind of the goblin, his eyes growth wider and he start to shake. Trying to contain himself, Headcrusher looks at him straight in the eye.

"You do know that the goblin nation has been driven under the earth after the past rebellion against magical Britain, making us unable to own land on its ground."

"Yes I do, but you also must know that Clan Evans never was, is or will be under ICW laws less the Britain one, every conquered land will become his and may dispose of it without them able to raise voices against it. Since wizards won't have the means to buy them back and I don't have use for them, I was thinking to turn toward the goblin nation to buy them and lessen my burden as of their management by selling their right on them to it."

When Alex confirms his throughs, Headcrusher bolts out of the office, leaving Alex with a large smirk on his face. The goblin didn't return before half an hour with a trail in hand and a parchment on it, a vicious grin on his face.

"The goblin nation leader has judged your arguments sound and in agreement with the treaty of old. Should you still willing as of the 22 December at midnight once past a second, Gringotts will buy from you the totality of the magical dwelling that would be listed as your minus Hogwarts, its grounds, and the village of Hogsmeade. The Goblin nation will buy them as of the ground value on the 1 December of the year 1994. If you so agree to sign the document."

He attentively read it, receiving a nod from the goblin at his action, and once founding everything as says, sign it, letting the contract glow a golden hue before diving in two, a copy for each involved party.

"Do Gringotts have any other need for my presence?"

"Yes, actually we do, after those three years, we were able to sell the Basilisk remains in totality, due to the sheer age of the beast, some part has sold higher than Gringotts estimated, we need your accords for the transfer of the last payment."

"Do it, I also want my mundane account emptied, the sums transferred to Gringotts and then the account closed, it could last until the last contract for December is honored, after that I won't sell anymore there."


Just as they finish, a knock was heard on the door, in came a goblin with a DMLE evidence box. Inside, he found the clothes he had worn that day alongside his boots. Closing it after checking the content, he thanks the two goblins and made his way back to the entrance of the bank led by awaiting goblin at the office door.

His trusty elf pops them back at the territory and he was tackled with an enormous white cat and a white owl.

"Sorry you two, but I needed to take that out of the way."

He scratches the beautiful owl under her beck before she flew away. Before he could ask Sunny, she was joined with seven smaller white owls before vanishing in the forest not far.

"So she was able to create her family herself while I was away."

"Yes master, but she had never exited the territory, it's her hunting ground, after all, all her children are also here."

"She has more?"

"Yes, those are the ones from last year, with the male, they are fourteen of them, all here in the territory."

"Try to found other couples or single one from both sex, it won't be good to have only them coming from the same family in the long term."

"Yes, master."

While the elf pops away to accomplish his task, Alex takes his pair of boots and the needed material out of his underground storage, making them fit once again. While at it, he visits the basement. Before he was arrested and sent to Azkaban, he had emptied his storage, keeping only drinks and food under preservation charms to feed himself in his cell and keep fit.

The previous section made where still there, all his previous items where the first to be seen, every junk has been sold, the gold going straight to the vaults and the rest, stored properly. All of the weapons, gems, and artifacts have vanished, surely in the vault too.

Not wanting to touch this, for now, he takes a broom from those still in good condition, looted from Hogwarts. He then created two wooden boxes that he transmutes to the broom and completely recreating say broom while he was at it. The new broom has the same design that the Nimbus 2000 but with completely different abilities that would leave Harry past firebolt in the dust, well he did have near three years to pass, of course, he would learn a thing or two.

Skadi soon jumps in one of the boxes while he takes two of the thirteen rabbits, one male, and a female, and fly toward the castle. Not in a hurry, he takes his time to enjoy the snow-covered landscape, completely ignoring the freezing temperature outside that would make anyone gain a ticket for the infirmary.

As he lands on the front of the door of the castle, Skadi in his arms and the two fellows on each side, it was 8 A.M and all would be there for breakfast. Making his way and leaving no sound behind while his steeled boot strike against the old stones of the castle.

In the great hall of Hogwarts, a lone blonde Ravenclaw was eating her breakfast like every past morning of the past three years, alone. None of her Housemate reaching for her all the time, even going as far as bullying her.

But Luna wasn't here for what could Hogwarts teach her, but she was waiting to be reunited with a certain person. He wasn't here the past three years as she was already knowing beforehand, but it didn't stop her to talks to him. This was what has rapidly made her an outcast in the House of the 'witty', but that would not stop her, and nothing today could dampen her mood.

"What are you grinning at, Loony, did you already spoke to your invisible friend?" While she perfectly knows that the girl was sarcastic, she smiles beautifully at her and the rest who were looking, waiting for their morning show.

"In fact no, he will come directly today." A dreamy smile on her face.

"Oh, be sure to present him to us them," Snidely says, Marietta.

Before she responds, Luna's eye widens and rapidly turns her head to the hall door before uttering a squeal of pure joy, bringing the entire attention of the hall, to her. When she bolts to the door, all follow her and see her throw herself in the waiting arm of a giant.

When the Hogwarts students see his crimson hair and piercing green eyes, another squeal rise, but this time of pure terror before crashing sound resound in the hall, but no one could take their eyes of the figure holding Luna with a large pure white cat on his shoulder and a wicked grin on his face.

"I'm back bitches."

At those three words, pandemonium erupted.

LAst of the already made chap, after that I will need to cut down and piece it back together, I will try do post them today, if not, then tomorrow, see ya^^

Linrimcreators' thoughts