
Tribulations of the Villain Overlord

Ryota.. this name is forbidden, when the human world needs a hero to save them from the catastrophic event, the gods summoned the forbidden one. Now the most feared Villain creed appears in the human world, but not here to save it, Rather the moniker of Carnage is here to rule this new world he sees himself in. The gods has made the biggest mistake anyone could make, why would they summon the overlord of Destruction to save a world. "In this world I will dominate as the overlord" "i this world I have been summoned, summoned as a god, summoned as the overlord, summoned as the.. wait am summoned as a feeble human?!" How can the feared name and forbidden overlord rule over this world as the villain Overlord.. :::: ::::::: :::::: Author's word: gratitude for reading the not so good synopsis. A new Author on board, but I'll try in my brain and give you a good story from the synopsis, although there might be some glitches lol...but the plot would be good

Old_Manga · Urban
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8 Chs

:E-Rank class [Spirit Academia Exam]

"Act heroic again with such feats, then I promise I'll end you"

Misaki said, overall her voice was rather childish than angry at Ryota, Lucky for him he wasn't arrested by the police, since the robber had killed three civilians, it would be said as self-defense in his case.

They kept the walk along the streets, while Misaki was at the front, Ryota was walking sluggishly behind.

'Misaki looks more anxious, can I tell her she would have died if she was the one confronting the man, again I'm not certain if the novel brought just the elemental duos, could it be evil in that novel are still existing here..no, no Ryota, if they existed this world would have been enslaved by now



While thinking about the possibilities, Ryota forgot he was walking along the streets, causing his head to connect with the street pole. He held his head in anguish and ran after Misaki who had unknowingly left him behind.

"I forgot to ask, how did the interview go with the security company"

"oh that, well I was indirectly fired I guess, still on the lookout for jobs"

A reply Misaki was expecting, they would have been working in the same company if he didn't continue reading a novel when the manager was Inside the office. She still doesn't get how one could be as consolidated as he is right now.

"you don't know when to quit reading novels do you?"

"oh, am not reading a novel, am searching for one..the one I told you about earlier"

Misaki rolled her eyes in reply before she went back on track with her questions.

"why haven't you joined the spirit of academia?"

Ryota looked at her and moved aside before he could bump into one of the pedestrians. The spirit academia was a whole new level of using Sil, these guys get to hunt spirits and in the academy, one could get paid, one that doesn't require an interview, all you have to do is take the exams and your class would be given to you.

[AW: the class is on the information page]

"do you know the spirit of academia?" Ryota commented.

"how hard did you hit your head against the pole, just think about it, it's a life-threatening job too. You could make it in time for the exams" After she said that, she hiatus a taxi and got in.

"When are the exams?"

"It would kick off by 3:30 pm"

As Misaki responded, the taxi zoomed off, leaving Ryota to take a look at the time, upon seeing it was 3:00 pm, he quickly ran like a madman, he has to change the blood stains on his clothing, although it was dark.

[ Meanwhile... Spirit academia ]

Numerous teens all congregated themselves at what could be called an exam room, many of them were sweating profusely while answering the questions given to them. A girl with Amber eyes and amber hair with the white clothing of the academy and red tie, also she was on a dark skirt and black socks reaching her lap as they matched her dark canvas.

She wasn't writing a thing, instead, she just kept gazing at everyone, hopefully looking for someone who would give her answers or the opposite way around.

The boy seated behind her was begging for her to help him work on his questions, she showed him her work and then he saw the girl hasn't even inked her paper.

Nonetheless, when the teacher went outside to answer someone who came running in like a madman, she took the shit of paper and in what could be said as ten seconds, she handed the paper back to him. For a moment he thought the girl is even dumber than him but after looking at the paperwork, he saw the answers and his name was there.

He never told her his name to begin with as this was their first meeting. [name: Daiki]

"How did you know my name?"

She didn't bother turning around, she just pulled the badge on her shirt and showed him a clue.

[Name: Hana]

"Oh I see, you must have looked at my badge also"

[Meanwhile at the entrance room of the exam]

"you won't be able to complete on time, go and come back next decade"

"no mam, I gotta take the exams, a decade from now I could die of poverty, if it's just five minutes, let me take it"

Ryota pleaded, his chest was swatting like it was about to leave his body, he was sweating on top of it and his shirt was untucked. The lady finally agreed and gave him just five minutes.

As he boosted himself going in, no one paid attention a new teen just entered the class, he went back and sat down, and as he looked at the questions he chortle, almost as if laughing.

'why did I see this coming, these questions are the precise copy of the spirit academia in the novel, good thing I spied..hehe'

As he took the yield of the pen, the next thing he hears was time up, he couldn't do anything as all the paper in the room vanished from the student's scenery.

"Please be patient, your papers would be returned to you soon, and your class would be identified by your performance"

In a short period, the papers reappeared and everyone began the uproar, some were delighted with the class they got while some were mad they were in the lowest class.

Daiki on the other hand was surprised at the class he was in..his paper displayed [Remark: passed excellently: G-rank class]. But when he supervises to peep at Hana's class he was more than surprised she was in E-rank class.

Ryota on the other side of the picture was lamenting, after all the cheating on the answers he got, it ended up useless to him. He was amongst those placed in E-rank class. His remark was [Remark: Fatal Failure, retake the exam next decades or Stay as E-rank class].

'damn isn't this the lowest class of them all, they are considered to have no or little Sil in them, I can't retake this in ten decades, I'll just accept my fatal failure'

As he stood up, he saw a boy thanking a girl like she just saved him from the underworld, when the girl turned around, her face became perceptible to Ryota.

His eyes dilated at the sight of Hana, for some reason the description of this girl came to him as one of the characters in the novel, no, a character from the birth of the villain.

'is..is..is that Hana?..one of the deadliest students and ranked as G-rank class, she's... she's.. she's here?'


-Sil: The source of energy flow in all cultivators or cultivars, just as your stamina increases, the Sil increases and decreases, just as you run out of stamina, you could also run out of Sil, low or no Sil cultivators can barely kill a blue spirit wolf..[almost like applying the concept of mana] but in this case I used Sil.

Your comments are the motivation for my not-well-crafted work

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