
Tribes of The Unknown (18+)

A daughter created by his subconscious, a tribe, and many enemies, Oliver, the not-so-normal high schooler, starts his exciting life in a new world commanding a tribe of fifty people.

Inker · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: 'Til Slowly I Forget

"Zaruk, we are looking for any eggs they may have." Oliver explained as they glided above the herd. The creatures look as if they are a mix between a cow, a wild boar, and a drake.

"Why is that?" She asked.

"It is much easier to domestic a creature when you have had it since birth." Oliver said.

"I see. That does make sense." She said. They flew around for a while until they saw a few nests. Before leaving, Oliver had made a woven basket with a shoulder strap to make transporting eggs much easier.

"If any of them charge, don't be afraid of killing them." Oliver said.

"Right." She said. After a few moments, they landed in an empty area and Oliver began collecting eggs. It did not take long for one of them to notice and begin charging. Zaruk protected Oliver and he continued collecting.

After a while, he collected several eggs from different nests. The eggs are a bit bigger than ostrich eggs and he managed to collect fourteen. He got back on Zaruk's back and she took off.

"Pick up one of their bodies, I want to bring it back to camp." Oliver said. Zaruk did as she was told. After a while of flying, they returned. Upon landing, Oliver immediately went to the pasture buildings and placed the eggs in a decently warm area.

He returned to the makeshift village and informed his populace of what was going to happen.

"Over the course of the winter, those eggs are likely to hatch, if not at that point, then in the spring. When they hatch, the stay-at-home unit will be tasked with taking care of them. I will teach you more when the time comes." Oliver explained.

"Understood." The hunters said.

'I've been thinking, and I think it would be a good idea to introduce the idea of marriage to our population. I don't think there will be any large celebrations at first given our current resources, but I think a generation or two down the line we will start having celebrations.' Oliver thought.

'The next thing to ponder is whether or not to allow polygamy. Given by the men doing the most dangerous jobs, I believe allowing men to take multiple wives would not be a bad idea, however, at the moment, our tribe only has enough women for each man to have one wife.' Oliver continued pondering as he entered his house, which is a bit farther from the fire than everyone else's house.

'I guess the most important thing is creating the idea, then forming a better understanding as our population grows. At the very least, I want to create the idea of loyalty to your spouse, or spouses depending on the individual.' Oliver continued.

'This is, primarily, to ensure genetic diversity amongst our population. Sure, there are currently no incest debuffs, but I don't want my population to get used to the idea, since it could cause issues further down the line.' He thought.

'Well, I guess we would also require a ceremony of sorts for marriage, which could act as a gateway for a celebration after the ceremony for later generations. We will also require a person who is 'allowed' to give their blessing to a marriage, a priest, or at least an ordained individual.' Oliver pondered.

'I could use myself, but I don't really want to give blessing to twenty-five marriages in a row. I should choose two individuals who can help me, this way the work is split effectively and I can get the ceremonies finished faster.' He continued.

"Ad?" Kyla asked. "Dad!" She said much louder. Suddenly, Oliver jumped out of his thoughts and looked at Kyla. "Jeez, I've been trying to get your attention for at least a minute now!" She said angrily.

"Sorry, I was thinking." He said.

"Yeah, no duh. Anyway, it looks like something is bothering you, what were you thinking about?" She asked.

"I was thinking about introducing the idea of marriage to the population. I was trying to figure out a way to do that in an effective way, as well as figure out who would be allowed to be ordained." He explained.

"I see. Then just give five women the job. Call them clergywomen or something." Kyla said.

"That may work..." Oliver thought.

"Yeah, I know. The women of the tribe come across as more sincere, so having them as the ministers would likely make the population feel much better. Simply put, by you have been the individual who had them become the ministers, you gain a bit of power, a very useful power play." Kyla said with a few nods.

"I see what you are saying, and, not quite. I would actually be gifting power to other people. The ministers, as you called them, would have power over relationships. Of course, it would make management much easier." Oliver explained.

"Wait, really!?" She asked with surprise. Oliver nodded.

"By the way, how many women are currently pregnant?" Oliver asked.

"At the moment, six women are pregnant." Kyla responded.

"Alright, I need you to gather everyone." Oliver said. Kyla nodded.

"On it!" She said with a smile. Within a few minutes, everyone had been gathered. Everyone was talking, wondering what Oliver was going to say this time. Oliver cleared his throat, calling the attention of the group.

"We will be beginning a new tradition. It is called marriage. A man and woman choose each other as spouses and a ceremony is held. Marriage is the joining of individuals. When married, having sexual relations outside of your marriage is bad. Marriages are blessed by ministers during the ceremony. I will be choosing those ministers now." Oliver explained.

The group showed their understanding by nodding. Oliver walked over to the women and chose five women who were not currently pregnant to be the ministers. A man raised his hand.

"Why listen to them or even ask for their blessing?" He asked.

"Because it is how I have decided for these unions to be carried out." Oliver said as he walked over to the man. "If you have an issue with it, you may deal with me." He said with a light glare, piercing the man's soul. He nodded.

"Understood." He said as he took a step back. Oliver walked back to his previous position.

"Anyway, I recommend choosing a spouse soon. And yes, the ministers may also marry." Oliver said.

"Thank you for teaching us your ways." The group said as they tilted their heads in a slight bow.

"I will teach you how to hold the ceremony once we have decided who is marrying who." Oliver added then walked to his house.

"Hey, dad, what do you think about marrying me?" Kyla asked.

"Maybe in a few years." He said. She puffed her cheek.

"No, now!" She said. "We are already fucking, so we might as well marry!" She said angrily.

"Yes, well, I'm already unsure enough when it comes to fucking someone of your... stature... Marriage is a bigger uncertainty." Oliver said.

"So, basically, my age and body size are the reason?" She asked. Oliver nodded.

"Well, you created me, and I won't be changing physically other than my hair growing longer and going through puberty." She said as she turned her face away from Oliver angrily.

"Why does my subconscious hate me? Wait, that's like asking why I hate myself... Fuck." Oliver said.

"It's not like you said men can't have multiple wives, if you also want to fuck Zaruk, just marry her as well!" She said. "I mean, I literally told you to get a harem after fucking you, I'm fine with it." She added.

Oliver sighed. "Fine... But it's after everyone else has gotten married, this way all of the pairs have already been made and every man is to have a child. If I were to marry you, then also ask Zaruk to marry me before that, the men may try to court more women, leaving none for some of the men." Oliver said.

"Fine by me!" She said as a smile appeared on her face and her steps became bouncier. "Also, just because you told me no a moment ago, when we get inside, we are having sex." She said as she turned to face Oliver. Oliver nodded.

Upon entering the house and closing the door, Kyla jumped into Oliver's arms and began kissing him. She unbuttoned her sleeveless button-up shirt and took it off revealing her small breasts as Oliver walked them into another room.

She took off her skirt revealing her wet vagina as Oliver placed her on the ground on her back. He undid his pants and took them off, then took off his underwear. "I've been looking forward to this." Kyla said with an excited smile as she got wetter.

Oliver got closer and began to tease the entrance with his dick. She began to move, twitch and moan as he teased her. "Put it in, please~." She said. Ignoring what she said, he continued to tease her entrance.

Her breath became erratic as her moans became faster. After a few moments, she reached climax and as she climaxed, Oliver entered hist tip into her. "So mean~!" She said as she moaned loudly.

He began to slowly push his dick into her as pleasure hit her more and more. After entering half of his dick into her, he stopped for a moment to let her catch her breath. After a couple of seconds, Kyla looked him in the eyes and began to move her body further onto his dick.

"Harder daddy~." She said jokingly. Oliver sighed as he turned her onto her stomach and grabbed her arms, holding them behind her back. "Wait, I was joking~!" She said with a panicked tone.

"It's about time you stopped with that joke." He said as he began to move in and out quickly, pushing her stomach into the floor.

"Wait, I'm sorry, I wasn't ready for such a hard fuck!" She said between moans and gasps. Oliver didn't let up and continued to fuck her. At this point, Kyla stopped talking and only her moans, breaths, and gasps were heard.

After a couple of minutes, he came and released her. She laid on the floor on her stomach for a few moments as she calmed her body. Once she had calmed herself, she pushed herself up with her arms and faced Oliver with her legs extended out as she sat.

"Did you at least have fun?" She asked.

"Indeed." He said. Kyla sighed.

"I really wasn't prepared for you to go that hard." She said with a relieved tone. "But it also felt so good~." She said with a blissful expression. She turned around and went onto all fours. "Fuck me more~ I want more~!" She said happily.

"So, if I call you daddy, will you fuck me harder? How hard will you go? I'm so horny all the time, use me as a toy if you want, fuck me more!" She said as she pushed her butt closer to Oliver.

"I think puberty is starting to hit her harder..." Oliver mumbled as he pushed his cock into her vagina. She moaned. 'I am also starting to think she has a daddy kink. Of course, I already knew she was a dad-con, technically, I guess that makes me a daughter-con... Anyway, a kink is different from that...' He thought.

"Harder, fuck me hard! I'm prepared now!" She said eagerly. "Come on, daddy~ fuck me hard, daddy~!" She said.

'Definitely a daddy-kink...' He thought as he moved roughly.

"Yes~ harder, daddy~!" She said as she moaned.

'I just hope she doesn't wind up a masochist...' He added. After a solid ten minutes, he came again and Kyla was breathing heavily.

"Felt... Good~..." She said with a satisfied tone. Oliver gave her a kiss. After a few seconds, she began to fall asleep. "Dad loves me..." She said as she dozed off with a gentle smile. Oliver dressed her, then left the room.

He walked to the village center, the fire pit, and everyone was gathered with each of the ministers in front of the group. "Everyone has chosen a spouse." One of the girls said. Oliver nodded.

"The ceremony is rather simple. You ask the couple a few specific questions, then they kiss after you give the blessing." Oliver explained. He then went over the basic wedding questions such as 'do you take -blank- to be your spouse', etcetera.

By the end of the day, the couples had gotten married and Kyla woke up. She exited the building and ran up behind Oliver, giving him a hug. She rubbed her face into his back.

"I love you." She said.

"Me too." Oliver said.

"You're supposed to respond with I love you too!" She said with an annoyed tone.

"Well, I do love myself as well." Oliver said jokingly. "Joking aside." Oliver said as he turned around and crouched down slightly to be on eye level with Kyla. "I love you too." He said. She kissed him gently then smiled.

"I'm gonna assume fucking is off the table right now." She said.

"That would be correct." He said with a smile. "You are a rabbit." He added. She giggled.

"Oh, I'm worse." She said with a bright smile.

"My lord." One of the ministers said. Oliver turned around.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Will you be marrying anyone?" She asked. He nodded.

"Me!" Kyla said happily as she jumped in front of Oliver.

"Your daughter, milord?" She asked.

"She pretty much made the decision herself, but yes." He said. "I do plan to take another wife as well." He added.

"Ah, I see, I had theorized that men could have multiple wives, as logistically, that makes sense." She said.

"Yes, however, given our current population, I want each of the men to have one wife since that is all our population would allow for." Oliver explained.

"That is why I refrained from voicing my theory." She responded. "So, do you plan to ask Zaruk to marry you?" She asked. Oliver nodded. "Then, I hope you would choose me as your minister." She said.

"We'll do that... Um, what was your name?" Oliver asked. She giggled.

"My name is Indigo." She said. After a few moments of silence, she spoke up once more. "Ah! I believe we should hold a celebration for your marriage, it is a joyous occasion for our esteemed leader to marry." Indigo said.

"That will be unnecessary, currently our resources will not allow for that, but I do hope in the future every marriage is celebrated." Oliver said.

"I see. That does make sense, our current supplies are likely to last us through winter and that's it..." She said a little dejected.

"Well, at the very least we will survive." Oliver said. Indigo nodded, then walked away with a bow.

"Alright dad, let's go get Zaruk to agree to marry you!" Kyla said energitically.

Kyla's outfit is pretty much just a button-up shirt vest thing with a ribbon and a skirt, nothing else.

Also, on the day I run out of Bad Apple lyrics, what song lyrics should I use for titles?

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