
Tribal Warfare

The Kain family and the Mori family, perfect and the two strongest Tribes in existence, but behind the glorious marriage of the two most powerful people from both Tribes lies a dangerous secret, the Mori family member took to her grave. Orian, Yuki and Miku are sisters, one dead and the other two on the run. Yuki will stop at nothing to keep her younger sister Miku from their father, while on living in their grandma's old house that is in Yuki's name, they hoped to blend in. But the small town they ran to has a few tricks up its sleeves. Yuki's off to the high school with new friends but she knows that the battle she and Miku left behind in Seoul would soon reach them again in the U.S "Miku?" "Yes Onnee-chan?" a sickening sound came from behind them. "Run away!!-"

TheBlackRose · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Chapter Three

"Miku, the moving truck is here!" Yuki called up the stairs. Even though the sun was out summer was late that year, most of the flowers Yuki had planted when she was Miku's age still hadn't bloomed. Yuki headed out the door to greet the movers, two guys got out of the truck both had reminded her of Jax, they were tall and lean but their eyes made her skin crawl. 'Thank god Ashton is coming to help and not these men' Yuki thought "Are you Yuki-Kain?" One asked his blonde hair covered his right eye, his friend held out his hand for her to shake. "Y-yes I am, I trust you had a safe ride here?" She shook his hand "Yes we did, actually. Not too often do we go this far out but it was nice to get out of the city" He replied in a gravelly voice.

"Name's Stanley and this is Arron," Stanly said his voice was more smooth but still Yuki remained alert to their actions. Something was off about them but she couldn't remember what was so familiar about them, Miku was walking out of the house when Yuki felt a sharp pain in the back of her neck, she turned around just as Arron slammed his fist into her jaw.

"Now I know why you are so familiar," She said as she blocked a set of arrows from Stanly whose clothes had changed into a dark uniform. The uniform belonged to her father's school for Sun Tribe members, unlike the Academy, only Sun members could go to the school. Stanley and Arron were her old rivals back when she'd believed everything her father told her, again Arron swung at her, his fist hardened into rock as she drove it to the ground. "Nice try Kain, but We've learned more about you thanks to King" Arron slipped out of her hand and reached for the dagger she carried around her belt, "Really? Cause you just made the biggest mistake in the history of stupid things to do about me!" Yuki raked Arron's chest with claws she'd conjured while he'd been down on the ground.

But he just smiled as Yuki cast a second spell around his wounds "But so did you-��� Blackness enveloped his head severing it from his bloody body and dropping it again next to his lifeless torso. Yuki realized she'd forgotten about her sister, but just as she looked back she saw Stanly with her sister who was fighting against his grip around her. "Let her go!!" Yuki shouted, running towards them.

Her vision began to blur and the world wouldn't stop spinning, she stopped short of the stairs holding onto the railing to stay upright. "Feeling like shit are we?" He growled with satisfaction as he walked down the stairs with Miku fighting his grip even more "What did you do to my sister?!" She screamed. Yuki tried to climb the stairs but her legs were numb.

"Well, thanks to her father we know just how to detain such a beautiful monster." He said as he reached for Yuki's neck, she backed away but sudden pain racked her head and she lost her balance on the stairs, "Too slow!" Stanly said and slammed his fist into her head. She fell down the rest of the way unconsciously, Miku's cries for help were muffled by the ringing in Yuki's ears, she watched helplessly as two blurry figures went into the forest. "Get up Yuki!" Miku shouted but Yuki couldn't move fast enough, Miku watched her big sister struggle to stand. Just as Ashton and Kat came walking through the gates, Miku saw him first and yelled "ASH-!?" Stanly covered her mouth, "Shut up you!" he said looking up at Ashton and Kat he pulled out his gun from the hidden holster he had.

He aimed the gun at her head, Miku went white as a ghost, Ashton stood there, in between him was Yuki and Kat but Stanly had the most leverage holding the gun to Miku's head with a smile on his face he spoke "Well, this ought to be fun! So kid unless you want two deaths on your hands then put your hands up! And you-" He looked at Kat who was kneeling next to Yuki "Shoot her, I want her dead before I kill you two." Kat's face paled, "Why!?" Ashton yelled at him, Stanly just shook his head "She's the reason I'm here. Her dad no longer wants her to live because the only reason his wife isn't standing here today…" He stopped, Ashton was waiting for a reply when a blast of white light blew past him directed at Stanly.

Yuki stood up, her hair moved as if it was alive and her blue eyes were dark blue, "No one messes with us," She glitched and was at Stanley's throat in the blink of an eye, Miku ran from the fighting towards Ashton and Kat who'd been caught off guard by Yuki's magic. "How did she recover so fast?!" Kat asked Ashton but he didn't have an answer, but then he saw something they'd both missed, Yuki's movements were slow. He could see her gasps for breath as she clashed with Stanly, then she slipped up. "Yuki!?" Ashton shouted but it was too late Yuki only saw the blinding shine from Stanley's gun before the sound of it.

She stopped, blood seeped into her shirt, her shoulder was where the bullet lodged itself, Stanly also stood still for a moment before he shot her again. Yuki fell to one knee, the world was spinning faster, everything was muted colors and sounds. She felt the weight of her body becoming heavier and the feelings in her hands vanished, she knew it was too late to save her sister now. Stanly had moved on from her as she laid down weighed by weight and blood loss.

"Get up Yuki! Please get up!! Oh god, sister please!!" Miku was crying as Kat and Ashton had put up a shield around her and themselves, 'Come on Yuki… you can't be that weak?' Ashton thought just as Stanly's mangled self walked out of the shadows in front of him "Boo!" He slammed a lighting bolt into the shield, sweat dripped off of him as his spells slowly cracked their shield. "Come on kids! You've gotta do better, better than her that is!" Stanly smiled, "The poison will take the rest of her, and then it'll be your turn Miku!" His eyes were wide. "You've gone mad!" Kat shouted her heart was beating faster, one eye on Yuki's still body and the other on the mad man trying to kill Yuki's sister.

"Yuki? Yuki!" A voice echoed in her head, she couldn't move anything, her eyes couldn't focus, she was in the darkness. "W-who are you? Where am I?!" Yuki called into the darkness. Laughter filled her ears as a creature made of what looked like tar and ink reached out to her "Please, Yuki don't you remember me?" The thing said as it opened its eyes, white outlined the lifeless black holes it had for eyes. "I'm the other half of you. Did you forget that your mother took Miku's other half and placed it with you so now we are one? Did you think the silence you've seen would last?" Yuki realized who not 'what' talking to her. "I don't need you!! I'd rather die than live with you!!" She screamed but laughter started back up again.

"You will die just...not yet. They will though," "Fine! I know you've been without light for centuries, dear older sister don't make me end it soon." Yuki felt a tear leave her eye as the light enveloped her sight. "Get away from her!" Kat blocked another bullet from Stanley's gun with her sword as Ashton gripped his two knives Miku hid behind the moving truck, by now the gates had students watching, some had their phones out, others just watched. The two girls Yuki had confronted were at the front. "Wonder where's the taboo breaker now? SHE is a LIAR!?" The two of them had a plan and thanks to this scene playing out behind the gates it was perfect.

But the crowd made Stanly even madder, he saw the two girls standing so close to the gates he had an idea, "Come here little mice" He soothed. Ashton and Kat stayed put, "What is he doing?" Kat asked, "I don't know but it can't good!" Ashton cast out a blue flame. "The Knight's will be here soon now, but we need to get Miku and Yuki out of here fast," He said running to where Miku hid.

He got no further as a scream echoed behind him, Kat was pinned in front of one of the girls who was holding a knife to her throat. Tears streamed down the girls face mixing with the spattered blood of her friend, Stanly stood next to her drenched in blood and holding her friend's head in his left hand a crooked smile was plastered on his face. "Give me Miku and I'll spare you're... friend." His voice was jagged, un-human eyes were looking at Ashton, he felt his heartbeat out of his chest, it was so loud in his ears he could've sworn everyone could hear it.

"No! Ashton don't give her to him! Please I'll be fine!?" Kat screamed at him, she wasn't crying but Ashton knew her too well, as soon as he agreed Kat had made up her mind. She'd last a little more than two minutes before Stanly killed her like he'd killed her friend, Miku grabbed his shaking hand "Please! I can't go back! He'll kill me!" She was shaking with fear now. Ashton felt something in his heart 'I can't do this! Miku won't survive without me and Kat' He thought, throwing up a shield and grounding it in place he firmly said "No." Suddenly an unholy scream came from behind Stanly, his face went white. He turned and ran into the forest "No! NO! Stay away from me!?" He shouted as the screaming intensified, Kat freed herself and joined Ashton by Miku's side.

"What is that!?" She screamed over the noise but Ashton just shook his head "I don't know but it can't be good!" He looked over at Miku her eyes were alight with excitement, "Miku?" He sat down next to her but her eyes weren't looking at him, "My sister is home." He didn't know what she meant but something didn't feel right, "We need to go," He said but Miku pushed him away "No! Yuki is back why don't you believe me?" She began to cry again. Kat glared at him but then turned her attention to Yuki's body. "She's gone!" Kat said as she looked around "How?! She dropped down there…" Standing where she'd fallen Yuki stood firmly.

Her blue eyes glowed with a black outline, her hair had darkened too it was no longer the bright colors he'd seen before. "Hello, A-Ashton…" Her eyes darted to the kids at the gate, by now everyone had seen her new form and were shaking. "Boo!" She slammed her boot down and sent a rippling wave of ice towards them, they all ran and screamed trying to avoid it. Miku ran up to her sister with a great big smile on her face, "Your back!? You heard me after all!" She cried hugging Yuki. She smiled and hugged her little sister, "My wish is your command sister."

Her voice was thick with a Koren accent, Ashton watched for a second as Miku whispered something into her sister's ear, Yuki nodded and got up she walked towards him. He felt his heartbeat quicken with every step she took towards him, Kat just smiled not bothering to do anything 'My word looks like he's finally found... someone' She shoved him forwards, "go on Ash!" His face went pink.

But he took a step forward, Yuki smiled even though she'd made an agreement that would eventually take her own life she'd live it well. Once they'd seen each other the first day Yuki had felt a little more human Ashton and Kat were going to be such wonderful friends, not even her older sister could ruin it just yet. Yuki embraced him before he even spoke she whispered in his ear "Thank you, my sweet boy," Yuki felt her face flush a little but it was true. Ashton had proven himself worthy of her affection as had Kat. "Now, if you'll excuse me I've got a mad man to hunt down" She ran off into the forest after Stanly.

Ashton tried to follow but she turned and looked at him from the forest, "Don't follow me, it never ends well" Yuki's voice had become deeper as her eyes glowed brightly against the sunlight. "Who?" Kat asked but she didn't know why. Yuki just smiled at them and raised her hand into the air "Hunting is so much better at sunset right? After all only monsters run at this time." An orb of blackness formed in her hand she looked up into the sky and the orb shot into the sky, "What are you doing Yuki?" Ashton cautioned himself and walked towards her. Miku screamed "Go away!? Leave us alone!" Ashton looked back she was screaming at Yuki, "Look at her shadow! Her shadow! Look!?" He turned back to Yuki as the sun lowered itself at record speed. " So Miku you've not forgotten me after all?" The words made his skin crawl with a feeling of ice spreading all around him, the sky darkened.

He saw Yuki but Miku had said to look at her shadow, so he looked around her. Sure enough her shadow was taller than her even if it wasn't the right time of day, it had wings on its back and horns on its head. And even though Yuki herself was sexy in his mind the shadow was just pretty but that also meant that whoever every was standing there wasn't a good person. "Who are you? What have you done with Yuki?" Ashton shouted, but Yuki just smiled as one eye turned blue again, it still glowed but had nothing human in it. "I'm still here, Just enough so that I can't come back just yet. Ashton, there's a reason I'm part of two tribes…" Her body jerked forwards on hand on her throat, "No! He's not worthy just yet, neither is the girl! I could end this deal right here and now!?" Yuki removed her hand from her throat but took several steps back from Ashton and the others.

"I said who are you!?" Ashton started walking faster, but she just started to laugh "You've got no idea who you're talking to boy!? The reason the sunsets and the moon rises is because of me! -She's not lying Ashton step back!- No, this boy can keep coming and he'll learn soon enough that no one wants to love the monster of the Moon and Sun!!" Yuki ran through the forest just as tears streamed down her face, she left them all and ran faster calling her magic to her side she flew through the forest on wings made of shadow following Stanly's scent of blood and sweat.