

As soon as l saw the dragon styled tattoo l immediately felt a chill down my spine.It was him. The man l had been avoiding for all my life was talking to my daughter as if he had finally found the missing piece to his puzzle. I immediately rushed to my daughter and l was faced with the gorgeous face thet had vanished ten years ago.

His gray eyes stared at me, as he curved his thin lips slightly after a few minutes of queer silence he spoke.

'Long time no see Kaylee...' I frantically gathered my thoughts as l stuttered...'N..Nice to see you to Rafa.'

Before he could say anything else,l grabbed my daughter's, Misha,hand and immediately rushed out of the park.As l drove home his face lingered at the back of my mind 'why did he have to show up when l had began enjoying this small city'.And l began reminiscing our memories together, how he held my hand as we strolled together.

I still remembered how his face felt prickly every evening after he shaved ,how he would look me in the eye and tell me he loved me everytime l was in distress but as l looked at my daughter the hatred l had buried, resurrected. How he had ran off with my best friend and left me stranded as soon as he had found my pregnancy test hidden deep in my closet. I gripped the wheel tightly and l would have passed my house had it not been for Misha, who screamed that we had arrived,and brought me back to reality.

As we stepped into the house l was met with my husband, Jason,who enveloped me in a loving embrace. I wondered why he was home early since he always arrived late in the night and left in the wee hours of the morning. I however ignored my thoughts as Misha happily recollected the event that happened at the park. As soon as she mentioned Uncle Rafa,my husband sent me a quizzing look and sent my daughter to her room. I knew all hell had broken loose as he removed the belt that held his pants in place slowly and....

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Paula_Kaninicreators' thoughts