
Triangle Love: The Secret Billionaire

Jimmie is an ordinary guy and also an orphan, he gets a job in film industry. He meets Samantha, a simple young girl who is so kind and make Jimmie likes her. Suddenly, Beatrice, her boss, offers her a contract as a hired boyfriend so she doesn't marry a man who is cheating on her. Jimmie accepts and his feelings grow for Samantha. Meanwhile, Beatrice has a crush on him. Can Samantha get the man of her dreams?

Vexanaa_ · Fantasie
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5 Chs


Episode 5

Jimmie's pov:

I thought of going to Leo's office first but I changed my mind and decided to go straight to Beatrice company but when I was half way gone, I became nervous.

What would I say to Miss Beatrice when I gets there?

How do I start?

Well she was the one who requested for me so she's supposed to start first and besides I don't even know what she want to talk about.

"Of course it's about your Artwork dummy" my subconscious mind rasped at me but I still wasn't satisfied.

I think I need to see Leo first for advice. So, I turned back and went to Leo's office.



"Yo, you look gloomy today... what's wrong?" Leo asked and I just sighed

"Let me guess... your Mum right?" He said with a chuckle and I just rolled my eyes.

"She always win" he said with a smile but I just couldn't tell him the reason why I was mad at her. I just mumbled instead of saying anything.

"You're ready to meet Beatrice right?" he asked and my heart leaped when I heard her name but I just nodded simply.

"Don't tell me you're nervous?" He added with a smirk and I cleared my throat quietly.

"What? No I'm not. I'm just... I'm just focusing on my reflexes" I said casually and he stared at me weirdly.

"What the **** are you saying?" He asked

"I have no idea" I muttered immediately and he sighed.

"Don't say rubbish when you get there, I'm warning you." He said and I just stared at him.

I just hope I don't...

"Do you know what this is? If you screw this, you screw your life time opportunity. I don't want to scare you but you are about to meet not just a worker in that company but Beatrice, the owner herself. You need to do all you can to impress her, tell her all the benefits of your work and for Christ sake be confident Jimmie Rodgers BE CONFIDENT" he held my shoulder and shaking me at the same time.

"You're too soft" he added and slapped my arm.

"Ouch" I winced and held my arm.

"You see your life. You better be strong" he said and I frowned

"And who told you I'm not strong" I huffed and folded my arms then he shook his head unbelievably.

"You're still a baby Jim and I bet you can't look at Beatrice straight into the eyes just the way you are looking at me right now." He rolled his eyes and I scoffed.

"Pfft...and who said I can't. She would be the one not too" I said and looked away.

"We would see about that. You better don't laugh to everything so that they would take you seriously and what the **** are you putting on?" He asked staring at me awkwardly and I looked at myself.


He slammed his palm on his face in disappointment.

"What?! Do you seriously want me to put on suit now?" I forced out.

"Oh God help this child" he mumbled to himself and I rolled my eyes.

"You need to look professional and it's not also by putting on suit.. This is not a per time job you're going for. Heaven knows that I'll have to take you to the boutique this evening." He said and went into a small room in his office. 

He brought out a white long sleeve shirt and a coffee trouser with white snickers then he told me to put it on. 

I dressed up quickly and came out looking breathtaking.

"Aren't you better now?" He asked with a smirk.


"Well done to me right? Just what I expected you to say" he said and I chuckled.

"That's not what I wanted to say but thank you anyway bro" I said with a smile and he nodded simply.

"I need to go now" I said and grabbed my bag.

"You better get that job before you come back here or else I'll tear you into shreds. It's high time I start acting like your mother" he said and I laughed.

"Alright" I replied.

"Good luck" 

"Thank you"



I took a cab to the company and just as I came out to pay the cabby man...

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry...I didn't dust the sit, it must have stained your white sir at your back." He said apologetically and I froze.

What did he just say?

I tried to stare at my back and I saw a huge design of dark stains on it. 

Jesus Christ! 😂

Are you freaking kidding me?

I was almost boiling but the old man kept apologizing and I just had to over look it.

What would I do to him even?

I just paid him and he drove off. I huffed and thought of what to do to the stain. I was already at my destination and it's almost 9. 

What do I do now?

"Oh Leo why did you pick white for me" I thought frustratingly and sighed.

Darn it!

I just lost a part of my confidence.

Is there even a restroom around for me to quickly do something about it?

You know what?

Suck it!

I guess I'll just back my bag all day and when I get back to Leo, he'd probably laugh at me.

I backed my bag and hopefully it covered the stain then I walked into the company.

I got to the reception and I met the same guy of yesterday but when he saw me, he smiled.

Quiet surprising!

So Wakanda could smile...

I thought of smiling back but he might not take me seriously so I just grinned even if it was tempting.

Gosh Jimmie! Get some grip.

"Good morning" I said sternly

"Morning Mr Rogers...Miss Beatrice is expecting you" he said and my heart leaped again.

She's here already?


"Her office is at the last floor. I'll give her a call right away" he said

"Uhm wait...Is there a need for that? I'm here already" I tried to stop him but he chuckled.

"I still need to inform her...what if she's busy at the moment?" He asked and I thought of it.

"Fine" I mumbled and he nodded before putting a call through to her.

"She said you can come now" he said and I nodded. My feet became cold and heavy but I was able to drag them to the elevator. 

My heart was racing really fast and I think my BP is increasing as well.

Oh stop exaggerating Jimmie!

Prove Leo wrong!

I exhaled heavily and gave a soft knock on her door.

"Come in please" her voice sent sweet shivers down my spine but I shook it off and open the door.

I walked in and I met her seated on her chair staring at a paper then I cleared my throat softly.

"Good morning ma'am" I said and she raised her head to stare at me.

She smiled sweetly at me and I gulped down the lump of saliva in my throat. 

"How are you?" She asked

"I'm fine Ma'am" I replied respectfully with a calm expression and the nervous spirit suddenly disappeared.

"Please have a sit" she said and I nodded.

"Thank you ma'am" I muttered underneath my breath before sitting down opposite her.

Her office was really wide and beautiful with fancy assets. She smells wealth from where I sat and it's really comfortable being around her.

"Mmm..." She muffled with a side smile and I just stared at her small lip.


I cautioned myself and stared at her eyes instead but which part of her body wasn't intimidating.

"Uhm...I came across this" she started and faced the paper she was staring at to me and I puzzled.

Wait that was the drawing of yesterday... something I squeezed.

I never knew she would see it?

"Oh Uhm...I ah..." 

Why am I suddenly out of words now?

"This is magnificent...I really like your design" she said and I cocked my eyebrows in surprise.

"You do?" I asked and she nodded before looking at me.

I made sure I didn't break the eye contact even if it was twisting my chest.

"Wow thank you so much" I replied.

"You're welcome. Richard told me that you were into comics because he interviewed you yesterday so I wanted to hear from you myself" she said and my mouth agaped a bit.

"Oh right. I really have so many ideas on comics because that's what I love doing instead of writing a full page, I just draw and design it. I also express my feelings using this aspect, either drawing, painting and the rest. I don't know if you would want to have look at my work" I said as calmly as I could with a stable voice and she nodded then I took off my bag to bring out my stuffs.

I gave them to her and as she stared at it she smiled. I hope she's impressed by my work.

A knock came to the door and she looked at the door.

"Who's that?" She asked

"It's Samantha Ma'am" I heard a female's voice from outside.

"Oh come in" she said and the door opened.

"Here's the documents ma'am, I'm done with it" the lady who walked in said and Beatrice smiled.

"Good job" she complemented and Samantha chuckled.

"Thank you ma'am" she replied and that was when she made eye contact with me. 

She puzzled when she saw me but looked away immediately then she gasped when she saw my back.

I guess the stain but she didn't say anything not to embarrass me I guess. After Beatrice looked at the document, she told her to leave and she bowed before leaving.

"Back to you Jimmie, I love this and even your idea" she said with a smile.

"Thank you"

"It wouldn't be bad if I give you a try right?" She said and I smiled for the first time in her presence then she chuckled.

"Your designs are unique and I wouldn't want to loose your gift to another company." She added

Is she going to employ me please just tell me... I'm dieing of suspense right now.

"What else do you do?" She asked

"I'm into photographing as well" I replied and her face beamed.

"Wow that's great, you could also be my personal photographer as well with this remarkable design of yours...you know what?" She asked and I stared at her.

"Congratulations... you've gotten the job" she said with a smile and my face lighted up.

"For real" I asked and she nodded with a chuckle.

"Yes! Thank you so much ma'am" I said and covered my face with my palm, filled with joy... hoping I won't cry right infront of her.


Am I dreaming?




