
Trial of God

He was a teenage loner without any friends or social life your typical loser who loved video games and was obsessed with manga. It should also come as no surprise that he was a virgin and an avid hentai enthusiast. He spent his days in a dark room shutting out reality until one day everything changes. He is thrown into an apocalyptic hellscape along with the rest of humanity for the entertainment of the Gods. Now the only question left to answer is can he survive?

Preston_Shaw · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: A Brand New Carlisle

"Gooood! Evening! Ladies and gentlemen! My name is Xander S. Carlisle, I'm 19 years old, and I live in lovely Bakersfield California at what used to be an apartment complex, but now is just a pile of smoking rubble. I go to a local community college and work part-time at a dollar store run by some illegals...

Xander pauses mid-sentence turning his head towards a nearby corner while grinning wickedly.

Right now he was currently standing in what looked like a dollar store over the dead bodies of a middle-aged Latino couple, three children, and one teenage girl. The youngest child appeared to be no more than six years old.

"Let me rephrase, I used to work at a dollar store run by illegals. The shithead fired me before I shot him hahahaha!" Xander laughed viciously.

It had been about two hours since Xander woke up to the rumbling of earthquakes and the sharp sound of fissures opening up in the streets and since it began Xander ran around shooting just about anyone he came across.

That was until his machine gun ran out of ammo and he only had one clip left for his desert eagle. Which Xander admits was a stupid thing to do. But what can he say, he got carried away.

Anyway, it was around that time he found himself near the location of his least favorite place in the world. The shitty dollar store where he was ordered around by someone who wasn't even a registered citizen. And of course, since it was the end of the world he had to pay his boss and his delightful family a visit.

"Enough! Let's get back on topic... At around five in the morning, the world as we know it came to an end. Earthquakes rocked the earth, opening fissures in the ground that monsters poured out of causing chaos and mass destruction.

Wyverns and rocs now fly in the sky, with goblins, orcs, and Kobolds running rampant in the streets, not to mention humans have awakened strange new powers. Myself included," Xander said as dramatically as possible.

As he talked Xander paced back and forth through the isles of the dollar while making a lot of unnecessary hand movements with a smug grin plastered on his face.

He had changed a great deal since this all began and not just personality-wise. Xander's appearance changed strongly as well.

He used to be a gloomy and introverted kind of guy who would suppress his innermost desires, but not anymore. Xander had decided as soon as he saw the status screen, he was going to do whatever he wanted without worrying about morals or laws.

It was this decision that gave Xander a newfound sense of independence. For once in his life he felt truly free and to celebrate this freedom by getting some new clothing.

Xander now wore a neon orange tiger-striped blazer to replace his ahegao hoodie, with a new maroon-colored button-up shirt, a pair of blue jeans, some steel-toe work boots, and a pair of surprisingly pricey Oakley sunglasses.

But Xander didn't just stop there he also "borrowed" an actual 50,000 dollar platinum and gold diamond-encrusted Rolex from a jewelry store along with the most expensive gold chain necklace and diamond ring they had.

Xander now looked like a complete douchebag, but compared to his previous gloomy otaku vibe. He considered it a major improvement. He always wanted expensive flashy stuff like this, but he could never afford it, and even if he could he didn't have the guts to actually wear them.

However, things were different now. Xander was free, free to do whatever he wished and do what he always wanted to do without the shackles of mediocrity keeping him tied down. He was going to soar!

"No more monologuing! Now that I am thoroughly oozing with drip and I still have my trusty desert eagle. The only other things I'll need are food and water plus a safe place to hide out and hunt monsters. This dollar store will work fine for all those things, but before I worry about monsters I got to select a class," Xander said.

Xander had found out after running into a goblin and shooting it. That he couldn't level up until he selected a class, so getting that done takes priority.

'Which one am I gonna choose through?'

Xander pulled up his status screen.

--------------------------[Status Screen]------------------------

[Name: Xander S. Carlisle]

[Age: 19]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Coins Possessed: 437]


[STR: 1], [DEX: 1], [VIT: 1], [END: 1], [MP: 1]

[Level: 0]

[Class: None]

[Skills: None]


His status screen hardly change but Xander noticed he had some coins now. Xander found out he would receive a few coins every time he killed a monster.

He didn't have much though since he tried conserving his ammo, so he only ever shot weak goblins that barely gave him jack diddly-squat.

"I got no clue how to spend these coins though. Maybe there's a store or something? Whatever I'll click on classes," Xander said.

After clicking on classes Xander saw a screen with hundreds of images with corresponding descriptions next to them. If he had to guess there we close to two thousand different starting classes to pick from.

"I've got quite the dilemma don't I? What to choose, what to choose...