
Triad of Chaos

In a modern world where the ancient Greek gods reign unseen, a trio of teenage demigods, known as the Villain Trio, embarks on a path of chaos and destruction. Florence, Krae, and Void, once residents of Spíti, a sanctuary for children of the gods, fled at the age of 13, seeking freedom beyond the confines of their former home. Separated briefly, they communicated through coded messages before reuniting in a hideout near Mexico. Under the leadership of Krae, the trio delved into a life of crime, erasing their criminal records and forming the Triple Villain Army Organization (TVAO). Their reign of terror spread far and wide, as they targeted local groups, gangs, and organizations with ruthless efficiency. Their former sanctuary, Spíti, bore the brunt of their attacks, as they unleashed chaos upon their former home. Through a series of adventures and trials, the Villain Trio navigates the shadows of their underworld existence, facing challenges and adversaries with cunning and skill. From heists to battles, they leave a trail of chaos in their wake, cementing their reputation as formidable villains in a world where gods and demigods walk among mortals. Triad of Chaos: Villain Trio is a tale of rebellion, friendship, and the pursuit of power in a world where darkness and chaos reign supreme. But don't let rumours fool you, these three are just a trio of chaos and fun, for the most part.

M_Malle · Urban
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3 Chs

Short Story 3: "Silent Trust in Shadows"

In the shadowed corners of their clandestine hideout, Void, the quiet and protective member of the VT, played a role that went beyond his title of "assassin." Despite his reserved nature, Void held a silent trust in his companions, Mae and Flor, that ran as deep as the Thliveró iron of his scythe.

Their initial interactions were far from amicable. Void, whose true name was Theo, and Florence, also known as Flor, had barely tolerated each other when they first met at Spíti. The clash of their personalities seemed inevitable—the impassive protector and the logical, often bored half-vampire.

However, as the trio ran away from their enclosed city, the dynamics shifted. Mae, the appointed leader and strategist, took it upon herself to bridge the gap between Void and Flor. Slowly, through shared experiences and countless missions, the three forged a connection that transcended their differences.

Void became more than just an assassin; he became the silent pillar on which Mae and Flor leaned. His quiet demeanour concealed a depth of loyalty and trust that bound the trio together. While Mae orchestrated their heists and planned their attacks with strategic brilliance, Void's presence offered a sense of reassurance, an unspoken confirmation that their endeavours were worth the risk.

Mae and Flor, once completely neutral to each other, found themselves waiting for Void's presence before launching into their elaborate plans. His quiet approval became a ritual, a moment of unspoken affirmation that fueled their confidence. In the dimly lit room of their hideout, Mae would unfold her intricate plans, and Flor would listen with surprising attentiveness, but it was Void's nod, his silent acknowledgment, that added the final layer of assurance.

On those rare occasions when disagreements arose, Void's impartial gaze and subtle interventions served as the unspoken mediator. His presence was a calming force, a reminder that in the chaos of their lives, they could trust each other implicitly.

As the Villain Trio expanded to form the TVAO, the Triple Villain Army Organization, Mae, Flor, and Void became the pillars of the organization. Each member recognized Void's unique role—not just as an assassin but as the silent force that held the trio together. The respect and trust that had grown among them became the bedrock upon which the TVAO thrived.

In the shadows of their world, where alliances were fickle and trust a rare commodity, the bond between Void, Mae, and Flor stood strong. Their silent trust in each other paved the way for daring heists and strategic attacks that echoed through the demigod world. And as they navigated the treacherous path they had chosen, Void's presence remained the unwavering anchor, a testament to the enduring strength of their alliance.