
Ch 10 Breakfast

## Ch 10 Breakfast

I had a dream. In that dream, that fellow is looking down on me who is on the ground, showing his scornful and smirking smile of his.

He chuckles at me, "Stupid... You can't even keep or protect your women."

He looked to my side, and I also followed his line of sight, turning to what he was looking at. I saw a girl holding a thick spear piercing another girl on the ground with said spear. The girl being pierced was Shiki Yukariko by Arisu who was looking just as scornful as **Saso Shiba**, my enemy.

He laughs some more at me, "Haha, how does it feel to not being able to protect a girl who trusted you and would do anything for you from a girl you did trust who actually belonged to me the entire time!"

Shiki had dull eyes, said her goodbye, "I guess I was wrong in hoping you would be my knight in shining armor, you are a black knight destined to live alone in the dark. Goodbye."

Arisu smirked, "Ha, I was able to get free stats thanks to you, but I grew tired of pretending around you!"

Ah, right. I suddenly realized it, and looked up at the fellow who is laughing at me. So I lost to him again.

He ridiculed me, "No matter where you are, you are a useless thing. No one will ever not betray you when I am around, I have too much money and power. You caused her death."

That's right, it is all because of me... If I believed in her more, maybe she would have lived and saved me. Even so, It's too late... Everything is ruined now...

I gathered new determination, "Even so, I have already decided that I will not run. This time I will not escape."

I stared at that fellow, and he laughed loudly...


Because I slept too early, in the end before dawn arrived, I woke up. I was covered in sweat, I sat up on my makeshift bed, panting. 'I guess I had a nightmare,' I mumbled to myself.

I then notice a feeling on my leg, I looked down and noticed a girl was using my thigh as a pillow. Because of slight muscle fatigue, my body feels stiff. I have been digging holes every day for the last week or so and waking up stiff has became a regular thing, but the stiffness has also been getting a little easier and better each morning.

I started to pet the girl's head thinking about last night. I replayed parts of the dream in my mind. I think it makes sense why I had a nightmare, stress. Yesterday was very tragic, we are no longer able to return to our daily lives, not that I would want to. I don't know her name, but she was one of the girls that was with Tamaki who participated in climbing to the third floor by rope. So that means she is from the cooking society too. After going through yesterday's tragic fate, she probably wanted to feel safe.

I do feel a kind of loss though, if there was going to be someone waking up with me, why isn't it Arisu? Isn't she supposedly the main heroine in the story that I found first and turned into a soldier who relies on me? Well, I already know that she would sleep with Tamaki, her best friend. Tamaki herself has Arisu to lean on for support.

While I tell myself that Arisu is the one fighting on the front lines to protect me, in reality it's me who is pushing her, supporting her both with magic and mental support, and giving her the resolve to do what she does. I think back to that dream, Arisu betraying me and actually following that man. I know it was only a dream, but what if it was true and part of the story's undercurrent that I didn't know about? Wouldn't that be a potential cliché and dramatic situation for any would be story? And the twist of Shiki Yukariko being the one killed off for not trusting her, I didn't like my nightmare one bit.

This girl laying on my lap probably felt that I was trustworthy and could secure her safety in her heart, considering that Arisu was also following me, and don't forget the fact that I still came to this building to rescue Arisu's friend, Tamaki. I can guess that placed me into a good enough light for her while in that period of time of vulnerability when a victim or survivor is looking for support.

When I think back to yesterday, I remember this unidentified girl could be described as an outcast compared to the others. She also rarely spoke and was the gloomiest out of the bunch. Now that I think back to it, while it was not strange or out of place, she was especially quiet during yesterday's dinner when information was being relayed regarding the individuals who died. At the time I had labeled her with the thought that she was depressed, because of the death of either a friend or an acquaintance. Now that I think back to it and how unusually quiet she remained detached, I don't think it was someone at the acquaintance level; mostly due to how detached she was from others. Maybe I should try to talk to Tamaki regarding this later, but for now it was time to get up. When I stopped petting her head I realized she had been smiling when I see her lips twitch.

Before getting up though, I had to decide what I was going to do today. First it would be a good idea to level up all the girls to level 1. Splitting the girls into roles or jobs would also be a good idea. I didn't want to have to be the only summoner in the future summoning food or water, but we can work on that later. In the short term, I can support everyone by power-leveling everyone to become somewhat self reliant. This also reminds me that I have full mana now. I summoned myself a riot helmet that has a clear plastic visor, like someone from the police might have. It does not have any neck padding like I was imagining though, it also was not brand new, maybe in higher ranks I can specify something more specific or not second hand. I placed the helmet on the floor for now.

Next, maybe I could turn this building into a stronghold, while the building is too large to defend from all angles, I would be able to defend the entrance no problem right now. Places like the dorms or the main school buildings are too large and multi structured to do that effectively without a group, and even now, I don't think I would be able to feel comfortable in a large group like that.

Lastly, I think it would be a good idea to possibly rescue easy to rescue individuals. If I had to decide who to rescue though, I already knew that I should go to the female dorms, because I would rather interact with them. I have the feeling that they would be easier to manipulate and would not betray me in a power play like that fellow would. I also feel that just based on the surviving ratio that I saw yesterday, given men seem to be hunted and killed right away, I will get more subordinates this way too. However, I think I need to be mindful regarding girls wanting to commit suicide.

I think we should try to rehabilitate them and not hand out pity kills. Even if they are missing a leg, I bet there will be a high ranking healing magic that will reattach and even possibly regrow missing limbs in the future. Even short term, someone missing both arms could still use different types of magic to help both in and out of combat. It might be annoying trying to use the laptop to place down skill points though. I wonder if the laptop is a touch screen or not. Also, now I wonder if I can operate other party member's laptops on their behalf.

Before anything today though, I wanted to do a perimeter check, breakfast, and plan with this group who was going to level up first and their respective roles or jobs.

Well, I couldn't just leave this girl in this room either. I don't know how she would handle waking up alone in an empty room. It is just as possible she would be scared when she wakes up from my unfamiliar presence, but I'll be honest, while that would annoy me, it wouldn't bother me too much either.

I shook her shoulder, trying to wake her up. After 10 seconds, she was provoked to wake up.

I started talking, "Good, you are waking up. It's still early, but we can have breakfast."

She started to stretch with her eye lids twitching. When she heard the word breakfast she started to open her eyes looking forward to eating, but also had a slightly dazed expression on her face with a clouded faraway-looking eyes.

While she didn't drool, but she started to murmur, "Food..."

I shook my head, "Come on, wake up, help me set up breakfast. I want to take a look at what types of food the cooking society has that we can cook for breakfast."

The girl completely woke up from her daze, nodding while getting up, "Okay."

I was glad that she didn't get flustered, else I would feel awkward for sure.

However, I soon felt awkward anyways, "So... uhm, in case you forgot my name from last night, it is Kaya Kazuhisa, you can just call my given name directly. If you can guide me to the cooking society please."

It was fairly dark, so I casted Floating Lantern tethered above her head. I then took notice of her features. Shimoyamada Akane, she had an average fair appearance that you can find anywhere. She has black shoulder length straight hair with a bandana headband, keeping her hair behind her head, looking like a cook or chef from a kitchen. Akane's clothes were gym clothes, a white plain t-shirt and bloomers, in black socks and indoor shoes.

I went ahead and equipped the new helmet, and I realize I had left my bamboo spear on the second floor where we ate last night. While I forgot to pick up the wooden spear I walked past it a second time before bed last night, it would have made carrying these 5 catchpoles in a single trip more troublesome, so I don't exactly regret forgetting, but it's a bad habit to leave and not carry your weapon and protection, I think. I doubt anyone thought about a night guard shift out or paying attention to protect their surroundings last night.

She replied back a moment later, "Ah yes... Kazuhisa..."

I handed a catch pole to her, then started picking up the other 4 to carry myself.

She then continued as if she up her mind on a decision, "Senpai, my name is Shimoyamada Akane, you can directly call Akane if you need any help. Follow me."

Akane started walking out of the room and I followed. When we got into the previous room we ate in last night, I saw all the weapons and then some piled up. We placed down the catchpoles into the pile. The pile now had Arisu's two spears, my bamboo spear, 2 other new spears, 9 catchpoles, 4 carpentry claw hammers, 4 shovels, and 6 small hatchets. I am guessing someone found the instruments last night and placed them in this pile. I think the claw hammers are not really useful as a weapon, but I like the initiative. Also, the shovels can be used to dig pits and traps. I took off the helmet for now, putting it in the pile.

We continued to the cooking society's room. When we got there, I took a look around. The room was a medium sized room with a long table and 8 chairs on one side of the room while the other side of the room was symmetrical with 2 counters, 2 stoves, 2 island counters, and a single sink at the end of the room's wall for both sides. Next to the sink, there is a door, probably leading to a pantry and a storage room.

While I didn't know the types of food available in the room to cook, I could tell that all the appliances are electric. I think we should start a camp fire outside to cook breakfast.

I asked Akane, "I think we should start a camp fire to cook something warm, what do you think?"

Akane thought about it, "Uhm, I haven't cooked over a camp fire before, but we could steam rice on the fire, that way we do not have to worry about burning it. We have plenty of rice, vegetables, and eggs to cook."

In reflection, I thought it was interesting that I have not thought about how I was not from Japan in my first life, but I guess I really have not had to deal with the difference in culture yet. I know the language and I have plenty of mixed habits, disposition, and feelings developed from the inherited memories.

I nodded, "I can summon a large cloth bag and just stuff it with veggies, rice, and eggs. Then we can fill a large pot of water and put the bag elevated to steam it. If you can get me a measuring cup and rice, I'll start filling up a pillowcase, then grab enough veggies for 12 people and 2 dozen eggs."

Akane was about to leave the room, but then looked confused, "Two duh-zen? Ah, English, uhm that's, 24 eggs? How about 30 eggs then? Eggs come in packages of 10, so just in case someone wants an extra or one breaks?"

I nodded, "That's fine too. I'll look for utensils, pots, and plates while you get the ingredients."

I then grabbed a spoon, tethering a floating lantern to it. This way the lantern isn't necessarily attached to me, and can be handed to someone else. I then notice my hooded robe does have two front pockets. Uh, and apparently I have been walking around in just a robe. Now that Akane is in that other room, I summoned black cargo shorts. I can continue to wear the bathrobe for a shirt, I don't really care. It's strangely relaxing to wear and it's not like these bathrobes are thick and heavy cotton robes, but silky, thin, and light. I also forgot my shoes and socks at the tub's room last night. I then summoned socks, but when I tried to summon shoes, I got sandals instead. I am surprised that Akane didn't say anything about my clothing, but I guess she is also in skimpy clothes herself.

I went back to my original task, I counted 12 large bowls, 12 spoons, a measuring cup, then I found a 5 gallon or maybe it's a 20 liter pot with a metal strainer and it's corresponding lid. When I checked the words on the pot, it was stamped saying it was 20 liters. A small inconsistency with my mental measuring, thinking of sizes in two different systems.

I then attempted to summon a pillowcase, I had imagined it was a laundry clean white pillow case. I ended up summoning a square cloth that looked like a cheese cloth, but with small holes like a sieve too small for rice to fall through. I think they call this a rice cooking cloth.

Akane came into the room with a small bag of rice. The measuring cups are metric, I then started measuring out 3L of rice onto the cloth. I then wanted to fill the pot with 6L of water, but the sink didn't provide water. I then attempted to summon a 5 gallon water tank, but ended up with a 4L spring water jug instead. I then thought to summon a second 4L spring water jug. I filled the pot with 5L of water, found some string to close the cloth ends, so the rice can soak without spilling into the water. I knew we are going to be doing some chopping, so I grabbed two cutting boards, two knives, and a bowl.

Right on that cue, Akane came out with a square bowl of veggies and 3 plastic egg containers. She was going to start roughly chopping green onions, asparagus, broccoli, green beans, sugar snap peas, bamboo hearts, peeled peanuts, cucumber, okra, cabbage, peeled water chestnuts, eggplant, onions, bell peppers, carrots, white radishes, yams, and mushrooms.

I got a second large bowl and lined both large bowls with two more summoned cloths, because of the amount of ingredients we had prepared.

I started mentioning my thoughts, "While you start cutting the accessories to the rice, I'll prepare for the fire outside to cook the food. Do you know where there is a large folding table and chairs, either stackable or folding?"

Akane turned confused when she heard I was going to use magic to summon something she hasn't seen or understood, but she soon gathered her wit, "There are some foldable chairs and tables on the first floor."

I nodded, "Is there a tray or small box we can put these bowls and utensils on or into? I also need a bucket to wash the dishes after."

She explained, "Yes, there are crates and buckets in the storage room, behind that door."

I went into the back and grabbed a crate and a bucket. I filled the crate with 11 bowls and 11 spoons being held by a cup. I also placed the 4L water bottle in the crate too. I then found some items such as: metal spatula, long metal fork pick, long wooden spoon, metal tongs, and 60 metal skewers. I then saw 4 kitchen knives, a serrated knife, a plastic cutting board, and a measuring cup and spoon set that I decided to also place in the bucket too. Lastly I tossed in 8 pot holders, and twine into the bucket. I thought about some other items too, but skipped them as we can get items as we need them. We should eventually move everything from the cooking society's room to a location on the first floor for the convenience to be used in the future.

I summoned 3 golems to carry the crate, bucket, and pot filled with rice and water.

I explained to Akane, "I will have these golems follow me downstairs to secure the area and prepare the area for a fire. Where on the first floor are those tables and chairs?"

Akane started to look panicked, "Uhm, Mr. Kazuhisa-sama, uhm, can you help me finish cutting these first? I could then point you to the location where you do not have to waste time searching?"

I then realize, she probably doesn't want to be left alone. I checked my watch, it read 5:46am, 14 minutes before 6 o'clock in the morning. I agreed, "Okay, let's start cutting."

The two of us spent probably 15 minutes quietly chopping and dicing after our short conversation. We managed to fit the cut vegetables into the two bowls line with cloth, wrapped the cloth closed, tied with some twine, placed into the strainer set inside the pot one of the golems was carrying.

However it seemed that instead of having the golems carry the pot, crate, and bucket, we placed them into a dumbwaiter, a small lift elevator to transport food, between the main kitchen and a side room on the first floor used as a storage and stage location for some extra tables, chairs, and other things for outside usage.

The layout for this building is fairly confusing it seems. On the right side of the building on the second floor there are 3 rooms that the tea ceremony society uses to entertain guests, because they are fairly small with good decorations. The room they gather for a large meeting or discussions is on the third floor due to it's available size. There is a staircase on both sides of the building from the second floor to the third floor, but on the right side of the building one staircase was boarded up for safety reasons. On the left side of the building on the second floor near the rear there is a large room that the cooking society uses, while the other rooms on this side of the building are utility and storage rooms. Lastly, on the first floor, there is a lounge, auditorium that the drama club uses, a large changing room, and a few utility and storage rooms which one of is used by the cooking society and the location where we are going to pickup the items from the dumbwaiter.

After we placed the items into the dumbwaiter I thought of the items in the room over, "Well, I can uses these guys to move all those weapons and items to the first floor."

I ended up having to summon 2 more golems to move everything in one trip. While the golems are strong, they aren't exactly dexterous in carrying a number of things at the same time not in a box. We moved everything into a pile at the entrance to the lounge.

I then saw Shiki Yukariko and another girl walking down from upstairs.

I greeted the two, "Good morning, I guess. Can you help Akane with setting up a table and chairs outside? I am going to secure the area and gather some wood for breakfast."

Shiki-san nodded her head, "Yeah, the three of us can do that."

I then got my original shoes from yesterday put on and then went outside with the golems. I had the golems drop their sticks, and pick up the hatchets instead. I wonder how effective a saw would be, but shook my head to get the stray thought away, probably over complicating it and I bet hatchets are quicker than saws. Plus it's not my stamina being used, so I don't care. I notice there was exactly 6 hatchets, so there was coincidentally one left for me to pick up... I decided I would instead summon one more golem for the last hatchet, haha.

I had the six golems start cutting the absolute closest trees. I also realized while they can hack at the tree, they aren't exactly very accurate and this is going to take some time. It actually might have been better if I had a saw, but this is fine for now. I had one of the golems stop and trade the hatchet they had for a bow saw I summoned.

I went back with the wolf still following me to drop off the hatchet on the pile or weapons and tools. I think about what I have summoned so far. 6 golems use 24 mana, 5 ravens, 29 mana, a gray wolf, 38 mana out of 50. I should have 12 max mana left, and I feel I have that full 12 mana usable. I should buff these guys. I walked back to the golems to casted 6 mighty arm spells and then 6 physical up spells on the golems as well. The buffs improve strength and speed by 25% and lasts 1 hour and 40 minutes plus or minus 20 minutes. I looked at my watch, it reads 6:13am, 13 minutes past 6'oclock in the morning.

I only need a 6 inch hole dug, so I didn't summon another golem, not that I would have had the mana to summon it. I didn't have enough mana to even cast the mighty arm spell on myself, but I knew that I would have that mana within the next 40 seconds. 20 seconds later, I casted mighty arm on myself. Uhm, I think it's funny I didn't think about using this magic on the other humans, but instead on my golems.

I picked up a shovel for myself and started to make a spot for the fire that will be used for breakfast. I dug until about 8 inches deep a round hole about 8 inches wide and across. I only need to find some rocks or bricks now, and this pit would be reinforced. I think we should get one of the girls to take earth magic to speed this up, not that I know what spells earth magic ranks provide.

I then walked near one of the working golems, uhm, it looks like one of the trees are about to reach the point of no return. I observe from a safe distance, noticing that the golem while they are definitely hitting the tree correctly, none of the golems are using any technique other than making sure that the cutting sharp edge of the hatchet is hitting the tree. I then try to direct the golem, and that does seem to work, but I can only do this with one golem at a time. I then command the golem to start hitting the tree on the opposite side at a slightly higher location. The first tree has fallen down. I then have the golem commanded to cut all the small branches off the fallen tree. I walk to the next tree with the next golem.

With 6 fallen trees, I have the 6 golems work on the first tree first. Knocked off all the branches, then cut the tree into smaller segments. I continued this for 20 minutes until the 6 trees were all smashed into either short logs, branches, twigs, or other debris. The short logs were between 9 inches and 3 inches in diameter and about 1 foot long for each piece. In that time I had casted the Haste spell on myself and the 6 golems. I then had them bring back their hatchets to the pile so I could have them to now drag the logs and other wood items near the fire pit.

I noticed some more girls are out and they have 11 chairs around the table. On the table the pot is in the center.

I start talking to the assembled group, "Good morning everyone, I want to start a fire, but does anyone know where I can find some large stones or bricks?"

One of the girls seemed to have the answer, "Ah, uhm there is gravel on the left side of the building."

I then thought about last night, there is gravel on the ground. While I could use it in the future, but for now it wasn't needed. Uhm, without rocks I'll need to hang the pot then.

I then ask a different question, "Does anyone know where we could find metal chain or wire?"

A different girl answered this time, "I know the drama room has metal coat hangers that you can use as a metal wire."

Another girl then interrupted, "Ah, I am from the cooking society, I remember seeing an old tripod used on fire pits in the storage room last year, I think it's still in the room as we have many old things still and plenty of storage room."

I was going to make my own tripod, but this works too. I decided to make three more floating lantern spells casted on some coins I had, so that the girls would have a portable light source they could both carry and share. We found that tripod hidden in one of the corners of the storage room, and there was also the corresponding 30L camping cauldron pot and lid. I didn't bring a golem with me, leaving them at the entrance for protection, so I had to carry the cauldron. One girl carried the lid while two girls shared the task of moving the tripod. It looked difficult for the girls so I casted the mighty arm spell on the three as well.

After the tripod was set up, the girls prepared the new pot while I set up the tripod, then built the campfire. I had plenty of dry kindling. I summoned 24 tea candles and 3 boxes of 32 count matches all for only 1 mana. I lifted the pot's handle on the extension chain of the tripod, it hovered slightly above the wood pile. The cauldron didn't have a corresponding strainer pot-insert, but did have 3 small hooks to hang a sterling silver tea ball infuser from, but the girls built a hammock inside the cauldron for everything to rest above the water with some twine. I guess we will search for better strainers later, or build an actual grill plate to set large normal pots on.

Each candle produces 1 lumen of light and provided 250 BTU per hour worth of heat. The Floating Lantern is a magical light that does not provide heat, but is an ethereal see thru orb that has an output of 20 lumens with a max tether distance of 1 foot at rank 1. Each rank increase doubles the maximum distance of the tether, additionally each rank allows an optional variable increase of the maximum lumens of the spell equal to 50% of the base. Rank 5 summoning magic allows the Floating Lantern to be a maximum of 8 feet away tethered to an object and a variable output of 20 to 50 lumens.

I used a match to light a tea candle surrounded by some larger logs keeping the wind away. The candle was under some dry twigs. I would have tried to light some leaves on fire, but the morning dew made the leaves damp. A candle could catch a large log on fire, let alone some twigs or branches. I missed the opportunity to recover the candle, because I have a lively fire now. I checked my watch it read 6:52am, 8 minutes before 7'oclock in the morning.

I asked the others what they want to drink, "What does everyone want to drink? I can get water, milk, juice, soda, tea leaves, beer, coffee beans, wine, smoothie, energy drink, fortified wine, ice cream, and liquor. Just for your information, I am not summoning any alcohol, just letting you know the list. Also the more aforementioned items can be summoned in larger quantities than the more latter items. I was thinking juice or milk."

One of the girls started speaking, "Milk is a product the body doesn't need, but was pushed by commercial businesses for sale."

I ignored that girl, I bet she is a vegan.

Another girl starts talking, "I don't like milk either, but soy milk sounds okay. So how about, uhm, soymilk, Aloe, lemon and cucumber water, Aojiru green juice [Kale], or peach nectar juice?"

Many nodded at that selection, "If we had a pitcher I could get those two fruits to make that water, but instead uhm..."

I summoned 4L of vanilla soy milk from the US, 4L of Aloe water from Kyoto, and 16 cans of peach nectar juice. I placed the items next to the 4L of water that was summoned an hour ago, but now half consumed.

One of the girls starts talking, "Uhm, I like hot and warm food, but the easy to make sandwiches from yesterday were not bad..."

I agreed with that thought, "I didn't think it was going to take so much time to make hot food myself. Me and Akane started preparing to make the food probably around 5:30am when we woke up at the same time this morning."

Arisu, Tamaki, Shiki Ykariko, and one other girl who was missing from our group joined us at this time; we now had everyone present.

Arisu immediately heard the tail end of my speech, "Ah Kazu-senpai, you were sleeping with Shimoyamada-san and then both of you woke up at the same time?!?"

Well, I was not going to get confused or embarrassed over this. I nodded with a straight face, "Yeah, I was surprised when I woke up to someone hugging me."

Shiki-san then comments, "I am surprised you allowed her to sleep with you."

I smirked, "Yeah, if it was a classmate I knew I would have probably stabbed them through the throat."

Shiki-san then laughs sheepishly looking away. The two sentences going over the heads of the others.

Arisu looked like something caught in her mouth, when it looked like she figured out what to say I interrupted her, not really wanting the others to hear what she was going to say, "Did you explain everything to Tamaki and Shiki-san?"

Arisu looked irritated that I interrupted her right when she was going to speak, but paused for a moment registering the question. She nodded explaining, "Yes! I explained what they need to do, kill monsters and get stronger! You said that we are going to get everyone to level 1 today?"

I nodded, "If we can get everyone strong enough to defend themselves, I can go to sleep with peace of mind that I will not be killed in my sleep."

Shiki-san laughed, "Oh course that is the only thing you care about."

I looked sideways, "Shiki-san, was anyone left awake guarding everyone while we slept?"

I ask a loaded question on purpose. She looked annoyed, "Hey, you call everyone other than me by their given names, you can call me by Yukariko. Hehe, and aren't you the most vigilant and paranoid? I know you would have more than just a single line of defense if you were going to go to sleep here. I remember you went to sleep very quickly after you ate food, and I remember that when you woke up soon after you did another perimeter check, probably doing something to add to the security of the building."

I nodded, "You are right, there is a rank 2 support magic with a spell called Alert Territory, which allows the caster to set parameters to alert the caster on a set of conditions. I had set a barrier-like wall on the perimeter of the four sides of the building. Plus I have familiars watching from strategic locations, looking for suspicious elements."

She also nodded, "As I expected."

I then took notice that everyone is wearing the same ensemble (meaning a group of clothing), gym clothes, as what Akane was wearing when I woke up.

Yukariko noticed my look, explaining, "We are wearing gym clothes that were stashed away in the locker room for the drama club. Many of the girls had ripped clothing and decided to just wear the same thing. It's summer and hot anyways."

I had to agree, "The same reason I am wearing new clothing too, well it was dirty instead of damaged. I have these cargo shorts under my bathrobe."

Akane then noticed the shorts, "Eh? I thought you were naked under the robe..."

I gave her a look, "I guess you could say I was, but I decided to put on some shorts too. And I guess you can say socks and shoes too. Haha."

The girls expressed their thanks for the nice meal, but also expressed that a simple meal is okay too, it doesn't need to be so elaborate.

It was decided that later we would be having easier to make meals. We were all hungry though, everyone wolfed down the breakfast. Not only me, but everyone had large bowls and second helpings.

Tamaki finally started to feel comfortable around everyone, "Today we are going to have the final battle, I am energized and ready to go!"

The hot food also made me feel comfortable. I was also happy right now, with a full stomach and full of energy, I was ready for the day now; ready for any situation we will find ourselves in, and the reality that we will face in the future too!

I then try to plan out what we might do next, I end up looking at Arisu, so I ended up giving a smile, but there seems to be some doubts in Arisu, she gave me an unnatural smile back. Hmm, I wonder what is going on? I feel that we are a bit distant now... Maybe, because everyone is around, she is deliberately keeping a distance from me. Nah, she probably wants to survive with Tamaki and looking out for her instead of me then? Anyways, I'll come back to this later.

I gather myself, "I wish to confirm again, regarding the situation outside this mountain, all of you heard from Arisu?"

Tamaki was motivated and jumped to answer, "I witnessed it too!"

I tried to get her to elaborate, but she quickly explains, "You can see from the roof on this building."

"See what?"

"The plains."

Ah, I see. They know that we are no longer in Japan. I was surprised and shocked they accepted the reality so easily and quickly. Actually the building is fairly taller than the trees, so it does make sense.

I decided to cut straight to the point, "What do you feel about it?"

"Ah? We came to a game world, amiright?" She made an expression like, please praise me.

That is an interesting take on the situation though. When you think of the orcs, the plains, huge scene of large monsters and birds, everything does make sense from that aspect though. I didn't care that the term "Game world" was used, but the description for the scenario is correct in my opinion, and a good way to have a grasp on the situation we are in.

Tamaki continued, "Oh, last night I looked up and discovered that there are 2 moons in the sky."

"Ah, I saw that too."

She continued, "The constellations are completely different too."

I was impressed, "You know about constellations?"

She diverted, "Arisu knows."

I turn towards Arisu, and she nods unwillingly, "I like mythology."

I then thought aloud, "Just like chuunibyou eighth-grader syndrome that sort of feeling?"

Arisu questions, "Chuunibyou?"

She tilts her head in confusion. Oh shit, I accidentally said something very hikikomori, or a person with acute social withdrawal; something only a loner would say. I looked at the surroundings, and discovered a few girls snickering. Tamaki gave a chuckle while her golden ponytails shook. Akane also lightly lifted her lips giving a neutral smirk while her eyes were openly smiling.

I continued, pretending to ignore everyone, "Uhm, then everyone agrees and understands that this is not Earth?"

All the girls gave a nod or confirmed in their own ways. Two girls even looked like they would break down and start crying. It can't be helped. If crying can solve the problem, then I would cry everyday. More importantly, why am I taking charge leading this group?

Well, this too can't be helped. There are only 2 students from the high school section, which is me and Shiki, I mean Yukariko. It also seems she had silently and politely gave the power to direct to me. She probably knows that I am very narrow-minded, but I am not complaining, this just means that she is not going to step on my toes by mistake. Kinda weird saying it myself, but even with the inherited memories I feel that both of the source personalities were this way.

I continued again, "This is another world. After the earthquake, our school, which is the entire mountain, has been transferred to another world. We are wanderers in this other world. Those orcs invaded this mountain. From the timing, the orcs shouldn't have climbed the mountain after the earthquake, instead they came from the top of the mountain. So there must be some sort of transfer point at the top of the mountain, something that can transcend time and space, or space-time."

This is an assumption, but given what I knew and what I could infer, this was likely. There had to be some sort of special way to move. This world has magic, so even if there are transfer points, it's not surprising; actually it's expected. I doubt they took some sort of transportation like a UFO or flying saucer, because of the low quality metal weapons these monsters have.

I had paused for a moment, once again continuing my monologue, "Although I am not sure what their aims are, the orcs or otherwise, but we can be sure that they are our enemies. We have to presume that all of the buildings on this mountain have been occupied by monsters or orcs. Perhaps some adults or students have survived or are hiding. As for these individuals or other classmates that would call themselves comrades, I assume there is none left. I do not and will not trust others, they will probably want to rape you, take all your stuff, and I would say it would be considered lucky if they do not turn you into a slave. Now lets talk business."

I took out two different gems, one red and one blue, and explained, "All monsters drop these gems, and I noticed that while these two gems look similar, this blue one is worth more and came from a stronger enemy. I will help everyone to get started. If any of you are wondering why I would help you girls who are practically strangers, well now you have a point of reference to my allegiance. I will say a few simple things. I don't trust others, I will not betray, backstab, or leave last minute for something like money, but this money is the benefit I am after. In the future, if you want something I could summon it for gems. Consider that when you a higher level you can easily take out orcs. A single point of mana will allow me to summon many things as I get stronger. Keep in mind that every rank doubles the amount of things I can summon for each point of mana, and the time it takes to recover the same point of mana is cut every level instead of per rank. As you level up, the ease you gather gems will also go up. Let's say a single gem and I give you 80 ounces of raw chicken, 120 ounces of eggs or 160 ounces of cream or butter. Things like weapons and armor, I'll give out, because I see it as an investment. Luxury food items that are consumed are 100% to make yourself feel good. I can summon simple food items, water, milk, juice; but if you want wine or energy drinks or ice cream, then I want something."

I let that rant sit for everyone to think about for a bit. I open my mouth again, "Yesterday, the 10 orcs were easy, but that special orc was dangerous for us at the time. If we meet one again, me and Arisu would be able to take it out without issues, but what if there is a second one? I want everyone to become an asset to kill orcs. More people with a means for combat means we have a safety net for everyone's sake. For the greater good, we will get everyone to level 1, but I encourage everyone to try to get to level 2. You only need 1 kill to get to level 1 and 2 XP to get to level 2, 4 for level 3, 8 for level 4, and 16 XP for level 5. After you are level 1, you can join parties and share XP. If you have two level 1 people, it will take 4 kills to get 2 XP each to level up to level 2. I also think we should call that special orc an elite orc and can be identified with bronze colored skin. We will take turns killing orcs. Me and Arisu will protect everyone from moving in on you. I have those sticks with the Y-shape, called catchpoles, to keep an orc at bay. This is not completely compulsory, after level up to level 1, I will no longer force you to fight. But in our current situation, the difference in safety for level 0 and 1 is too big. If you do not want to fight on the front lines, please pick either spear master or a magic that you can use from afar. While I think fire magic is great to kill, but we don't want friendly-fire if you know what I mean, so I think taking earth magic would be fine. If you can decide now so we have a minimum of 1 of every type before we leave would be great. Also if you don't want to be in the front lines, do not take fire magic. I think a front liner should take it. So... Who is going to learn fire magic?"

Tamaki instantly rose her hand, "I am willing, I will be at the front, but uhm, I want to use a sword. If I had to pick a magic, I guess I could take water magic, but I will primarily use a sword."

Yukariko then starts talking, "Uhm, I am good with a bow and arrow, if I had to choose a magic I would pick wind magic, but I heard there is a detection skill. I am thinking to take that instead of magic. Can you summon me a bow and arrows Kazuhisa-dono?"

I nodded, "What type of bow am I summoning?"

She got in her serious mode, "It needs to be a compound pulley bow, with maybe 20 kg of draw weight with at least a 64 cm draw length. With compound pulley bows, you don't have to worry about not drawing the bow fully to maximize the draw weight."

I summoned a bow with the specs mentioned in mind while looking at Yakariko, but I thought it could be used by her when she has my support magic given it adds an extra 25% to her strength. She took the bow in her hands, "The bow feels good, but it has too much draw weight. Never mind, It's good now." I had casted the spell mighty arm on her, increasing her strength by 25%. She continued, "For arrows, Uhm, carbon not aluminum, the arrows need to 66 cm long and a spine size of 400 and the pointy end needs to weigh 150 grains."

I also summoned some arrows as she specified. I thought that while 10 arrows was a fine number, I summoned a second set. She fiddled with the arrows, drawing the bow and nodded her head that it was good. Uhm, I should have waited for her to say these arrows were good before I summoned that second batch as I did. The compound bow has a built in quiver to hold 4 arrows, the other 16 was placed on the table for now. She grabbed someone's coin with a floating lantern to go inside to look for something to use as a quiver. Later, I would find out she found an old styled quiver in the drama department.

I had 90% of this chapter already written from 3 months ago, I did some re-reading of the previous chapter to fill in the gaps and get a fresh perspective for my editing. I am still writing the next chapter right now, no promises that it will be posted any time soon though. This was a 7888 word chapter though, when the previous 9 chapters averaged 2.2k words each.

Skaviouzcreators' thoughts