
Operation Sword of Justice (Pt. 2)

The day was slowly getting dark as the sun setting on the horizon. Deep hidden in the Rock Valley near the river bank, was Wide Storm bandit hideout. The Hideout was an abandoned dragon cave, after their leader Mongadee Lopus establish the band they have made this mid size cave their home for 7 years. Over the time they gain prospers, from just empty cave they amass fortune and altered the surrounding to their at advantage, making them more hidden and strong from any attacks.

The cave entrance was fitted with steel bar and thick wooden gate, makeshift walls from wood surround the cave perimeter, guards tower with lookouts, from afar this place look impenetrable. As darkness finally covers the sky, the bandits start going around lighting the torch, Richie was one of the bandits that lighting up the torch on top of the wall, he start from the left end and slowly making his way to the middle where the gate was, a posted guards currently yawning while chugging a bottle of wine.

"Hey Bo!…Find anything?…". (Richie)

"Huh?..Richie~ my man…as usual man,…nothing…". (Bo)

Using his mace Bo scratches his itching back, his face already blushes as his speech slowly slurred.

"Hey what is tha....SPLASSHH!!!…". (Richie)

Out of nowhere, Richie who was looking out from the wall saw a flash of light down the road. Before he even managed to say anything, his head was blown off, with his hand still holding the torch and his body still standing, his upper jaw with his whole head were blown off by a spark of light. Bo, who still drunk puzzled by the sudden spurt of blood that splattered on his face.

"What the...!!!!….SSSPPLLLAATTT!!!..". (Bo)

Shocked with the sudden death of his friend, Bo who only able to snapped out from his drunks, grab Richie body as he tried to shouts towards the other guards, he saw something horrified. All 10 of the guards on the wall and on top the watch tower falls, all their heads were exploded by a spark of light, no sound, no trace out of nowhere his fellows friend was dead. Bob watches as one by one falls silently, before he realize that he was the only one left as he opened his mouth, he felt something went through his mouth. Not even a chance to ponder on what's going on, his existence was reduce to nothing.

As all the guards on top of the wall was killed, the silhouette of Maidens starts to appeared, emerged from nearby bushes and boulders 6 I.S.O.A soldier starts to move towards the wall. One by they starts to climb over the 5 feet wall with ease. Silently they took control of the wall and and the guard tower, and just as before they starts to pick their target inside the wall who still ignorant of what just happened and open fire at them.

In just 15 seconds, the inside of the wall was littered with 15 dead bandits bodies all of them were riddle with bullets. No one have a slightest idea what just killed them, Heckler-Koch HK-416A5 assault rifle that were fitted with suppressor works like wonder in this night darkness, each one of I.S.O.A soldier was equipped with this deathly weapon.

"Dragon one this is Scout A, The wall has fallen, you are clear to proceed..".(Captain Bertha)

"Roger that Scout A, Remained on the wall and stay vigilance, Scout D and E hold the back entrance… Scout B opened the gate…". (Major Colleen)

"Roger that, Over and out.....No.5, No.6 opened the gate..Dragoon one will arrived in a few seconds..hurry up!..". (Captain Bertha)

Without wasting any time, No.5 Layla and No.6 Linda rundown the wall and opened the 4 meter high wooden gate, just as the gate was fully opened a convoy of Van and 4 Lorries came in and parked inside the wall.

"Scout A and B stay up top!….General Bina beyond that door there's an intersections, left, right and middle…General Bina you go left, Major Colleen you go right, I will take middle…from this point, you are shoot to kill, if you see any captives save them if you can, but never compromise yourself for them!…..anything that resist you kill them, if you see the bounty target..incapacitate them avoid killing them if you can…That all, Everyone get ready!…..open that door..".

Opening the door, we were greeted with strong musty smell like an unwashed sock that were left for months. The interior was poorly light, which gave us more advantage as we all were wearing a night vision goggle. Bina took 3 soldier with her and break left, Colleen also took 3 and break right as for me I took 4 soldier with me and go straight.


"2 inbound 20 meter straight ahead...PPRRRRRPPRPRP!!".

Before I even finished talking 3 of the soldier in front of me open fire immediately, killing 2 bandits mercilessly. I can see these new soldier was too nervous and tense, as for the one next to me she to was no exceptions. As they were still in trance, I smack their helmets, causing them to snapped out and turned back at me.

"Calm down soldier, have you forgot what I teach you back in training?…Choose your target, communicate..look at that, not only you took 4 bullets to kill one man, you even missed 5…calm down, you have training remember that..with that powerful weapon in your hand and the training you gone through these guys were nothing….so stop messing around and focus..".

"SORRY SIR!!!..".

"Stop shouting, are you going to tell everyone that we're here??…shesh…you better grip yourselves, or I tell General Bina about this…eyes forward…".

Another smack lands on their helmets, I tried to ease their nerves by treating them lightly, and it works as they have become more focused and relax. We continues moving forward slowly clearing room by room as we headed for the largest clearing in this hideout cave.


Right Route. General Bina Team

"Hostile Down..Room Clear…". (Pvt 1st Class Andromeda)

Andromeda was the lead as she clears a room on the left side that has 3 bandits inside, all of the bandits were killed in a flash.

"HUP!!…HUUAARRFFGGG!!!…CRAAKKK!!!….Clear..". (General Bina)

Unlike her team mate, Bina who the toughest combatant in the team only used his bare hand to kill 2 bandits on her own. She stab the closes bandit to her, burying a machete in his neck, before she pummeled another bandit that jump towards her with barrage of fist, causing the bandits to wobble on his feet before smashing his head on a door frame, breaking his neck and caving in his skull.

".….Madam, You should try avoiding coming in contact with their bloods…who knows what disease this filth had…". (PVT 1st class Yose)

Pvt 1st class Yose who was a demi-human woman from Bunny race, was known to be a clean freak among the Maidens, seeing her General bashing in skulls like as squash made her frown her brows, not because of the killing but because of the blood splattering all over.

"Blah Blah…shut it clean freak, we're not in picnic to worried about germs or what not…we here to kill…so stop with that wet wipes of yours and start…BBAAANNGG!!…the Fuc!….". (General Bina)

Before she finishes her words, Yose suddenly open fires at her, the bullets flies off past her shoulder. Yose than casually point at her back, as she turned she saw a dead bandits on the ground with a hole on his forehead.

"See, we got guns…it's easy and clean, so use it…beside I'm not a clean freak!…I'm a civilized modern woman, see this nails?..look how beautiful it is, you should take care of your image Madam…be more womanly and feminine…you know~~".(pvt 1st Yose)

An annoying tones comes out, as Yose relentlessly schooled her General, it's true Yose probably has the most cheeky personality in the Maidens, but she is the best sharpshooter in the force.

"You!!!…".(General Bina)

"Madam, we got stairs leading downstairs…..madam..It's a dungeon….". (Pvt 1st Class Andromeda)

Andromeda who was the calmest among the teammate, tapped General Bina shoulder as she heard incoming transmission from a private who went forward. With serious tone she look at the two, who then turned dead serious, grabbing their rifles and moves forward in silence. Because they know, the words dungeon only meant one thing, captives.

"Madam, there's dozen of hostiles inside…and so is the captives…your order?..". (Private C2 Minamo)

Seeing her Superiors comes down from the stairs, Minamo who was hiding on the stairs removed her night visions and waiting for her generals order.

"Dragon One this is Right team, Captives discovered..awaiting permissions to engage….over".

(General Bina)


Left Route. Major Colleen Team.

"Right room Clear!..". (Pvt 1st class Layla)

"Left room Clear!…". (Pvt 1st class Linda)

"Incoming! Hostile 20 meter south!…PSSUUPPP!! PSSHUUPPP!!…Hostile down! South side clear!..". (Pvt Kimo)

"Find anything?…looking at the room locations, we were probably heading for their vault and arsenals..". (Major Colleen)

Different from General Bina team, Colleen team has only her as a superior and from the maidens. Making it easier for her to control her team mate, beside she was known in the department of defense as a straight arrow and a perfectionist, that's why no one dared to mess around when they were with her.

"I supposed so Madam, wait a second, let me scout forwards…....madam, we got a double door up front…". (Pvt 1st Class Linda)

Linda breaks away from the team and scout forwards as she finally stopped at a corner that turned sharp left 45 degree, as she poked her head to see what's on the route up ahead, she saw a large wooden double door fitted with iron padlocks with 4 guards in front guarding the door. she then reports on her comm, the rest of her teammate moves silently towards her and positions themselves, ready to take out the 4 guards in one go.

"Move…". (Major Colleen)

The 4 comes out from the corners and moves forwards stealthy with their rifles aims directly at the 4 guards, a red laser beams forwards and find themselves pointing on 4 different foreheads.

"Hey there's something on your…KKBBLLAASSHHH!!!..". (Brain less guards)

As the guards noticed a weird red light on his fellows foreheads he tried to comment on them, just as he pointed at them, a bullet comes through his right temple and comes out of his left along with his brains matter, painted the double door in red.


A similar sound echoes 3 times, and each times the same outcomes happened. 3 heads drilled with holes, as their bodies rolled on the ground, a few seconds later Colleen and her 3 mates appeared before the door.

"uurrghhh…PPSSHHUUPP!!….". (No head guards)

One of the guards groans as he was laying on the ground, Colleen squeeze her trigger once more, this time point blank, blasting open the bandit skull opened.

"Make sure your target dies before switching the safety off…next mistake, I gonna have your pay deduct Private Kimo…". (Major Colleen)

Colleen shot a fierce glance at Pvt Kimo,This made not only Pvt Kimo shuddered but her other team mates.

"Apologies, Madam….". (Pvt Kimo)

Pvt Kimo breaks a cold sweats as she can only apologize, hoping that it would quell her superior anger.

"Madam…No keys..the door was at least 10 inches thick, the padlocks was magically infused…".(Pvt 1st Linda)

After searching for through the guards pockets, Linda found no keys, she then inspect the door carefully and report her find to her Major.

"Hmmm….it's doesn't matter, look the hinges aren't covered, put the C4 on them…..". (Major Colleen)

"Yes, Maam..". (Pvt 1st Class Linda)

Along with Layla and Kimo, the trio set a sufficient amount of C4 on the door hinges and set the charges. After 1 minutes, they already ready and backed up to a safe distance, with their thumbs on the trigger ready to blast at any time. Linda turned to colleen waiting for order.

"Dragon one this is Left team, we found a vault doors…Charges are set, awaiting your orders..over.."


Middle route.

"All teams, on 3…you are clear to go….1..2..GO!!..".

As I received the report that all teams ready to break the stealth, me and my team already at the opening of the large clearings, it was a mess hall of this bandits and it was full of them.


An earth shattering sound echoes inside the caves shocking every bandits inside. The explosions sound not only comes from the Left route but also at the hidden entrance way outside the cave, simultaneously my team also throws flash bang into the mess hall, so is the Right team who already taken off their suppressor and going in to save the captives.

"Ladies…Give them HELL….".

"YES SIR!!!!".

Short but powerful replies bounced on the comms signalling all team to engage. Sound of firearms blasting and screams, echoes inside the cave, normally at any other days the cave only filled with laughter of drunken men and cries of women being raped, but this time the cave was filled with wails of deaths as the sound of guns cleansing the sinners.

Here you go, for Christmas....have a merry good Christmas you all.

P/s. I made an instagram account, jameslabelt02 look me out, my folks...heheheheheheh

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