
Operation Sword of Justice (Pt. 1)

After a week of collecting information's of the bandits, I recall the Intelligence team back to I.S.O.A. and after reviewing the intel, I surprise that they actually did a very good job, I guess letting them watch the Bourne movies and the spy documentary was right after all.

Right now all the Department of Defense were pack into the Main Hall at my Keep ground floor. I was also here listening to I.S.O.A very first military briefing, Bina was on the front carefully stating the information's regarding our operations.

"Our Target was number 15 on the list, Widely known as Wide storm band..made up of approximately of 30 crew..Their Leader was this man Mongadee Lopus, 43 years old, a deserter from Alemia Kingdom 2nd Knight platoon, extremely cruel and savage..Their M.O was raiding nearby village and capture the citizen there to be sold in slavery..they usually operates near the border of Alemia Kingdom an Our I.S.O.A…...Intelligence team managed to obtain their locations and narrow it down to 1 kilometer radius but we strongly suspect this Valey here…". (General Bina)

"How far was it from our Capital?..".

"10 Kilometer sir,…this is the closes threat to us, that's why I took them as our priority..". (General Bina)

"Good…allright General I take from here..".

"Thank you sir….ALL RISE!!!..".(General Bina)

Right as she step down from the platform, she turned and salute to me and order others to follow which they all did in a fashion order.

"At ease!…As you all know from General Bina and what the intelligence team has collected…we have trouble in front of us…you all have been trained for this, you were already strong enough to stand against this savages!…But probably, there's some of you were still questioning, why?..why should we do this?…..can't we just leave them to the other nation?..surely their army can handle them, beside they were even close to this bandits...Right?…".

As I said that, I can see some of the C2 soldier looks away and casting their heads down. As for the Maidens, this ladies wasn't even batting an eye all of them stood straight and firm, this Ladies would dives into a goddamn lava no questions asked should i asked them to.

"Do you think those big nations with lofty nobles would do this?…dealing with bandits?..NO THEY'RE NOT!..THEY NEVER GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THEM!!…Those bastard bandits, has KILLED, RAPED hundred if not thousand of innocent lives!!…YOU YOURSELVES KNEW HOW THAT FEELS!!…AND I AS A MAN! AS A PROUD SOLDIER OF AETERNUM WILL NOT STAND TO THAT!!…IF NO ONE WILL DO ANYTHING TO THEM THEN I WILL!!..".

Those who looks away snapped back in, clutching their fist, some of them who experience the terror of bandits can't help but gritting their teeth.


"SIR!! YES SIR!!!..".

All inside the Main Hall stood up and replied in one voice, so loud that the windows was vibrating from it.

"Good…As of now, I shall officially commence the OPERATION SWORD OF JUSTICE…I want all personnel to prep and ready in 2 hours, General Bina will provide the detailed information's for the ops!…then, Let the Cleanse Begin!!..".

All of them stood up once again and salute me as I walk out from the hall, I can see some look of reverend and worships as I passed. I suppose it can be help, I do sound like I was giving a speech to launch a crusade.

[You should tone down a bit Sir, Unless you want a devout Cult…]. (T.A.S)


I probably should, but to hell with that those bandit were vicious they need to be rid off, they will served as a holy water that baptise my soldier to a full pledge professional army. Such Vicious band need to be cleanse, and their bounty and treasure should be mine….So that I can improved the lively hood of my people.

[....….Sure you are sir,..I'm Sure you were doing this for your people…..]. (T.A.S)

10 Kilo meter east from I.S.O.A, Rock Valley.

"Stop…Bina I want everyone to prepare for fight, perform the last check…Colleen set the radios now…".

"Yes SIR!….Alright! Everyone get into your own squad!….MOVE!!". (General Bina)

Right now, it was 1635 pm it took us 4 hours to move from I.S.O.A to here, the Rock Valley. Just like it's name Rock Valley was full of stone boulders, but still it was a beautiful sight to see, the u shape valley separate the Alemia Mountains range on the right and Ghost Forest Mountains on the left, though the area was full of big boulders there was some vegetation's to it, forming a small patch of small forests here and there. We were currently on the Ghost forest Mountains side, as for the bandit hideout, it was about 300 meters from our locations, right on the Alemia Mountains beside a small river that separate the 2 mountain.

"Sir, it's done..". (General Bina)

"Okay!…huddle up!!…this is the locations of those bandits, right here…300 meters to our north east…right about…there, do you see that Big boulder near that river bed…that's where they are….I want Scout team to go in and confirm it, I want details!, how many guards, how many entrance!, I want it all…understood?!..".

As everyone surrounded me, I already drawn a simple map on the ground using a branch (I don't have any map on me, so I drew them based on my Mini map Skill). I point my branch towards the large boulder on the other side of the river that were visible from where we are.

"Yes Sir!!..". (Scout Team)

"Good Move out!!…".

The 2 Captains Bertha and Alouis along with 8 of their members moves out, all of them they broke into 2 pairs each and move into separate directions, before disappeared in to the valley. Today I've decided only to bring half of the defense department, so right now I only have General Bina, Major Colleen, Captain Bertha, Alouis and Anna, as well as 8 First private and 7 private. All of these soldier will taste the battle today, then next time it would be the other 20.

"Sir, Scout A, B, C, has found the base..Scout E and D, Has confirmed the base has only one hidden back entrance..". (Major Colleen)

"All scout keep observing, take notes of any movement..do not engage until I said so….".

"Yes sir…..Scout Team, this is Dragon One, Maintain positions and do not engage..I repeat do not engage, over..". (Major Colleen)

"Roger that Dragon one..".(Scout A)

These Ladies was good, in just 1 hour they already found the base and surround it, they even managed to find the only hidden entrance near the river banks 50 meters away from the actual base. Not only that they also master the comm, me who was standing on the side already felt my bloods boiling with excitement as I heard the radios going back and forth, it make me feels like I was back in the army ops.

"Sir, are you okay?..". (Major Colleen)

Colleen who was sitting in the van handling radios noticed me, who's currently cracking my knuckles.

"Huh?….oh I'm good, Alright!!…everyone! MOVE OUT!!"

4 lorry and 1van start moving once again, this time we going across the bridge to the other side of Alemia Mountains.