
traveling worlds with my best friend

dying to truck-kun Michael and Jake get transmigrated to the world of a game they played

0Klein_amon0 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

chapter 2

"Who the fuck are you?!" two handsome young man shouted while pointing fingers at each other

"Wait, Michael?"Said the guy with white hair and red eyes

"Jake? You changed so much since I last saw you" said the guy with black hair and black grayish eyes

"Quit joking why do you look like an emo kid? I thought you were past that age" said Jake while holding back his laughter

"I'm emo?! Look at yourself I mean seriously white hair and red eyes? Can you get any more edgier than that?" said Michael with visible annoyance on his face

 "Hey black hair and grey eyes are also edgy" shouted Jake

"Not as edgy as yours" shouted back Michael

With a grunt Jake muttered "whatever"

With a smug smile Michael celebrated his victory; it's rare for him to win an argument against his smartass friend who spends almost his whole day arguing with strangers on internet.

"Well now that we're done with everything it's time" said the man who was watching Jake and Michael from his seat with leisure

Standing up he went up to the two young man and opened up a bright yellow portal with red sparks around it

"The moment you step through this portal you will be brought to the world of Beacon of virtue I'll make sure that you won't end up in a dangerous place but near a populated one"

After hearing that both of us breathed a sigh of relief it could have been bad if we were teleported randomly into the seas high up in the air or below the earth, our second life would have ended quickly.

"You ready?" asked Jake

"Ready as I can ever be" I answered

After this we stepped into the portal,

It felt weird

 the up was down the left was down and right was left but it didn't stay like that and constantly changed I felt like throwing up, all around me colors constantly changed and in a matter of seconds we were transported to an open field full of greenery

but we couldn't appreciate the beauty of the nature

"blarghhh" I threw up everything that was in my stomach, Jake wasn't any better

"blarghhhhh" Jake threw up everything that was in his stomach and tried to vomit even more but there was nothing left for him to throw up so he was just gagging for a few minutes

"Ugh what the fuck?! I knew it would have been bad but I didn't expect it to be this bad" Jake grumbled while still feeling nauseous

"We're traveling to a different world I think the ride was as smooth as it could have been" I said still feeling that disgusting taste in my mouth while also feeling dizzy.

"I can't move I'm too tired" Jake said while lying down on the ground

"Same here, will we have to go through this every time we go to a different world?" I said while also laying down on grass

"That reminds me didn't he sent us here to spread his religion?" Jake said with a frown

"Yeah?"  I replied with a frown of my own

"How do we do that if we don't know anything about him?" Jake said while looking at me

"We should make some stuff up? I dunno" I answered

"Isn't that dangerous, making stuff up about gods?" Jake said

"Hey we got a lot of time so let's think about it later, first we should figure out where we are"   

"For once you said something smart" said Jake while looking at me

"Bruh I have always been smart" I replied to his insult

Jake looked at me with a smile and asked "Oh really? What's 2+2?"

"Four? Is this supposed to be difficult?" I asked while tilting my head to the side

"It's five you're dumb bro" Jake sighted while shaking his head in fake disappointment.

"How does 2+2 equal 5?! You're dumber than me" I shouted at Jake who just looked at me and said

"So you admit to being dumb" he said with a smug smile

"One day I'll rip that shit eating grin off your face" realizing what he did I stood up and started walking into a random direction

"Where are you going?" Jake asked me while still lying on the ground

"I dunno but I don't want be here when it's night and cold and DARK"I said without looking back

After a few seconds Jake also stood up and started catching up to me

"Huff huff I'm so tired" said Jake while panting  

   "Welp we were throwing up for a good ten minutes and traveled between worlds so I guess it makes sense" I said while looking at Jake

"Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth" I said trying to help my pitiful friend who almost never left home and argued with strangers on the internet

"haaa let's go" Jake said while still having difficulty breathing

Just as I was about to ask where to me and Jake fell down on the ground at the same time holding our heads and screaming in pain

After a while both of us passed out with white foam coming out of our mouth.


"Ugh what happened?" I said while holding my head in pain and looking around seeing myself in a cage that's in a cave with Jake lying next to me

"What the fuck?!" I shouted

Where the fuck am I?

What am I doing here?

Why am I here?

Did the group chat get leaked?

Is that why I'm here?

Oh wait I died how did I forget that?

Looking at Jake sleeping like a baby I smiled misechiviously

I approached him slowly so as to not wake him up and I screamed into his hear


"Aaaaah" Jake screamed out in horror

After a few seconds of being disoriented he looked at me with anger in his eyes

"You bitch I could have gone deaf" he shouted at me

This bitch dares?

 "Well you aren't deaf are you?" I said with a smile on my face

Jake ignored me and started looking around  the cave

"It's dark as fuck here" I said while looking around not seeing much but darkness

"What do you mean? It's not that dark" Jake said while still looking around

"What do you mean bro? I can't see shit" I asked Jake in confusion

What? Did this guy gain night vision or something? Wait I did force him to choose shadow manipulation because I thought it was cool but does it come with some small perks like night vision? It makes sense, I think.

After Jake finally finished sightseeing he looked at me and asked

"So why are we here? Why did we pass out?" he asked knowing full damn well I didn't have the answer to it

"I don't know I also just woke up"

"Useless" Jake said while sighting

"Excuse me?" I said feeling offended

"You're excused" Jake answered in a heartbeat

 "anyway I think us passing out has to do with our abilities activating as for why we're in a cave and in a cage somebody dragged us here while we were unconscious"  Jake said while standing up and dusting himself off

I also stood up and stretched feeling my whole body being sore and tired

"there are other people here trapped in the same cages" Jake said his eyes moving from place to place

"what should we do? This doesn't seem good" I asked Jake

I don't see a way out of this other than someone rescuing us or using our abilities to escape but we don't know how to use our abilities

"we escape duh, you and me don't know how to use our abilities and waiting for someone to rescue us is a stupid idea cause we don't know when they will rescue us and by that time we would have probably died so we should think of a plan" 

it makes sense but what should we do? what can we do?we can't do much.

"so what plan are you thinking about?" I asked Jake who was deep in thought

"shut up I'm thinking" Jake said while looking around looking for something that would help us to escape but after a minute of looking around he just sighted and sat back down.

I also sat back down with him and asked "can't think of anything?" 

"nope unless we learn how to use our abilities or someone saves us I don't see much we can do even if we somehow get out of this cage there are probably people waiting for us outside"