
Traveling Worlds in the Cosmic Multiverse

Death isn't the end to everyone's story. This is especially true for Luca and his second life is crazier than he ever could have imagined it would be. Follow a young man as he finds his place in the cosmic multiverse and figure out his true purpose.

QuantumMetro · Andere
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20 Chs

New School and A Divergence of Fate

Waking up somewhat early, Luca climbed out of bed and went downstairs to eat something for breakfast.

Noticing his mother wasn't up, Luca grabbed a bowl, some milk and cereal for a simple meal. He also made some coffee, so his mother wouldn't need to go out of her way.

Sitting at the dining room table by himself with a bowl of cereal, Luca enjoyed the moment of peace and quiet. He enjoyed the chaos of his new life, and he also enjoyed the quiet moments he could experience.

Hearing his mother's shoes hit each step, Luca watched her walk through the door and into the dining room.

"Hey Sweetie…" She said while heading over to the coffee thinking she would need to make some, only to see it was already ready for her.

"Aww thank you…" Making her coffee and walking over to Luca, she gave him a kiss on the head and sat down next to him.

"Ready for the tour…" She asked with a smile on her barely awake face.

"Well not yet…need to change and take a shower…" He replied.

"You know what I meant…anyways are you going to try and make friends, when the year starts…" Dakota asked while remembering how Luca slowly lost contact with most of his friends after the whole world traveling situation started.

He was so set on being ready, that he didn't have enough time for them which caused small rifts to form between all of them.

"Maybe…depends on if they're worth it…" Luca wasn't really in the mood for talking about friends and his mother could tell, so she dropped the topic.


Stepping out of the SUV with his parents, Luca looked up at the building where he'd be spending the next 3 years of his school life.

Heading towards the entrance his family was all smiles at how nice the outside of the building looked.

"It's pretty nice…" Dakota shortly said while being as critical as she could in her head about the school where her son would be going.

"Yeah…" Luca said while walking up the stairs and opening the door up for his parents.

Going inside, they looked for the person who would be guiding them on the tour of the school.

Standing by a door that read 'office' was a younger looking woman who seemed to be waiting for them as she smiled when she saw the family.

Walking over to them, she continued to smile, and Luca could tell she wasn't going to be an annoying person to deal with.

"Hi, I'm Rose Evans, you must be the Ramsey's…" She said while smiling and sticking her hand out.

"Dakota…" Luca's mom said, sticking her hand out and shaking the woman's hand.

"Jenson..." He did the same thing as Dakota.

"And you must be Luca…" Smiling at the woman he took her hand and shook it.

"Do you need to use the bathroom or anything before we start the tour?" Rose asked and Luca and his parents replied that they were fine.

Starting the tour, they walked through the building and were shown the different classrooms. The main part of the tour was showing Luca where his classrooms would be and giving a brief overview about what each class was like.

Luca could easily pass them, so he wasn't worried about it, however he did need to see the building, so he could plan the best way to go about his day.


Finishing the tour, they headed into the office and over to where the principal was, so they could talk for a minute.

Opening the door, Rose let them into the principal's office which had the name tag by the door which read John Weller.

Glancing at the middle-aged man sitting in the chair, Luca wanted to make a decent impression, so he wouldn't have to deal with any scrutiny. If he showed too much aptitude, he would be watched over and too little would also do the same.

The man stood up and walked over shaking his and his parent's hands, then motioned for them to sit down.

He opened up a book and started to look through some papers that Luca couldn't see from where he was sitting.

"Your grades are pretty good Luca, though it does say that teachers felt you could've tried more in your studies, and you frequently were distracted by hobbies…"

"I did everything they required and had extra time, so I did my own thing…some of them just didn't like that…"

"Did they ever consider placing you in a higher level of class, so you used all of your class time?" John asked out of curiosity.

"Yeah, but I want to experience school in its entirety instead of jumping ahead, so I denied whatever was asked of me." Luca said simply and the man nodded at him.

"I can understand that…so is that what you want here as well…to surf under the radar and experience the boring parts that this school has to offer…" Luca was confused on why it seemed like the principal was insulting the school.

"I don't like attention…especially when it involves people I don't know and who could have bad intentions…like bullies...my family knows I'm excellent and that's okay with me…" Luca knew nobody could truly hurt him in anyway at the school, however he didn't feel like dealing with the issue in the first place.

"That's some pretty good reasoning and I understand the sentiment," John said; however, Luca could feel that there was more to it.

"Have you ever thought about abstaining on playing sports and instead focus on your academics…you're gifted at sports, but I can't help but think you'd be amazing in class if you didn't have so many distractions…"

"Is it alright if I make one thing clear Mr. Weller…my grades aren't the way they are because of sports…it's because I make them the way they are…I like what they are, and I want to keep them the way they are…I wasn't making any excuses...I don't make them, so you don't need to worry..." The principal seemed both unsure and also surprised that Luca would say something like he did.

"So, you're saying that you intentionally keep your grades at the level they're at…even when they could be better..." He asked like it was the biggest secret in the world.

"Yep…I don't want to be moved into higher classes, but I also don't want to seem like an idiot, so I keep them in a happy medium that keeps my family and I happy…"

"Interesting…so higher academics don't interest you in the slightest?" John asked, trying to get an even better feel of Luca's character.

"No…I love learning complicated subjects, I just don't want them for school…normalcy is something I need when I come to school especially when I know I'm more advanced than people my age…" Luca wasn't trying to brag, but simply state the truth of the matter.

"Hmm…I have some things to think about…you are a really unique individual Luca, so I hope to see you more…" hearing what the principal said, Luca wanted to panic and run, but couldn't so he was trapped with the realization that he wasn't going to be able to stay under the radar.

'Shit, I spoke too much...'

The conversation ended pretty quick, and Luca and his family left the building with all of the schedules and maps Luca would need for his first day.


"We're back…" Jenson yelled out while opening the door to the house and stepping inside with Dakota and Luca behind him.

Johanna was the first to come over and she asked about how everything went on the tour.

Replying that everything was great, Johanna brought them into the kitchen where lunch was waiting for the family.

Sitting down in front of the meal, Luca, his parents and Johanna waited for Damien who would be down in a second.

The sound of muffled footsteps came from the stairs and only a few seconds later, the last family member appeared.

Damien walked into the room and was about to sit down, when time went still all of a sudden and Luca, who wasn't frozen, jumped from his chair in worry.

'It's not time…' Luca thought for only a second, then was dragged out by a certain being's voice.

"I'm sorry for this interruption Luca, but what I'm about to tell you is extremely important and you need to take this seriously."

God who appeared, looked down at Luca who was staring at it with confusion and weariness in his heart.

"What is it?" Luca steeled his nerves for whatever news was about to be given since God wouldn't show up for nothing.

"Fate has diverged in a reality, and you need to go there now and correct what was altered…the implications if fate is not corrected is monumental…each world's fate is specific and if somehow altered in a way it's not meant to be, the reality slowly collapses on itself...I'm not able to interfere…I need you…that world needs you…"

Hearing what the being was saying, Luca didn't understand why he was being asked to go when it wasn't his time. He wasn't required to go, but he also didn't know if he could face his parents knowing he could have stopped the end of a reality.

"I understand your weariness, but there isn't much time…your mom will forgive you by the way…" Nodding his head, Luca made the split-second decision to be a decent person and help the world.

"You will be sent to the world and fix the issue that has occurred…that is all you can do…no other changes can be made…fate is fragile, and it is breaking…divergence can't exist or else that reality will fall…life will cease to exist…universe gone…" Hearing how dire the situation was, Luca couldn't believe that it was being left to him.

'Why me…why me…' Luca yelled in his head, since the situation was incredibly hard to wrap his mind around.

"I can't explain that right now…but you'll understand one day…this won't be for nothing either…you'll receive a reward from the multiverse for your service…"

A reward didn't do much for Luca, but when thinking about how a reality could collapse if he wasn't careful terrified him.

"The world you will be going to is the story of The Tomorrow War, the people from that future aren't meant to come to that past and in doing so, they caused the collapse after spending enough time there…send them back to their timeline and rid the alien threat before it ever becomes a problem…time travelers are annoying and I don't want to have to ask for your help unannounced again."

Hearing this, Luca remembered the movie and realized a critical point that made him uncertain.

"They just want to survive though...going to the past was the only way they could think of…sending them back is a death sentence..." Luca questioned the being.

"You won't understand it right now Luca…but they will survive…" God said cryptically to Luca, which didn't help calm him, but did help his resolve to do what was necessary.

"You need to go now…" Steeling his resolve to do this act that would save a world while possibly dooming another, Luca nodded his head at the being.

Equipping his suit ready for what would come, Luca watched as God raised his hand and made Luca shift dimensions into the one, he would be saving.