
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime und Comics
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59 Chs

Upping the Stakes

Raheem had just laid down in his bed after practicing. He got a text from Stiles.

<Scott needs help training, anyway we can speed it up?>

Raheem sighed and got up from his bed and got dressed. He was wearing all black from head to toe.

"Where are you going so late?" Tatiana looked at the clock and it was 12:00am. "I'm going to try track the alpha down." Raheem didn't wait for her response and left. She went to the fridge and took a beer out. "Did you tell him about the hunters?" "Nope. He left and didn't give me a chance to talk." Frank didn't say anything else and went to meditate.

Raheem left his helmet in the house and started his bike. He was trying to smell any animal scents that seemed to be a combination of animal and human. He was driving around when he got a whiff of something. He increased his speed and stopped a block away. He took his pistols out and focused on the scent.

He saw a car with a lady sitting in it. He looked around and was waiting.


Raheem hurried and shifted his weight, he was preparing to jump and tackle the alpha. The alpha lept and attacked the roof of the ladies car. Raheem was ready to jump in and save the woman, but instead went deeper inside the shadows.


The woman had a shotgun in her hand and fired at the alpha. It ran away from her.

"Come on out! You big son of a bitch!"


She fired again in the air. Raheem was glad he listened to his gut instincts. She walked to the back of her car and pulled out a rifle. Raheem lowered his pressure as low as possible and zeroed in on the bullets she was loading. 'Those are extremely poisoness to hybrids.'

The woman tracked down the alpha. Raheem climbed onto the roof to get a better vantage point. He smelled the alpha and someone else. He looked for the other person's scent and saw Derek chasing the alpha.


The woman shot him and he went down. Raheem spotted Scott around the corner looking at him. Raheem watched as Derek got up and ran off. He threw a rock at Scott.

Scott looked up and saw Raheem on a roof top. 'What is he doing here?' I saw him waving at me to leave. I looked back at Alison's dad and then him and nodded.

Raheem saw Scott sneak away safely. He listened to what they were talking about.

"Kate, put away the rifle already before you draw attention would you." "Oh big brother Chris always listening to the rules." "They are rules for a reason Kate." Kate was going to respond to him, but an obnoxious horn was blown.

Raheem laid down flat on the roof. He saw a man in overalls get out of the pick up truck along with four others. "Chris Argent, it's been too long son." The man shook his hand. "Mr. Hidler what are you doing here." "Well, I reckoned I would help hunt down the killer alpha, my family and yours have worked in the past you know."

Raheem frowned, he didn't like what this signified. He already had one hunters family to worry about, but now one more showed up. He thought back to his lessons.

"Now, Raheem there aren't too many hunters families around, granted there are hunters but not many are generational. Argents, Hildlers, Jones, and there's a family down in Mexico."

"Argents are originally from France and Europe. Hidlers are from the States. Jones was also in the states, but they had a falling out with the Hidlers and lost. Jones fought for the North and Hidlers for the South in the Civil War. The Jones now hunt in South America and Canada mostly. The ones in Mexico rarely leave, so there's nothing to worry about from them."

Raheem climbed down from the building and went to his bike. He put it in neutral and rolled it away. Once he was far enough he hopped on and went home. He was almost there when Derek ran out in front of him.


Raheem hit his brakes hard as he could. The back end raised up in the air as a result, he shifted his body weight and just barely stopped in time.


Derek was breathing heavy and was getting paler by the second. "Help me out this one time." "Why would I do that?" Raheem didn't mind Derek dying, that would mean one less problem for him to deal with.

"I don't know what you are, b-but you are different." Raheem sighed. "You know you owe me for this." He got off the bike and grabbed some rope. "What the do you think you doing?" Derek got defensive and his eyes started glowing.

"Listen dumbass, if I wanted to kidnapp you I already would have by now, besides you wouldn't be able to stop me. The rope is so your sick ass doesn't fall off." He sat back on the bike and handed the rope to Derek.

He didn't move forwards. "Dipshit if you hadn't realized yet, you are bleeding and there are hunters maybe three miles away. He sighed, I will leave your ass right here and now. Make your choice." 'Mom you taught me to always help others if I could, but sometimes it's tough following your teachings.'

Derek climbed on and tied himself to Raheem. "Go." Raheem took off and changed directions a few times to make sure the hunters couldn't follow them. He took him back to his place.

Derek was groggy and weak. Raheem untied him and he fell off and onto the ground. "You did that on purpose didn't you." Raheem confirmed nor denied him. He picked him up and dragged him to the greenhouse. "Wait it's not an ordinary bullet, y-you need to get another one and bring it to me."

Raheem ignored him and dumped him outside the greenhouse. He went inside and grabbed a few stalks of fortism and one blodd. The blodd is a flower used to cleanse the body and helps in creating new blood cells. He put them in a bowl and grinded them up. He added water and a pinch of heavenly dirt.

He came back out and saw Derek standing and leaning against the side of the greenhouse. "I left you on the ground for a reason." Derek ignored him and eyed the bowl. Raheem was getting frustrated at him. He kicked his feet from under him.

Before he could talk, Raheem pinned him down and made him drown half of the mixture. Derek coughed and pushed Raheem off of him. "What the hell did you force me to drink!?." "Oh shut up and put the other half on the gunshot hole." He placed the bowl on the ground and walked away.

Derek wanted to question him some more, but felt himself healing and getting better. He looked at his arm and saw the poison being pushed out. All of it was pushed out, but blood was still coming out. He hobbled over to the bowl and smelled it. 'Fuck! How can this smell good but taste like shit.' He applied it to the wound and immediately felt relief. He looked at the greenhouse and before he could complete the idea that had popped inside his head.


Raheem held a gun to the back of his head. "I just saved your ass, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you. I suggest you leave and don't get any new ideas." "How did you-." "Don't worry about how I snuck up on you, just know I can do it anytime I want and any where." Raheem put his gun down and watched as he walked away.