
Traveling with a Beast System

We all know or have heard about people who can easily gain an animals trust. It is a fact that animals have superior senses compared to humans, meaning they can sense even the slightest bit of danger and escape. There was one human who was seemingly loved by nature and its children. It didn't matter how big or small the animal was, they would care for it and learn about them. They bought entire forrests just so the animals would have a home! They didn't do these things because they were told too, but out of pure passion and love. The MC being one the people who seemed to have a connection to animals like their role model followed in their footsteps. PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT OWN ANY CHARACTERS BESIDES MY OWN! ANY AND ALL NAMES AND PLACES MENTIONED ARE USED IN A FICTIOUS MANNER AND SHOULD BE READ AS FICTIOUS. Stingrays are EVIL!! (If you all havent guessed who inspired this fanfiction yet then go do your research! P.S: Read the Auxillary chapters please!

HNIC409 · Anime und Comics
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59 Chs

New Players

Raheem went back into his room and immediately went to bed. He was tired physically and mentally, mostly mentally. Everything was changing so fast, he had a lot on his shoulders.

He walked downstairs and sat down at the table. Tatiana was eating and Frank was reading the newspaper. He looked at them both and sighed.

"Listen, I plan on focusing on the tasks and completing them one by one, so that we can move on to the next world. Give me at least two years, that's all I'm asking for, I want to experience some form of life with friends and people I care about." Frank nodded and Tatiana sipped on her wine with out speaking.

Raheem looked at her and waited for her to say something. "Raheem you are not at fault here, I am. I forgot you were recently a child who lost everything he has ever known and cared for, now you are walking a path to gain untold power and responsibility. I, have failed you in being your advisor and as your teacher, your physical strength is equally important as your mental health."

Raheem tried his best to hold back tears. Frank placed a hand on his head. "It's my understanding that your father taught you not to cry, but on the contrary it proves you have the strength that is needed to survive. Never forget that."

The tears finally fell down his cheeks. Tatiana stood up and left the room. Frank held him and let him scream and cry out all of his burdens. Tatiana stood in the kitchen with her hands wrapped around her stomach. She heard the front door open and close.

She saw Frank walk into the kitchen. "Come here little one." He had his arms wide opened for a hug. Tatiana walked over and gently hugged him and relaxed in his arms. "Why are you letting me hug you like this? We are enemies." Frank chuckled. "You may be an amazing strategist and teacher down below, but right now you are nothing but a small girl who needs a hug." She stomped on his foot, but didn't let him go.

She desperately missed her son and daughter, let alone the one man who made her feel complete. "If you ever spread this amongst the realms I will come up with a strategy that will take everything from you." Frank increased the strength of the hug. "Little devil if I so much as catch wind of one of your schemes I will kill you and send you to your family." He smiled and let her go. He went back to his room to meditate.

Tatiana was only seven million years old, so to Frank she truly was a child. She chuckled and whispered. "Lady Hellexia I thank you again for everything you have done." She felt full of energy and strength. She bowed and said her thanks once again.

Raheem felt as if a life line was thrown in the water, and he finally grabbed it and was pulled up to the surface. He was on his way to pick up Sasha from her house. She texted him, while he was getting ready and asked for a ride.

He reached her house just in time to see her dad getting ready to leave. He parked on side of the road and got off his bike.

"Good morning Mr. Rivers, I'm Raheem." Raheem put his hands out for a handshake. Blake was 6'0 feet even and was somewhat in shape.

He shook his hand and looked him in the eye. "Raheem, it's nice to meet you young man. My wife Nikki has told me a lot about you." He let his hand go.

"Haha, I hope all good things." Raheem felt protective and defensive with tinge of disapproval from him. "I hope there isn't anything bad I should know about." Blake smiled and opened the car door. Raheem laughed and smiled. "Oh no sir, well if you consider me riding a motorcycle bad then that's about it." Blake chuckled and shook his hand again.

"I'm going to be perfectly honest with you son, at first I wasn't keen on you dating my daughter and frankly I'm still not. I can tell that you have a good head on your shoulders and are responsible enough, but I want you to understand that Sasha is going to be graduating and leaving for college soon."

"Yes sir, I realize that as well, but-." "No, what I'm trying to say is, that whatever you think you have with her isn't going to last, I'd rather sleep on the couch and have Sasha mad at me for a few months than let you believe that something is going to happen between you two."

He let his hand go and got in the car. Raheem moved to the side and let him pass. Raheem was pissed. He could feel his claws rip through his gloves he had on. He heard a door and saw Sasha running with her helmet.

Raheem's mind slowed down the image of her running. She stood 5'9, brunette hair like her mother, filled out in every spot that could be filled, and her beautiful smile. "Hey!"

She jumped and kissed him. "I saw you and my dad talking just now, he didn't say anything insensitive did he?" Raheem smirked. "Oh him no way, how could he when I'm the best boyfriend you have had." Sasha laughed and hopped on the bike.

"HEY!" Raheem saw Samantha at the door waving at him. "I wanna go for a ride one day." She was immediately shot down by Nikki. Raheem revved the bike, it was loud and made Samantha envious of Sasha.

She watched as they drove off in the distance. 'That settles it. My boyfriend has to ride a motorcycle.' They reached the school soon after that.

"Hey what am I supposed to do with my helmet?" "You can keep it in you locker or you can give it to me." "I will keep it, would be cool if customized it though? I love the color black and everything, but a splash of color won't hurt." "You can, or if you want you can either look for matching ones or paint mines too."

She squealed and hugged him. "Quick give me your helmet." Raheem handed it to her and before he could give her a kiss she took off. He loved and admired her love for all kinds of art, it wasn't just her hobby but her passion as well.

Raheem walked towards the building and saw a crowd circling some people. "Scott! A little bit of help would be nice." He sighed and ran towards them, there was only one person would yell for Scott. He pushed his way through to the front. Stiles was being pushed by two muscular dudes.

They were both well past 6'5 , almost reaching 7'0. He stepped in and grabbed Stiles. "Hey would you look at that Bigfoot and his wife came out of the woods." The two turned towards him. "Nice, I got your attention now. Listen whatever he said to earn you beating him up is probably true."

"Hey! I thought you was on my side." "Shut up Stiles." Raheem turned at him and one of the boys lunged at him. Raheem deflected his punch and flipped him out of reflex. He looked at the other one. "Sorry that was a reflex, now I'm sure we can talk about this." He got a punch in return.

Blood came out of his nose. 'You little shit! You are lucky I softened my skin just now.' Raheem's skin is naturally tougher than regular werewolves let alone humans.

Raheem took a stance and got ready to end him. "Ohhh, I'm so scared you know Kung fu." The guy stood on one foot. "Shing Chong la la long." He laughed at Raheem and made fun of not only the stance but the very culture of it. This just fueled his anger even more.

He moved with precision and lethality. He through a feint right hook. The boy put his guard up and was instead hit with a palm to the chin. His head snapped up and he stumbled. Raheem ran jumped, and twisted in mid air and delivered a side kick to his face. The other boy got up and charged at him.

He calmy stepped aside tripped him. The boy got back up and kicked at his side. Raheem caught his leg and turned into him. This allowed him to elbow him in his sternum. He swept his leg and fell on top of him. He was seeing red. Scott had finally showed up and saw what was happening.

He rushed Raheem and pulled him off of him.

"Raheem! Raheem! Stop! He's down." Raheem stopped resisting and calmed down, he was breathing heavily. "I'm calm, I'm calm let me go Scott." The crowd was silent as he got up. He felt fear and awe from his display. He looked around and felt only three sources of positive emotions. Two from Scott and Stiles, they were worried about him. One was coming from far away and was running to him. He focused on the last one the most.

Sasha broke through the crowd and hugged him. She patted him down and was looking at his nose. Raheem was smiling and enjoying the treatment he was getting from her. "Hey, wipe that stupid grin from your face. Do you realize how much trouble you are in?" Raheem didn't care.


"Ok people break it up get to class you savages. Not you Judas, you are going directly to suspension if not jail for the damages you caused these boys." "Coach he was only defending me." "Oh! I should have known you was involved Stillinsky, you and McCall can come too."